X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 168: A Little Game

Chapter 168: A Little Game

On the other hand, Elaine could only put a bitter smile as she covered her ears with her hands trying to protect her hearing from the loud noise released by Jim and Ben. She never expected that it was this easy to incur the anger of these two.

But well, they were just kids like some others. Their control over their emotion was probably at their weakest. After all, they were not like her who could manipulate her emotion at will.

In any case, she should at least shut their mouth no matter what. That said, with the snap of her finger, she tightened the string strangling them. The two couldn't help but grit their teeth as they tried so hard to endure the sudden treatment.

It was at that moment when Janine arrived at the scene. She only found the two as being completely helpless as only one thought entered her mind. And that was to save them.

With that in mind, Janine rushed forward for the rescue. She went past between Ben and Jim as she went directly towards the little girl with a readied punch. She couldn't be bothered by whoever that person really was. All she wanted now was to vent her anger to anyone.

But of course, Elaine saw Janine coming. She only greeted the punch of the other party with a smile as if waiting for the other party's punch to land at her.

Janine was surprised to see that instead of shock, all she saw from that little girl was a smile surfacing on her lips. Was this girl underestimating her strength? When Janine thought about it, she couldn't help but feel annoyed.

That said, Janine increased the strength she put in that punch as she was more than ready to smash that little piece of shit into a meat paste. But when she thought that the other party would be finally rolling furiously on the ground now due to her punch, she suddenly found her fist couldn't push forward anymore. It was as if some kind of string bound her hand and was as if sucking her strength away.

What the hell was this? Janine's eyes were flashing with a cold glint as she failed to realize what was going on to her. She quickly retracted her hand with all her might as she finally managed to free her hand from the bindings of that invisible string.

As Janine retracted her hand, she immediately jumped back to put some distance away from that girl. At that moment, she suddenly felt that this girl was not so simple. She even felt that this girl was dangerous. Just who in the world was she?

Janine turned her attention towards Ben and Jim as she realized that they were being bound by the string that tried to bind her hand a little while ago. Was that the ability of that girl? Janine could only narrow her eyes smelling the incoming danger that she would face.

"It's her hair! Be careful of it!" Janine was still thinking about what to do when Jim roared to warn her.

Janine then quickly closed her eyes to focus her sense of smell to the limits and indeed, countless strands of string were shrouding the entire area. Although it was very faint, she could still smell the movements of these strands of string around them. 

The many strands of string were connected to the little girl's head as it could be assumed that that was her hair. But that hair was way too thin to the point that it couldn't be seen by the naked eyes anymore. Janine was just astonished that these tiny hairs could restrain both Jim and Ben.

"Oh? You can see my hairs?" Elaine suddenly asked. She raised her forefinger and then waved it towards her as Jim floated in her direction. "What a cute boy..." Elaine gently touched Jim's left cheek with her right hand as she asked with a smile that as if not a smile, "Want to break free?"

"..." Jim only glared at her as a response. Of course, Jim couldn't see the hair of the other party shrouding in the area. The only way he could tell about it was because of his incredible hearing ability. But even with that hearing of his, he was still having a hard time detecting that many strands of hair around them. If he didn't focus himself, then he probably wouldn't have noticed that many invisible strands of hair.

But what the heck was this girl saying now? Cute boy? Break free? This girl was definitely plotting about something. Jim couldn't help but be wary about it.

"Hoho, what a scary face you have there," Elaine chuckled softly as she continued, "How about this, Let's play a little game."

"..." Jim didn't reply for a moment but he still asked after a moment of thought, "What game?"

"I will release one of you," Elaine replied with her the same smile as she added, "And you two will decide who will be released between the two of you."

"And what will happen to the other one?" This time, instead of Jim, Ben barged in their conversation as he asked. His eyes weren't friendly at all and if looks could kill, Elaine would probably have been dead right now.

"Oh? I thought you are mute." Elaine chuckled softly.

But Ben only glared at her with his cold eyes as he waited for the other party's response. If she would release one of them, then what would happen to the other one? Ben wanted to know this. Not only him, but even Jim was also anticipating the answer. After all, both of them could feel that this Elaine was up to something.

"Tsk! How boring," Seeing that the two weren't going mad from her provocation, Elaine could only click her tongue in disappointment. After which, she stared at the both of them as she replied, "If the other one will be released, then the other one shall be..." Elaine paused for a while as if she was thinking about what to do. After a good while, she finally revealed a smile as she continued, "...killed."

"You!" When Ben heard it, he couldn't hold his anger any longer as he tried so hard to break free but to no avail. But seeing that it was futile no matter how hard he struggled, Ben could only reply coldly, "Don't let me escape here. Or else I will kill you!"

"Woah! So scary!" Elaine stepped backward as she actually shivered in fear. What kind of acting was this? It was way too good!

But after a moment, Elaine halted her acting as she instead revealed a smile and said, "But how can you escape from this? My hair binding you two is quite special as it could even interfere with space itself." Elaine paused for a moment as she stepped closer to Jim. After which, she gently touched Jim's face again as she said, "That said, no teleportation is allowed just like what did this boy has done a while ago."

"..." Ben could only grit his teeth, helpless to do anything. Did they really need to choose who between them should be released and be killed? That was unacceptable! Although they had just met, Ben treated Jim as a real friend. Ever since the other party saved his life and healed him a while ago, Ben could tell that Jim was not a bad person.

Not only that, his mother and Jim's mother were friends too. And on top of that, Jim had even delivered to him something very precious allowing him to accept Jim as a real friend.

But now, this lunatic in front of them was actually trying to put a dispute between them as she was planning to let them choose who would be killed and be saved. This was really unforgivable! Ben swore that once he escaped from the thing binding him, he would definitely pay this girl what she deserved.

But how could she do that now? They couldn't even escape the bind as he was forced to only grit his teeth.

Should they ask Janine to save them? Ben suddenly thought that there was still one more hope for them to break free from this. If Janine could just save them, then perhaps, they could still have the chance to beat this lunatic to death.


But then, Ben was still thinking of asking for help when he suddenly heard a loud collision behind him. Not only that, just after the loud collision had occurred, something went past from behind them and then went in front of them only to see that thing rolling furiously on the ground.

No, that was not a thing. When Ben saw it, he was more than sure that that was Janine who was been sent flying. Ben couldn't help but spurt a mouthful of blood as the only hope he thought about would be gone just like that.

What should they do now? No matter how hard Ben had racked his brain, there was just no wisdom helping him out to solve the situation.

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