X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 106: The Seal Has Broken

Chapter 106: The Seal Has Broken

On the other hand, Jim was not just watching from the side without doing anything at all. As his Blood Warriors were having a tough fight, Jim had already made himself being surrounded by another batch of thousand drops of blood.

But Jim knew full well that numbers didn't affect anything against his grandfather. No matter how many Blood Minions or Blood Warriors he had, with his grandfather as his opponent, it was all, useless.

Jim closed his eyes trying to seek for wisdom. As he did it that way, Jim recalled the words of the blue light when it explained everything about his power. The other party told him that not only his blood, Jim could also use his soul as his ability. And through his Blood and Soul, Jim could create a tamed beast of his own.

It was just that, he hadn't tried it out yet. He didn't know how to use an incorporeal thing such as the soul.

But Jim had one thing that could teach him to do so. It was his instinct!

Jim swept his gaze to the many drops of blood surrounding him for a moment before he willed for it to gather around. He couldn't help but say while raising his hand, "Gather!"


The thousand drops of blood didn't dare to disobey him as they all shot up to gather to where was Jim's hand was pointing. As time went by, the drops of blood that were gathered at one place were forming an even bigger ball of blood until finally, all the thousand drops of blood had combined themselves altogether.

The ball of blood that was being formed was darker compared to Batik from before, and its size was about a meter diameter. Jim was astonished from the sight as he realized that he had this amount of blood in him. But from the looks of it, Jim really wondered how did this amount of blood fit his body.


As Jim was staring at the ball of blood, Jim found his heart palpitating wildly in excitement. He clutched his chest trying to suppress his feelings.

With a smile forming on his lips, he raised his other hand and pointed it towards the ball of blood.


A white transparent thing slowly came out from his palm until it formed something like a will-o'-wisp similar to the form of blue light (fragment soul of one of the Four Greatest Hunters) he saw before.

The will-o'-wisp floated in front of his palm for a while before it finally went excitedly to the ball of blood before it.

Laude of course, noticed what was his grandson currently doing. But of course, he didn't do anything to hinder the other party. And also, he was curious to see what other miraculous feats could his grandson do.

Not only Laude who was watching Jim, but even Jim's Blood Warriors were also watching their master as well hoping that their master would do something incredible to turn the table.

Even Chad who appeared to not be noticed by anyone yet was observing Jim with all his attention. At first, he was curious what would his nephew going to do next seeing the other party's tamed beasts were completely helpless before Laude.

But to what he was seeing now, it seemed like his nephew didn't betray his expectation. It even gave him another astonishment to deal with.

"Is that a soul?" Chad narrowed his eyes with his eyebrows being furrowed. He was having a hard time realizing whatever Jim was doing. But to what he could see, the wisp of white light that was floating above Jim's hand was a portion of the other party's soul. But how could Jim do that?!

Chad had thought that it was already too much for Jim to have an ability to control blood to such extent, but now, he would just learn that his nephew had also an ability to control his soul? What an overpowered character!

Illusion, tamed beasts, blood control, and now soul control? Just how much more ability was his nephew hiding?! It couldn't be that there was still more right?

Chad then shifted his gaze to Laude and found the other party still calm and nonchalant. As if what the other party was seeing was nothing to be surprised with. But Chad knew full well that in the entire Kingdom, there was no one among his peers that could be compared to Jim.

Chad could only praise Laude for his control of emotion. Because if he was the other party, Chad would probably jump up in joy for having such a grandson just like what he was feeling right now. Although Chad had no close relationship with Jim, the other party was still his nephew. And Chad's happiness was couldn't be hidden on his face anymore as his smile just didn't want to leave his face. Both of his hands were clenched tightly as he wanted to brag to the world that he had a nephew such as Jim.

But sadly for him, Chad knew that he would have no chance to do so. Because he knew full well what would happen later at midnight. Chad suddenly turned gloomy. Was this the reason why Laude could remain expressionless? Was the other party having a hard time choosing whether to be happy or sad? Chad was now confused. He became expressionless just like Laude and just watched the unfolding sight.



"Kuyaaaaa where is everyone?!!"

In the real world, Jasper was now having a hard time calming down his beloved little sister who was now crying. Even the griffin was now in a human form, a man in a mid-twenties at that, and was helping Jasper to calm down Jade.

Although he had a beautiful appearance of which his golden wings still remained after morphing himself into a human form, it didn't do anything to calm Jade.

While ago, after Laude, Jim, and Jim's tamed beasts had all disappeared, and after Chad turned motionless from the side, Jade suddenly woke up. She just found out that her mother, her big brother Jim, her grandfather, and even the wolf she was sleeping with were all now nowhere to be seen.

Jade felt gloomy as she felt as well that she was being left. That being said, Jade cried out.

Jasper who was racking his brain where did his big brother and grandfather had gone into, and why did his uncle Chad suddenly turned motionless, immediately noticed the cries of his little sister. With that said, he immediately rushed towards Jade trying his hardest to calm her down only to fail.

Seeing the situation was going worse, the griffin became restless as it morphed into a human form trying to help Jasper. But later, he realized that he had no way of doing so.

"Kuya Bryan do something!" Jasper urged the human-formed griffin who was named Bryan.

"What?! Why me?!" Bryan complained. He rushed here to help, but upon realizing that he didn't know how, his restlessness had increased a level. And seeing the situation, he really wanted to cry. Jade was now about to go on a rampage!

Both of them didn't know what to do. They only knew how to cause chaos. They were not babysitters so naturally, they had no way of calming Jade down. But they were afraid of what would likely happen if Jade's curse suddenly went wild. It might not cause any harm to the griffin like Bryan, but it would definitely cause harm to Jade herself.

Just what in the world was that old man doing?! Bryan was blaming all of this on his master Laude. Jasper might still yet to realize where did that bunch went into, but Bryan had already figured it out the moment Chad became motionless. He just realized that they were actually in the Illusion World.

Bryan was helpless about it. He was a beast blessed in Physical Energy so he had no way of entering that world to inform Laude about their current situation.

On the other hand, Jasper was just about to seek help from his four Spirits when he found all of them already glowing in white light as they were about to vanish at any moment.

"Master, I suddenly felt tired so I'm leaving right now." The mighty Salamander said.

"I consumed all of my World Energy using the Possession so I will rest for a bit," Gnome said while scratching the back of his head.

"This is your own problem to deal with! We are made to fighting, not as a babysitter!" Sylph was rather honest.

"Sorry master!" Nymph apologized. She was afraid that instead of help, she would only make things worse. That being said, she decided to leave as well.

With a hurried swoosh, the four Spirits of Jasper had all left and disappeared in the thin air.

"Traitors!" Jasper found his eyebrows twitching wildly as he yelled. He then shifted his gaze to Jade as he forced his smile to come out. "Little Jade, they were just..."

However, Jasper was just about to console his little sister when he felt the terrifying bloodlust exuding out from her.

Jasper made a step back as even he was frightened.

"They all left... They don't love me anymore... You all hate me..."

Amidst his fright, Jasper heard Jade speaking in a low voice filled with sorrows. Jasper was just about to say no to her words when the sun peeked at her and her bloodlust became stronger.

Furious shockwaves push away the surroundings making Jasper to be sent backward even after he crossed his arms to block the shockwaves.

"Brat, fall back!" Bryan urged Jasper as he appeared in front of Jasper trying to protect the other party against the furious shockwaves. He'd already seen this sight before, and he never thought that he would see this again. Bryan still remembered how many weaklings of the guild had suffered badly at that time.

Bryan then stared at Jade who was now floating in the midair and had her entire eyes became as yellow as the burning sun. She was emitting hot shockwaves that even the trees and grasses around were now burning.

The seal has broken!

Bryan swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he really didn't know what to do other than to stop the other party by force.

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