You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 184 (3)

Chapter 184 (3)

TATs jungler flashed right into the drake arena and cast smite to grab the inferno drake before using the escape ability, leaving the crowd behind-- --At the same time, Little Fatty, with only a sliver of health left, also used flash to escape the enemy Kennen. Lu Sicheng stayed behind to kill Kennen with just three hits but also had to leave with a sliver of health!

During the fight, all Tong Yao was focusing on was the Azir who had stayed behind on the other side-- --She remembered how her Leblanc had been crushed by Azir during the skirmish-- --She used W to move in suddenly, tap Q to fire a chain in an attempt to lock him down. Azir was forced to back away. Then she turned around to kill the other sides AD. Azir waited till his cooldown time was over and returned, trying to attack again. Yet Tong Yao was waiting for the moment Azir turned around-- --

She used Q, basic attack plus ignite and R, copying her Q ability, to kill Azir, then returned to her original position with W!

Then she turned to use flash to get out of the drake arena and ran away!

Though ZGDX lost the second inferno drake in the team fight, Tong Yaos counterattack had turned the engagement in favor of ZGDX, which lost one player in exchange for three TAT players-- --ZGDX continued to pushing turrets, take down drakes, and initiate team fights to widen their economic advantage, killing two enemies, then turned around to take Baron and continuing to demolish the turrets in the enemy base

It was a familiar tempo for ZGDX!

In the 27th minute, ZGDX successfully killed two of enemies and went to take down Baron again. The gap between the two sides had reached 6000

In addition, ZGDX wasnt a team which would make enough mistakes to let their opponent easily turn the game around-- --

ZGDX, as a team, has grown more and more mature with each game that they played to get to the point that they are now.

Their teammates worked well together; they would take turns in the front line, tower dive, slay an enemy, team fight, and split or support In any case, they always performed well.

Whether it was Lu Yue or Tong Yao playing, the five players on stage were playing like a single person controlling Summoners Rift with ease!

At the 39th minute, the victory in the last team fight brought this best of 5 match to 2 : 0. Tong Yao was relieved, let out a long breath and stood up-- --

It seemed somewhat simpler than what she had imagined?

-- --The legendary invincible LCK.

-- --TAT, the team which hadnt lost a single round in S5 last year and didnt let a single team from the six regions lay an eye on their own base.


As she listened to Little Fatty and Old K chat, Tong Yao walked towards the break room. From the corner of her eye, she happened to notice that the five TAT players were still sitting in their own seats. Everyone of them had a grim face and deeply knotted eyebrows Their support was talking in a low voice with their AD while looking at the stats

The young man next to the AD was looking downwards, biting his nails.

He seemed to sense the look from Tong Yao at the moment and suddenly paused. Then he leaned backward a little, turned around, looked up to cast a sidelong glance at Tong Yao while giving a grin.

His gleaming white teeth were showing.

Tong Yao stopped walking-- --

His expression didnt look like an expression from someone who had just been defeated.

There was excitement in his eyes, some crazy emotion in the eyes as if he couldnt wait for something to happen

It was slightly disturbing to Tong Yao.

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