Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 346: One World, One Heir (1)

Chapter 346: One World, One Heir (1)

A rush of wind accompanied the purple flying boat as it soared through the air. Then suddenly, the environment seemed to shift rapidly, as if the world was trembling.

Whoosh~ The scenery transformed before their eyes, revealing a breathtaking vista.

"What is this?"

"It’s huge!"

"How magnificent!"

Wu Yuan, Fei Lang, and the burly male disciple could only gape in wonder at the spectacle unfolding around them as the flying boat traversed the skies.

Beneath them, majestic mountains floated in mid-air, veiled in an aura of mystery and grandeur. Each peak was adorned with countless palaces and structures, creating a majestic panorama of ethereal beauty.

Waterfalls cascaded from one mountain to the next, connected by rainbow bridges that added to the otherworldly charm of the scene. Giant puppets toiled atop the peaks, while a multitude of flying boats of various sizes took off from the mountains, and groups of uniformed immortal cultivators soared through the air on flying swords.

It was a vision of fantasy and splendor, a true immortal world brought to life.

These mountains... Wu Yuan held his breath as he took in the sight of the countless floating mountains, numbering in the tens of thousands, if not more.

It dawned on Wu Yuan, Fei Lang, and the others that the wilderness they had traveled through earlier was a mere illusion, concealing the true magnificence of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect's headquarters.

"The sect is large, with millions of outer disciples, most of whom are at the Golden Core stage." Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng explained in a soft voice, "This makes unified instruction challenging. Thus, disciples are divided into groups. Our headquarters consists of hundreds of outer immortal cities. This is just one of many."

"Every outer disciple is allocated a mountain peak residence," Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng gestured towards the floating mountains, "Each peak comes with mortal servants, Qi Sea cultivator attendants, Communion cultivator servants, and a plethora of puppets."

"Even for outer disciples, the cultivation conditions here rival those of Amethyst Cradle ancestors in some fifth-tier cities," Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng remarked casually.

Wu Yuan and Fei Lang were rendered speechless. They were only now truly beginning to comprehend the prosperity of the top sect in the immortal continent, and what it meant to be part of a true immortal sect.

And this is just for the outer disciples. Wu Yuan mused inwardly.

He couldn’t help but imagine the amount of resources that went into supporting the millions of outer disciples within the Dragon Star Immortal Sect. The financial, material, and manpower investments had to be immense!

Yet upon reflection, Wu Yuan realized that though they were only outer disciples, they had all managed to reach the Golden Core phase, which was considered not bad by the standards of the vast immortal continent.

Moreover, those who managed to pass the rigorous entrance exam were undoubtedly among the cream of the crop of Golden Core cultivators. How could their cultivation conditions be subpar? If they truly were lacking, then perhaps the multitude of cultivators at the Golden Core and Amethyst Cradle phases across the vast immortal continent would not be vying for the opportunity to join a first-rate sect.

Wu Yuan also grasped the reasoning behind the massive land area occupied by the sect headquarters.

"All outer disciples are to alight here," Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng instructed.

As the hatch of the flying boat opened, the rich spiritual qi from outside flowed in.

"How dense," one disciple murmured in awe.

"The spiritual qi concentrated by my family’s spirit-gathering array can’t compare to this," another added, eyes wide with astonishment.

The outer disciples, who had once felt a twinge of disappointment, now found themselves filled with anticipation. From what they could tell, treatment they would be receiving at the Dragon Star Immortal Sect exceeded their wildest imaginations.

Whoosh! Streaks of light darted across the sky, slowing as they approached the grand purple flying boat. These figures were all clad in white and wore special badges on their chests. They were all Amethyst Cradle cultivators.

At the forefront stood an elderly man in black robes, radiating an aura as intense as a sun. He was unmistakably a Void Refiner cultivator.

"Greetings, Elder," the black-robed man paid his respects, leading the Amethyst Cradle Reverends in a respectful bow.

Acknowledging them with a slight nod, Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng instructed, "All outer disciples are to leave the flying boat. The immortal city's protectorates will attend to your needs."

With respectful bows, the outer disciples filed out one by one.


After the departure of the outer disciples, the purple flying boat pressed deeper into the sect headquarters. Here, Wu Yuan, Fei Lang, and their companions beheld the true interior of the immortal sect for the first time.

Above them hung a completely black celestial body held aloft in the firmament by innumerable black chains.

"That star was plucked from outer space by a sect predecessor a million years ago during his travels," explained Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng. "The power it contains is unimaginable, and observing and studying it offers insight into the Earth Dao, the Space Dao, and the Wood Dao."

As Wu Yuan and the others looked at the star, a wave of vertigo washed over them.

"Haha! To contemplate the Star of Darkness, one must reach the True Intent stage, which is typically achieved at the Amethyst Cradle phase. Patience is key," chuckled Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng, his demeanor warmer as he spoke with these inner disciples and hereditary disciples.

Yet, his words left Wu Yuan and the other disciples in awe.

Soon, those aboard the flying boat found themselves gazing at a crimson river suspended in the void, stretching endlessly. The unseen pressure emanating from it sent shivers down the spines of Wu Yuan and the other disciples.

"This is the Redflame River," Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng explained. "Beneath its watery surface lies a boundless reservoir of flame. If it erupts, it’s capable of reducing a Divided Soul Earth Immortal to ashes. It was crafted by a High Immortal predecessor of our sect, who shaped it from a world of flames. It is but a fragment of our sect's defense array."

By now, Wu Yuan and the others felt themselves growing numb from feeling shock after shock.

Plucking stars! Forging worlds! The predecessors of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect were truly remarkable. And from Xiang Sheng’s words, this was just one section of the sect's defense array.

Even the Redmoon Star’s defense array in Rising Dragon City is most likely inferior to this. Wu Yuan thought.

His horizons had broadened significantly. Now, he was truly beginning to understand what a fully developed immortal civilization was, and the kind of unimaginably mystical features it had.

From the corner of his eye, Xiang Sheng observed Wu Yuan and the burly disciple. Under normal circumstances, he would not have gone to such lengths to show these disciples around. But with two exceptional hereditary disciples under his charge, he was willing to go the extra mile to impress upon them the sect's might.

For any sect, recruiting disciples was just the beginning. The next step was to instill in them a sense of loyalty. How best to achieve that? Beyond hospitality and education, showcasing the sect's power was key.

Who wouldn't want their sect to stand tall and strong? It was similar to how one would wish for their parents' success.

"What is that?" an inner disciple suddenly inquired, pointing toward a grand, sprawling city in the distance.

It spanned over 10,000 li, prosperous beyond measure.

"That is the residence of a Void Refiner Eminence," Xiang Sheng replied nonchalantly.


"Of a Void Refiner Eminence?" Wu Yuan and Fei Lang exchanged surprised glances.

"Outer disciples can cultivate within the sect for up to 500 years; inner disciples for up to 1500 years. Body refiners are allowed double that time, after which, disciples must depart from the sect's main headquarters," Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng elucidated.

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