You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 250: Jade Skin Pill, Grand Sun Sword Talisman

Chapter 250: Jade Skin Pill, Grand Sun Sword Talisman

With focused mind, detailed information about the ice crystal substance emerged in Lu Xuan's mind.

【Hundred-Year Ice Soul, third-grade treasure. Condenses a drop of ice essence under a thousand feet of ice after years of refining, forming the Hundred-Year Ice Soul.】

【Primary material for refining high-grade ice elixirs. Adding a few drops greatly improves the elixir success rate. It can also be fused with the body, assisting in cultivating certain ice techniques.】

"An elixir ingredient that enhances the success rate of alchemy and has excellent value in the eyes of the sect's alchemists."

Lu Xuan had some knowledge of alchemy, but he always held a unique philosophy – either don't refine at all, or refine something extraordinary.

The gap between the two options depended on how much alchemical experience was filled in by recipe packs.

He stored this lump of Hundred-Year Ice Soul in his storage bag and continued examining the matured ice fruits on the spirit plant.

"Hey, there's another one that's fully matured."

He sensed the maturity progress of each roe fruit with his spiritual awareness and found one on the last ice roe plant.

Thin frost enveloped his skin as he carefully plucked the crystal-clear ice roe fruit.

"Good quality, but nothing extraordinary."

He sighed and shifted his attention to a slightly shimmering white light cluster high on the spirit plant.

With a gentle touch, the light cluster extended into countless tiny frost flowers, flowing smoothly into his body.

【Harvested a third-grade ice roe fruit, obtained a third-grade Jade Skin Pill.】

A white-as-jade pill with a healing effect that could regenerate severed limbs for Foundation Establishment cultivators and below appeared in his palm.

"Favorable quality, just ordinary."

He remarked and concentrated again.

【Jade Skin Pill, third-grade elixir, possesses a powerful healing effect, capable of regenerating severed limbs for Foundation Establishment cultivators and below.】

"A third-grade healing elixir, quite effective for Foundation Establishment cultivators. It's good to have one for emergencies."

Although Lu Xuan rarely ventured outside and had not been injured after sensing the spiritual field's anomalies, high-quality healing elixirs like Jade Skin Pill were indispensable for contingencies.

There were only four ice roe plants, each bearing seven or eight azure roe fruits. Although they looked plump, Lu Xuan resisted the temptation to maximize the light cluster reward and refrained from harvesting until they fully matured.

Returning to his room, he organized the harvest from the spiritual field and began cultivating his techniques.

The next day, he felt a significant decrease in activity within the inner sect. Tempted by the fourth-grade flying swords, around thirty inner disciples, excluding those in closed-door cultivation or busy refining high-grade elixirs or artifacts, headed out together to besiege the escaped Heart Demon.

Compared to those, disciples like Lu Xuan, who resisted the temptation, were few.

Lu Xuan paid little attention to it. Thirty people competing for two or three fourth-grade flying swords not only had low odds but also carried some risks.

In contrast, the rewards for collecting white light clusters were immeasurable.

With the successive ripening of Flame Fruits and Ice Fruits, Lu Xuan found himself in a constant state of abundance.

Almost every trip to the spiritual field yielded one or two spiritual fruits and light cluster rewards.

As the quantity of Bursting Flame Beads, Hundred-Year Ice Soul, and others increased in his storage bag, Burning Yuan Pills and Jade Skin Pills alternately appeared.

After absorbing the experience from several "Ignition Technique" manuals, his mastery of the technique reached an extremely sophisticated level. The control was effortless, and various flame forms changed at his will.

The continuous harvest gave Lu Xuan a sense of satisfaction and joy.

Next was the Jade Scale Fruit Plant.

Three matured fruits emitted a faint, cool fragrance. The surface had layer upon layer of thin jade skin, and inside, translucent fruit flesh shimmered, emitting an enticing fragrance from a distance.

Lu Xuan carefully collected the three matured Jade Scale Fruits and picked up the three white light clusters on the plant.

【Harvested a third-grade Jade Scale Fruit, obtained a fourth-grade spiritual ore, Red Jade.】 *2

Two crimson ore pieces appeared in Lu Xuan's hands, with uneven surfaces and faintly visible dark red jade flowing inside.

Red Jade contained a large amount of jade essence, making it a superior material for refining flying swords and artifacts.

【Harvested a third-grade Jade Scale Fruit, obtained a fourth-grade treasure, Cloud Mountain Jade Scripture.】

A delicate and exquisite talisman appeared in his hand. A cool sensation emanated from the crystal-clear talisman, as if it could dispel all wicked thoughts in his heart.

Crafted from refined Cloud Mountain Jade, it naturally restrained sinister and bizarre entities. It could be used directly as a protective talisman or have anti-evil runes inscribed on it to enhance its ability to combat malevolent forces.

With this, all eight fruits on the Jade Scale Fruit had fully matured.

Lu Xuan gained quite a bit: eight third-grade spiritual fruits, a third-grade artifact, the Yue Jade Seal, five fourth-grade spiritual ores, Red Jade, and two fourth-grade Cloud Mountain Jade Scriptures.

Red Jade and Cloud Mountain Jade Scripture fell into the category of spiritual materials, not much different in value from the third-grade artifact Yue Jade Seal.

Lu Xuan was generally satisfied with the rewards from the Jade Scale Fruit.

He added it to the list of potential spiritual plants for the future.

After the initial hunger for spiritual plants, Lu Xuan no longer indiscriminately accepted whatever came his way. Instead, he consciously chose spiritual plants based on their intrinsic value and the type of treasures the light clusters rewarded.

Of course, fourth-grade and higher spiritual plants were not within the consideration range. Those would be cultivated first before making decisions.

While contemplating, Lu Xuan arrived at the area beneath the Sword-Nurturing Gourd.

Numerous second-hand flying swords formed a structure, vines entwining among them. At the top, three mottled cyan gourds hung, and when approached, one could hear the clear sound of swords emanating from inside.

The bottommost Sword-Nurturing Gourd, due to absorbing more sword intent, matured ahead of the other two.

Lu Xuan carefully plucked it.

A thought flashed through his mind.

【Harvested a third-grade Sword-Nurturing Gourd, obtained a fourth-grade talisman, Grand Sun Sword Talisman.】

A crimson talisman appeared in his palm.

At its center, a blazing sun seemed to hang high, emitting countless scarlet sword qi, densely packed like rays of light.

The talisman exuded a powerful aura, and at a glance, the eyes could almost be blinded by the intense sunlight within.

Lu Xuan focused his mind on the Grand Sun Sword Talisman, and detailed information about the talisman appeared in his mind.

【Grand Sun Sword Talisman, fourth-grade talisman. It contains an endless supply of Grand Sun Sword Qi. When activated, it is like the sun shining in the sky, captivating the soul and overwhelming the mind. Direct eye contact can cause temporary blindness to cultivators up to the late Foundation Establishment stage.】

【Sword Qi tumultuous, like the radiance of the scorching sun. When fully unleashed, it can heavily injure or even kill mid-Foundation Establishment and late-stage cultivators.】

"A fourth-grade talisman, it seems stronger than the Howling Sea Sword Talisman I obtained earlier."

Learning about the Grand Sun Sword Talisman, Lu Xuan couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

While others who went out to deal with the Heart Demon obtained fourth-grade flying swords as rewards, he gained a Sword-Nurturing Gourd and a fourth-grade talisman.

Roughly speaking, he had accomplished the equivalent of defeating a Heart Demon.

He couldn't help but think so in his heart.


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