World of Experts

Chapter 85: Ten Hours

Chapter 85: Ten Hours

Shi Haos eyes were filled with confidence as he shouted: Sea Manager, you know that Im a player. I can go offline at any time. If you play around like this again, then I will leave and you can slowly enjoy your loneliness here.

The key point that was grasped by Shi Hao was Sea Managers mentality. Shi Hao understood that he wouldnt be able to answer the questions of Sea Manager correctly.

Because those questions were open questions. No matter how you answer them, as long as it was reasonable, it should be considered correct. But although the text-book answers given by Shi Hao were clearly reasonable, Sea Manager deemed that he was wrong! This was certainly intriguing. Thinking about it, the first time might barely be considered a relatively fair statement, but the second time was definitely intentional!

In fact, Shi Hao had gotten the crucial information from the second answer of Sea Manager. Thinking about it, sandbox? A sandbox was a very flexible thing. It could have however many sides one wanted. Moreover, one could even break it. There was no distinction of even inside and outside. What did this mean?

This meant that even if you answer that there was no side, Sea Manager could say that you were wrong. And when you answer that there was just one side, Sea Manager could say that you were correct. Didnt that mean that the right or wrong would depend on Sea Managers mood? This was definitely not a test that a system should set. Moreover, Sea Manager had just asked questions. He never said that these questions were the test for rewards! Needless to say, this was purely making fun of Shi Hao.

So, why did Sea Manager intentionally tease Shi Hao so much? Shi Hao judged that since he was the first person to arrive here, Sea Manager who had been suffering from loneliness was passing time with Shi Hao. Would he let the other party pass time with him? Shi Hao naturally wouldnt let it.

And this time, Sea Manager whose mind was already seen through by Shi Hao panicked a little. If Shi Hao truly went offline, he would truly be lonely again.

Alas, young man, dont be impulsive. If you have a problem, then we can discuss it slowly Sea Manager tried to tempt Shi Hao, boasting about Poseidons treasury. He intended to make Shi Hao continue to play with him. Unfortunately, Shi Hao didnt have spare time and also wasnt in that mood.

At this moment, one should be tough and make the other party misjudge ones bottom line. One shouldnt be ambiguous. It would only give the other party a chance to see ones true bottom line.

Therefore, Shi Hao pretended to be unyielding and said: I will count to three, tell me the real test, and dont talk nonsense! Otherwise, I will go offline and leave.

In fact, Shi Hao wouldnt dare to leave >. Even if he left now, he would still be in the hands of Sea Manager when he returned unless he abandoned this account. But would he abandon this account? Without this account, his relation with Su Xiao would completely fall apart. Fortunately, Sea Manager didnt know these matters of the real world.

At this moment, Sea Manager hesitated. Sea Manager just knew that these people who came to play > had high expectations. This game was very attractive to them. If Shi Hao left, completely falling out with him, then wouldnt that mean that he was abandoning this game? Would Shi Hao actually dare or not? As long as this bottom line was figured out, Sea Manager wouldnt be afraid of Shi Haos threat.

However, Sea Managers hesitation gave Shi Hao a chance! As said before, at this moment, one should be unyielding. Whoever was shaken first would be forced to lower their bottom line. The fact was also like this. No matter when and where, while negotiating, both sides would have a bottom line. As long as both sides benefits were above the bottom line, they would reach the basic agreement. But generally speaking, both sides would continue to probe the others bottom line many times and force the other party to make a concession.

 In such a moment, whoever could see the opponents bottom line first and not reveal ones own bottom line, then that person would win! And Shi Hao was obviously the first person to see through the bottom line of Sea Manager among them.

Therefore, Shi Hao won! At the last second of the countdown, Sea Manager surrendered.

Sea Manager honestly said: In fact, the real test is a defense mission! I will teleport you to a small room. There will be a stronghold. In that stronghold, you can buy soldiers and heroes. And your mission is to successfully defend the stronghold for 10 hours. Naturally, you can also act as a soldier or a hero to participate in the defense. Just a reminder for you, the combat power of the attacking and defending soldiers is based on level 100 monsters. If you dare to participate, even if you die, you will be resurrected here. You can rest assured. You cannot escape from here. By the way, there are several difficulty levels you can choose for this mission. They are normal (100%), hard (120%), nightmare (150%), hell (170%), and heaven (200%). The higher the difficulty level, the better the attackers stats. For example, in normal difficulty, the attackers stats are 100% of defenders stats. Its very easy to pass. However, the reward for the low difficulty is also of very low value. You can figure out other things by yourself.

Shi Hao thought for a while and take a look at his own condition to determine which difficulty level to choose. One should know that his Shadow Dragon Soul was basically useless in this battle. After all, Shadow Dragon Souls buff was based on Shi Haos max HP. In the battle of level 100, this buff was basically not enough. Fortunately, his Soul of the Warrior could play a good role. The 20% buff was based on the stats of each individual.

In this situation, he could be able to easily pass this mission in hard difficulty.

Okay, I have decided, hard difficulty. Lets start quickly. Shi Hao didnt want to waste any more time. Soon, the scenery in front of Shi Haos eyes changed. There was light here! Upon a closer look, he was in a room of the stronghold, and there were two tables in front of him. On one table, the information of all kinds of soldiers was spread over, and on the other table, it was the information of heroes. It was obvious that these tables were used to summon soldiers and heroes.

However, the summoning required a kind of special resource called Army Soul. Army Soul was a kind of special currency in this defense mission. Initially, 100 Army Souls were given to Shi Hao. And he could get more Army Souls by killing enemy soldiers and heroes.

Shi Hao quickly figured out the rules of this defense mission. He carefully considered how to handle the next battle.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Suddenly, alarm sounds resounded outside the room. It was the signal representing the start of the battle.

Come out! Our soldiers. Shi Hao commanded and used 100 Army Souls to summon 50 elite archers and 50 elite fighters. These 100 soldiers quickly stood on the strongholds highland, and relying on the buff of Shi Haos Soul of the Warrior and geographical advantage, they smoothly defended the stronghold. This greatly surprised the Sea Manager who was secretly watching this battle!

Eh! This young man is good. He actually had this kind of magical skill. Is this fellow the fated person chosen by the main system? Interesting

In just this fashion, Shi Haos side defended in an orderly way. There was no accident and the time quietly passed. Unfortunately, on the other side, the calamity directed at Mina, who Shi Hao wanted to quickly help, had already arrived

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