You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 399: The secret realm is really moist

Chapter 399: The secret realm is really moist

Chapter 399 The secret realm is really moist

There are too many spiritual plants planted in the Dongfu Spiritual Field, and they are about to exceed the limit of planting. Lu Xuan plans to plant these new spiritual plants in the incomplete secret realm that he will soon obtain.

Dihuang jujube, including Yangjian gourd, and flame fruit.

Based on his understanding of the secret realm, it is easier for the secret realm to meet the growth conditions of Dihuang Zao, and there is no need to worry about it not being able to grow normally after planting.

Cao Cao arrived as soon as he was told, and within a few days, a bluebird puppet flew outside Lu Xuandong's house.

Junior brother Lu, is he here? Please take some time to come over to the formation hall. Its about the secret realm that junior brother controls.

A gentle voice floated out from the Blue Bird puppet, and Lu Xuan quickly followed behind the Blue Bird, crossing many mountain peaks and arriving at the sect formation hall.

In the Zongmen Hall, he usually enters the Sinong Hall, the General Affairs Hall, the Sword Hall and other places frequently, but this is the first time he has come to the Formation Hall.

Lu Xuan watched the formation layout while closely following the Blue Bird Puppet.

Compared with other halls, the formation hall seems much quieter. Occasionally, one or two inner disciples are seen, and they all walk in a hurry, nodding lightly to Lu Xuan and disappearing quickly.

In the depths of the formation hall, violent fluctuations in spiritual power can be heard from time to time, as if there are spiritual power bombs that may explode at any time.

This is the formation halls fellow disciples trying to set up the formation, Junior Brother Lu doesnt need to worry.

A middle-aged monk of medium stature and ordinary appearance walked out silently and said to Lu Xuan gently.

The monk looks ordinary in appearance, but his temperament is extremely good. His eyes are bright, deep and clear. When he walks, his whole person has a hazy feeling, as if he will enter another space at any time.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Yunyuan. I am one of the true disciples of the sect. I have certain attainments in formations."

I am solely responsible for the formation of Junior Brother Lus incomplete secret realm.

It turns out to be Senior Brother Li. Wont those senior brothers who set up the formation have a huge impact?

Lu Xuan asked curiously as he looked at the direction from which the spiritual energy fluctuations were coming.

Generally, it is within the control range. Occasionally, the formation fails. If it goes beyond the control, you may be injured, but it is not a big problem.

As Li Yunyuan spoke, a flash of inspiration flashed in front of him, and a bronze formation disk appeared silently in his hand.

The formation disk is only the size of a palm, with ancient aura and dense runes drawn on it. The closer to the middle area, the more the formation disk tends to nothingness, as if it is connected to the unknown existence in the void.

Junior brother Lu, this is the key to your entry and exit from that incomplete secret realm.

This formation plate is connected with the core formation of the formation hall. It can use the power of the formation to shuttle through the void. It was jointly arranged by several formation masters in the formation hall. It has achieved the ultimate in stability.

When Junior Brother Lu enters and exits the secret realm, he only needs to provide a small amount of spiritual stones to freely travel between the sect and the secret realm.

According to common sense, the formation disk can be used for a long time, but just in case, it is best for junior brother to come to the formation hall to check it every few years or more and do a good job in maintaining the formation disk.

The middle-aged monk introduced it to Lu Xuan in detail.

Lu Xuan Gongjin took the bronze array plate in his hand, followed the monk's reminder, and poured a drop of blood essence into the center of the array plate.

The essence and blood fell on the center of the formation disk, and disappeared instantly. The runes on the formation disk flickered, and Lu Xuan had a vague understanding of the existence of the distant outside world.

Secret realms are generally located in the void or in dangerous places. It is difficult to reach them in a short time at normal speeds. We can only rely on the teleportation formation in the formation hall.

The middle-aged monk saw Lu Xuan's expression and took the initiative to explain.

According to my understanding of my junior brothers secret realm, the density and purity of spiritual energy in the secret realm is lower than that of the three blessed lands and other secret realms of the sect, but it is obviously stronger than the inner sects spiritual energy environment.

"At the same time, there are several natural spiritual lands in the secret realm, which are very suitable for cultivating spiritual plants. Junior Brother Lu will definitely be satisfied." "Brother Li, I wonder how safe the secret realm is?"

Lu Xuan asked the question he was most concerned about.

It goes without saying about safety.

Although the secret realm is incomplete, there are space barriers around the edges. After being discovered by the sect, while stabilizing the space of the secret realm, powerful restrictions were also put in place. Even Nascent Soul monks cannot easily enter the secret realm.

In addition, the evil spirits in the secret realm have been completely cleared away. There are only some spirits that will not take the initiative to attack. With my junior brothers cultivation, I can easily deal with them.

"It can be said that unless the sect is broken and the formation is destroyed, there may be security problems in the secret realm."

Li Yunyuan said confidently.

Lu Xuan was immediately relieved. Tianjian Sect was considered a giant in the world of cultivation. He could not imagine the situation of the sect being broken.

Then, Li Yunyuan continued to introduce to Lu Xuan the methods of using the formation disk, precautions, the deadline for entering and exiting the secret realm, etc.

Lu Xuan kept this in mind and returned to the cave with the bronze array disk.

In addition to the newly obtained spiritual seeds, you can also transplant some spiritual plants to change the growing environment.

The level of the sixth-grade Phoenix tree is too high. It contains red lotus flames. It does not need to be cultivated every day. It is safer to put it in the secret realm.

The fifth-grade Rudraksha can also be brought over. If it is left in the cave, it can barely maintain its vitality. If the environment is changed, it may be able to grow slowly under conditions where the spiritual energy is richer and purer.

There are also fourth-grade thunderwood

Lu Xuan considered carefully, and he planned to bring the highest-grade spiritual plants in the cave that did not need frequent cultivation into the secret realm so that they could grow more safely and stably.

The underworld spiritual plants in the courtyard of Jianmen Town... we will wait and see for a while, and then move them there if appropriate.

He was hesitant about whether to bring the underworld spiritual plant into the secret realm, and planned to enter the incomplete secret realm first to see how it went.

Fortunately, there are fifth-grade gluttonous cysts. Even if high-grade spiritual plants are transplanted, the vitality of the spiritual plants can be well maintained without causing much impact.

Lu Xuan thought and quickly prepared the necessary spiritual plants.

He came to the formation hall again and paid dozens of spiritual stones to activate the teleportation formation. The bronze formation disk glowed brightly, leading Lu Xuan into the void.

In his spiritual perception, the surroundings were in chaos. After a long time, Lu Xuan noticed a sense of solidity under his feet.

Before he could open his eyes to take a good look at the secret realm, rich and pure spiritual energy surged in crazily, causing every pore in Lu Xuan's body to open involuntarily, greedily breathing in the extremely pure spiritual energy.

This secret realm is so moist.

Lu Xuan sighed secretly.

The spiritual power in the secret realm is no longer simply 'qi', but has a faint tendency to transition into 'liquid'. There is a moist and accessible feeling in the limbs during the breath. When it enters the Dantian, it easily condenses into drops of pure and transparent spiritual liquid.

Never fought such a rich battle!

I dont know how much time can be saved by practicing in such a spiritual environment.

Such a rich and pure aura environment gave Lu Xuan the illusion that he was able to do it again.

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