You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 351: Lust-Feeding Insect

Chapter 351: Lust-Feeding Insect

After a brief moment, the trio arrived at a massive mountain range.

The mountains stretched endlessly, with peaks and ridges overlapping.

"Senior Brother Zhong's cave mansion is unexpectedly vast!" Lu Xuan marveled as he surveyed his surroundings.

"Beasts, unlike plants, have a vast range of movement. Moreover, there are some special beasts entrusted to me by the sect inside, so I occupy this mountain range alone," the burly cultivator explained while activating formations.

The three swiftly traversed through the lush spirit woods, arriving soon at a narrow valley.

Within the valley lay a deep ravine, from which occasional thunderous roars emanated.

"We're here. Brother Lu, please wait a moment. I'll summon the Snarling Shadow Beasts," the burly cultivator said, turning to emit strange low growls towards the ravine.

Soon, two spirit beasts emerged from the water, landing before the trio.

"These are the fourth-grade Snarling Shadow Beasts. Obtaining them wasn't easy, hence the desire to restore them to normal," he explained, turning to Lu Xuan for assistance.

"I'll do my best to help, Senior Brother," Lu Xuan assured, focusing his gaze on the two Snarling Shadow Beasts.

Resembling tigers and leopards, with black bodies surrounded by dense dark water, they had white horns on their heads, and occasional thunderous sounds emanated from within, giving them a mysterious aura.

"They truly live up to their status as fourth-grade spirit beasts," Lu Xuan remarked, pointing at the closest one. "This is the female, correct?"

The indicated beast appeared heavily wounded, with disheveled fur and numerous scars, even missing a small portion of its forelimb.

Despite its dire state, it exhibited an intimate demeanor towards the other male beast, emitting affectionate roars and continuously attempting to approach it.

"Even in such a condition, it's still showing affection?" Lu Xuan was surprised by the mother beast's behavior towards the male.

"If this continues, it will eventually be consumed entirely by the male. It will be left with nothing in the end," he remarked. "Has Senior Brother Zhong taken these two Snarling Shadow Beasts to any particular secret realms or ancient ruins recently?"

He inquired curiously.

"About half a year ago, I did take them to a ruin that seemed to have an unusual connection with esoteric practices," Zhong recalled, adding, "It might be related, but it's just speculation. Please allow the beasts to display any anomalies in front of me for observation."

Lu Xuan spoke with seriousness.

The burly cultivator complied without suspicion, controlling the two beasts to approach each other.

The mother's affectionate voice grew increasingly enthralling, as it pressed closer to the male, extending its tender tongue to gently caress its body.

Despite the male's clear resistance, knowing it could inflict significant harm on the female, it was compelled to stay put under Zhong's control, allowing the female's advances.

Gradually, as the female continued its provocations, the male began responding, its desire escalating. Lu Xuan keenly noticed its pupils gradually turning pink, indicating its increasing arousal and distraction.

The situation escalated between the two beasts.

Maintaining a highly objective demeanor, Lu Xuan observed the scene without expression.

Suddenly, the male, unable to contain its desire, viciously bit into the female's body.

The biting grew more intense, and in a sudden frenzy, it tore out a chunk of the female's fur, leaving a bloody mess.

"That's enough," Lu Xuan nodded to the burly cultivator, who promptly separated the entangled beasts.

The wild beasts seemed to have completely lost their sanity, desperately trying to return to the side of the female beast during the separation process.

Although the female beast was bitten by the male beast, she seemed indifferent, gazing at the male beast with a mournful expression as it drifted further and further away.

"Junior Brother Lu, have you discovered anything?"

A burly cultivator intervened to stop the two beasts from continuing their union and approached Lu Xuan, his tone filled with concern.

"The male beast seems to have been invaded by some presence internally. However, if it wasn't detected by the guardian spirit beasts when it entered the sect, it shouldn't be anything particularly sinister," Lu Xuan speculated based on his readings in the scripture library about nurturing spirit beasts.

"I share the same thought, but the biggest problem now is that we have no clue about the entity invading the male beast, making it difficult to solve," the burly cultivator nodded.

"I'll trouble Senior Brother Zhong to provide me with some food normally used to feed the Snarling Shadow Beasts. I want to see if we can glean any clues from the male beast's feeding behavior," Lu Xuan said to the burly cultivator. Unable to resolve the issue of the Snarling Shadow Beast with his own experience, he had no choice but to rely on external aids.

Zhong Hao produced a dark pill and handed it to Lu Xuan.

"This pill contains a trace of water thunder spiritual power and is usually used to feed the Snarling Shadow Beasts," Zhong Hao explained as Lu Xuan accepted the pill and waited for the male beast to calm down before stuffing it into its mouth.

Concentrating his mind on the Snarling Shadow Beast, a piece of information flashed through his mind.

"Snarling Shadow Beast, a fourth-grade spirit beast, naturally adept in water and thunder elemental techniques."

"Infiltrated by the Lust-Feeding Insect, it generates the desire to swallow its mate during copulation."

Perhaps the Lust-Feeding Insect inside the Snarling Shadow Beast also absorbed some nutrients from the pill, as Lu Xuan inadvertently sensed detailed information about the insect.

"The Lust-Feeding Insect is an exotic creature bred and separated by powerful Esoteric cultivators practicing the Blissful Heart Sutra. Once it enters the body of a cultivator or demonic beast, it gradually dissipates its form, transforming into a presence akin to desire. When the target experiences lust, it slowly manipulates their mind, causing them to lose control and consume the flesh and blood of their copulation partner, thereby strengthening itself."

"It can be lured out by treasures that induce extreme lust."

"So, this is what's causing the trouble..." Lu Xuan digested the information appearing in his mind and sighed.

"Now that I know, luring it out should be simple. I have some items on hand that can induce intense lust," he pondered for a moment before speaking to the burly cultivator.

"Senior Brother Zhong, I have some clues now. It seems I've come across a similar situation in some ancient texts."

"This male Snarling Shadow Beast was likely invaded by a Lust-Feeding Insect, leading to its abnormal behavior during copulation."

"Lust-Feeding Insect?" Both Zhong Hao and Liu Su looked puzzled, unaware of what it was.

"It's a very rare insect with little attack power, originating from..." Lu Xuan proceeded to explain the origin and characteristics of the Lust-Feeding Insect in detail to the two.

"I see. Junior Brother Lu, do you have a solution?" Zhong Hao asked expectantly.

Lu Xuan muttered to himself inwardly:

"I do have a solution, but whether it's the Enchantment Pill or the Blissful Heart Sutra, if I bring them out, how can I hold my head up in front of my fellow disciples?"

He hesitated internally.

"If Senior Brother can help me solve the problem with the Snarling Shadow Beast, then this fourth-grade Thunderstone, teeming with thunder and lightning energy, will belong to you, Junior Brother," the burly cultivator took out a thunderous spiritual ore and said.

"Senior Brother, I have a plan that we could try," Lu Xuan said discreetly, glancing at the spiritual ore without a trace.

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