Wooing my Bodyguard Wife

Chapter 168 Coming Back Home (Pt 1)

"Best to get that looked at then," Jingwei said with amusement in his eyes. "Can't have you dying of rabies before our wedding."

"Wedding? Sun Jingwei, you can't be serious!" Zhou Yu yelled, trying to glare at him from her awkward position. "You are in love with me!"

"Were," Jingwei corrected firmly, his fingers intertwining with Xue Ning's own. He gave Zhou Yu a disdainful look before pressing a gentle kiss on Xue Ning's fingers.

"I was in love with you, but then you decided to cheat on me during our engagement party by fucking a waiter in the restroom. Surely you don't think that I'm someone so pathetic that I'll keep waiting for you to come back right?"

Xue Ning's mouth dropped open at his words, and she wasn't the only one. This was new information!

"Wait really?" Xue Ning asked disbelievingly. "This woman cheated on you? Why? How?"

She couldn't believe there was a person that would willingly do something so despicable to Jingwei. Oh, she can understand someone not liking him (that was her in the past), or possibly falling out of love with him - in that case, the right course of action would be to break up and find someone new.

Cheating on him…. She couldn't phantom it at all.

"Possibly because she liked someone else," Jingwei said, shrugging.

"How could I not!" Zhou Yu interrupted rudely. "You were wholly useless in the past! A rampant skirt-chaser party boy with no redeeming factors! I deserved better!"

"Guilty as charged," Jingwei said, nodding agreeably. "I was a useless person before."

"That doesn't make it right," Xue Ning argued, furious, and both of them turned to look at her. "If you thought he was the most useless man in the world, then you should have broken up with him! Why are you blaming him for your decisions?"

"This is our domestic dispute! Outsiders shouldn't interfere!" Zhou Yu spat out maliciously. "Don't pretend to be a righteous person in front of me! Everyone cheats!"

"I didn't hit your head but you're already spewing nonsense," Xue Ning retorted. "So what if everyone cheats on their partner? That doesn't make it right!"

The crowd murmured in agreement.

Jingwei's heart ached sweetly. Xue Ning was really too good for his world. Zhou Yu wasn't lying when she said that everyone cheated - if anyone asked Jingwei, he could immediately give them at least 10 names of acquaintances he knew were having affairs.

Such was the lifestyle they've all gotten used to, especially in a world where arranged marriages were still common and marriage was for profit, not love.

Jingwei's idealism when it came to marriage, and his belief that his partner would be his future soulmate was an exception that had gotten him weird looks more than once from his pragmatic schoolmates. It was definitely not the norm!

Zhou Yu laughed condescendingly. "You say this, because you can't even cheat if you want to! You don't have enough people that are interested in you for that!"

"Why would I need more people to be interested in me?" Xue Ning retorted blankly, gesturing to Jingwei with her thumb. "My husband is right here?"

Husband! Xue Ning called her his husband! The world was beautiful again, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the sky never had such a beautiful blue colour. Jingwei could have burst into song, but then he'd probably be mistaken as a nutcase and institutionalised.

Hence he settled for giving Xue Ning a lovesick look.

Zhou Yu pretended to retch.

"More importantly, can you move your car?" Xue Ning continued.

"Yah, Sun Jingwei, are you going to let her talk to me like that?" Zhou Yu screamed, completely ignoring Xue Ning's words. "This slut daughter of noodle stall owners who seduced - "

"Do. Not. Insult. My. Wife." Jingwei growled out warningly, his good humour from Xue Ning's words going down the drain immediately. He pulled Xue Ning behind him as though he could shield her from her words. It was a nice gesture, even though it was unnecessary. He didn't know that Xue Ning already ripped her a new asshole.

"So what if I do?" Zhou Yu said, smirking even as half her face was squashed by her own car. "What can you do to me? Don't forget who my father is!"

"You - " Jingwei started, moving forward as though he wanted to personally settle scores, but even he knew there was a limit to what he could do to Zhou Yu. She was annoying, but she had a point - her father was powerful, and now with his own father out of commission, he didn't want to make things more difficult for Tianwei.

But he couldn't let her insult Xue Ning like this either! Before he could think of a response, Xue Ning chimed in.

"Your poor father, imagine being treated like toilet paper even at his old age."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Zhou Yu spluttered. Jingwei was equally confused.

"Well, aren't you using him to wipe your shit? I'm just calling it as I see it."

Xue Ning shrugged and pulled Jingwei back, continuing placidly.

"And you can call me whatever names you want, but in the end, you're just insulting yourself. If I'm a slut daughter from noodle stall owner parents, you are the heiress that lost to a slut from noodle stall owners. Which one of us do you think is more pathetic?"

"I haven't lost!" Zhou Yu protested, her face red with humiliation. Now tears were forming for real in her eyes.

"Well, you sure aren't winning," Xue Ning pointed out sympathetically, looking over her pathetic form and the way the crowd was heartlessly gossiping about her scandals while she was right in front of them. They didn't even respect her enough to wait until they were behind closed doors!

"And for someone of your status, that would be as good as losing."

Zhou Yu could only fall silent, her lip pressed into a wobbling line as she blinked furiously. Wei Yan sensed that she had stopped struggling and loosened his hold.

"Just go home, Zhou Yu." Jingwei said tiredly. "There's nothing for you here. You killed whatever we could have had with your own hands. I have moved on, and so should you."

"You… you…" Zhou Yu burst into angry tears. "Fine! Be that way! Just you wait - you're going to crawl back to me sooner or later! I swear it!"

With that grim statement, Zhou Yu entered her car and slammed the door shut, her engine revving loudly as she finally turned and pulled away.

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