Zero no Tsukaima

Volume 16 epilogue

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In the chapel, a silver haired girl held her hands together in prayer, facing the delicately carved Founder statue and praying in silence.

This person gave others the appearance of a pure maiden like from a dream.

Under the long hair that shined like finished cotton sateen, her eyes that were brimming with admiration for one person were closed tightly. Her unwavering appearance was exactly like a beautiful statue.

Through the magnificent stained-glass windows, the rays of light that shined into the chapel enveloped the maiden with a heavenly glow. A respectively beautiful statue.

From the looks of her petite body that was wrapped in nun’s robes and her youthful face, her age seemed to be around 15 or 16 years. Different from the zealous prayers of dedicated believers, there was not even a single word of prayer coming out of her mouth. For her, this was merely as if breathing, a peaceful, gentle prayer. Gazing out from the chapel windows, there was a vast expanse of open ocean.

Here was the Saint Margaret monastery, located outside of northwestern Gallia on a protrusion of land the area of two square li (1 kilometer), on the pointed end of a thirty square li (15 kilometer) or so peninsula.

The whole peninsula was almost entirely situated on a rocky cliff.

The monastery did not have a road connecting to the outside world, and if someone wanted to leave here they would need the assistance of a boat or a flying beast, so to speak.

This was even more than just ideology, and even if the monastery was isolated from the world, about thirty nuns were living there. (!)

When the chapel doors were pushed open, several maidens dressed in the same style of nun’s robes walked inside. After they saw the silent, silver haired girl praying, one person among them spoke in a loud voice.

“Sigh, meeting time has not even started, yet Sister Josette has already begun to pray.”

Like as if they discovered an extremely amusing quirk, the maidens started chattering and making noise. This is also no wonder, since in a monastery disconnected from the rest of the world, it can be said that there was not much else to do. From being confined to this peninsula, it was hard for the maidens to find anything that didn’t seem ‘out of the ordinary.’

“Do you know what she is praying about?”

After a maiden was done speaking, a gleam flashed on the eyes of the red haired girl next to her.

“Do I have to say it? Of course she’s praying for someone to come here!”

“Goodness, if the abbess finds out it could be disastrous!”

The maidens all laughed.

“Why? This is not something that should be criticized, after all, since that guest is Romalia’s high priest, and he can bring us guidance, and he is one to be respected, right? There is nothing wrong with Sister Josette hoping for him to come, and among us, she is the one who knows him best.”

Upon hearing this, the peacefully praying Josette could not tolerate it, and she opened her eyes.

“Don’t speak of this matter so impolitely.”

“This isn’t good, Sister Josette heard us.”

Of course it was hard not to hear such loud talking, they spoke loudly on purpose to entertain themselves.

“Brother is a kind-hearted person. So, he brings to us bored-to-death women news of the cities and towns and all kinds of snacks. That’s all. Thinking that he has some special attachment to me is really rude.”

“Hey, hey, hey? Sister Josette, no one said anything about having a ‘special attachment’ to you, I only said ‘she is the one who knows him best.’”

Josette’s face quickly flushed a deep red.

“Sister Josette turned into an apple! And she happens to be freshly picked, a red, sweet apple!”

The maidens laughed another round. The embarrassed Josette firmly held onto the holy relic necklace that hung on her neck.

This sacred silver relic . . . from since she could remember was always with her.

According to the abbess, when she was abandoned at the front door of the town shelter and in a box crying, that relic was already with her. The abbess found her by chance, and unable to hold back her pain, she brought Josette back to the monastery.

This holy relic . . . Josette never had taken it off even once. Bathing, sleeping, no matter what she was doing she was not permitted to take it off, this was the abbess’s command.

It was not just Josette alone, all the maidens who lived in the monastery had to abide with this rule.

If they did anything like that . . . then they would immediately lose the Founder’s trust, and once that happened then their life would be terminated ---- this was what they were told.

Although in the remote Saint Margaret monastery the rule was not strictly enforced, as that was the only rule set up in the secure monastery located at the national border, but it was still followed. (!)

Her hands tightly closed around the sacred relic that resembled herself, Josette then breathed slower and more calmly. Turning a blind eye to the clamorous ladies next to her, she walked out toward the outer chapel. (!)

Next to the chapel were the dormitories built from stone. The chapel and the dorms were all that there was. This was a small, insignificant monastery.

Beyond the walls that protected against wind, was the vast ocean. Looking from one side to another, in between the gaps of the rising and falling rocks, were several cleared plots of land for small-scale farming. There were kekanaiba (????) rice plants that were certainly resistant to the dampness and wind, carelessly swaying in the sea breeze. Other than the rare visit from the priest the monastery supported a nearly self-sufficient way of life.

Compared to the rest of the world, this place was a tiny . . . tiny, negligible place.

Josette gazed up at the sky.

Her life obviously similar to a prisoner’s, an innocent smile appeared on her pretty face.

As she knew absolutely nothing of the outside world, she did not have much freedom with what she ate and with social interactions.

Besides . . . the way she was now, she finally learned the “joy” of waiting.

Twirling her fingers, Josette tried to figure out when he would arrive.

Once, twelve days ago . . . he said, probably tomorrow or the day after they could meet again.

Thinking and speculating, a new kind of feeling welled in her heart, a restless and anticipation filled her up.

From the ocean surface a strong gust blew at Josette’s cloak.

Her silver hair was floating on the wind, gradually blending into the breeze.

Two weeks later, a wind dragon descended upon the monastery’s courtyard. Alone in the narrow courtyard, space already became tight. From the dormitory, an elderly abbess came out to welcome the guest.

“Long time no see, Mama.”

The young person wearing the priest robes of Romalia . . . no, his face simply still showed the remnants of the radiance of youth. Although he had light golden hair that dazzled and sparkled, his eyes that were both different colors, called “moon eyes,” brewed an unsafe aura.

It was Julio.

After having respectfully lowered his head as a courteous act, the abbess took on a bewildered expression.

“Reverend Cardinal Deacon.”

When he was called by the rank that the palace of Romalia had bestowed on him, Julio laughed and looked at the abbess.

“What is it?”

“Even though you have just graced us with your presence, but please forgive my boldness, we do not welcome foreign visitors.”

“But I am the high priest of Romalia,” as if suggesting that this answer was enough, Julio said. Considering their positions in the monastery, Julio was a far cry from this abbess. Furthermore, Julio was not an ordinary Cardinal Deacon, but a priest that served the Pope.

The priest of the right hand of the Pope was not going to let an abbess deny his existence.

“It has to be this way, seeing how you are related to the Founder’s most respected servant then we are at a complete loss. As you know, this place is isolated from the secular world, a religious establishment in order for the orphaned maidens to get closer to God and the Founder . . .”

The abbess’s voice was mixed with a hint of dread. She had no knowledge of Gallia’s current events. Romalia’s war, King Joseph’s death, as his niece Charlotte succeeded the throne . . .

Rumor had it, that Charlotte was only Romalia’s puppet. With Romalia’s priest had having such a complicated identity coming to visit . . . surely something unsettling was going to happen, and the idea of it was reasonable.

“Please do not worry, there is nothing that will happen that would disturb you in any way. I am just following the Pope’s orders, to express profound gratitude for your pious and life’s sacrifice, and also for faithful friendship.”

Julio, who was finished speaking, took out a leather bag and handed it to the abbess. It was crammed with sparkling gold coins. With one hand she made a holy gesture, and the abbess accepted the leather bag with the other. (!)

At the same time, she could not help but shudder a bit.

“Please be sure to pass on to the Pope my deepest gratitude. I am old and weak and of the ignorant generation, and because I pity the orphaned maidens, so I try to encourage them to serve god(s) together with me . . .”

“I understand, I understand completely, Mama!”

As if wanting to comfort the old abbess, Julio patted her shoulder.

“I was also raised in an orphanage. Your deeds are truly worthy of praise and admiration. The reason why I came here, is only because I want to fulfill the dreams and desires of those ones who are like sisters to me.”

When they noticed that the wind dragon and Julio had arrived, all the maidens poured out from the dormitories to gather around him.

“Brother! This time what kind of stories are you going to tell us?”

All the girls in a campfire fashion circled around Julio.

“How impolite! Such children! Do not forget that you have given yourselves up for God! Have you not noticed the Reverend Cardinal Deacon’s confusion?”

Even faced with chastising from the abbess, there was no indication that the excitement of the maidens had gone down even a little. With a helpless expression the abbess had no other alternative but to make the holy gesture. (!)

This was not surprising. The maidens who had been left alone, having come here for reasons of their own, and getting them to have a strong faith from their inner hearts naturally had some difficulties, considering that so far they had experienced bitterness, and returning to past hobbies was a temptation. The lively mood was understandable.

Julio laughing affably, he asked a question for the maidens.

“In a little bit I will share stories, but first, where’s Josette?”

The girls appearing to understand to some extent started whispering in each other’s ears.

“Where could she be? Or would it be inconvenient for Mister to find her himself?”

Soon after there was a burst of chattering again. Julio nodded his head and walked toward the chapel. In the monastery, there was no other place to search.

A silver haired girl, kneeling on both knees, was praying. Even when Julio pushed the door open and walked in the chapel, the maiden continued praying indifferently. Stealthily approaching the girl from behind, Julio stroked the girl’s long hair that slipped out from her cloak on one side. In quite an affectionate way he played around with his finger.

“Touching a nun’s hair would send you to hell,” the solemn and grave voice of Josette said.

“If I had a chance to stroke your beautiful, silver hair, what harm is there even if I would go to hell?”

“Oh! What a day of great judgment! (!) How can I believe that this came from the mouth of the High Priest!”

Josette facing the front went on to pray as before, with not a bit of desire to turn her head.

“What is making you upset?”

“Upset? Are trying to blow me off? Why am I so upset? You are right about me being upset. Before you would come see me every two weeks, but now I don’t know why I’ve been separated from you for a month. But, this isn’t something worth getting angry over, after all, it’s plenty of fun here.”

“I have a lot of work.”

“I know. But when the usual routine gets mixed up, then it takes away the joy in waiting for something.”

Finally at this point Josette stood up, then a slow smile crept up her face and she threw herself into Julio’s arms.


“Aren’t you supposed to be all mad at me?”

“Yes, but now I don’t care anymore. Who else can make brother be my favorite person?”

After their embrace, Josette tightly squeezed Julio’s hand.

This priest of Romalia . . . Julio’s first visit was six months ago. Apparently he was searching for monasteries in various regions, on a missionary journey. The far and remote Saint Margarita monastery had captured his interest. Perhaps he pitied that he almost never reached out toward fellow sisters.

After that, every so often he could be seen coming here. In the beginning, her relationship was not that intimate.

It was just that Josette was a girl who always looked forward to listening to Julio’s sermons. Then, the sermons gradually became the stories he heard from towns and cities, and the first time that Julio was about to leave, he secretly told Josette:

“From now on, I will come for you.”

As for being somewhat attracted to Julio, Josette had not the slightest clue. Compared to similar aged girls, she appeared young, the characteristic curves of a woman not quite distinct. Hair color, was a silver that was almost white.

Since she was a child, Josette was always self-conscious of her hair that was different from everybody else’s. It’s just like old grandma hair, she would always think.

Naturally, it was simply because she and the abbess had the exact same hair color.

Why, all the other girls get to have gorgeous blonde hair, blazing red hair or even midnight black hair, I’m the only one with this bland hair color.

However, Julio admired her hair.

“What kinds of tales have you brought for me today?” her eyes shining, Josette asked.

Indeed, in this monastery, she and Julio were the closest of friends, however they were not in a romantic relationship according to rumors. Brother and sister . . . it was that kind of relationship (T/L: “approximately in the same category”). Even if orphaned Josette never had a brother, surely this kind of feeling was as if she did.

“Today, there’s something very important.”

“Something important?”

What could it be?

Could it be that, he would pronounce his love?

If it was then that should be a good thing. But, Julio was the high priest, and she was a nun, it would never happen. It was equal to betraying God. As long as Josette was on earth she did not understand the private affairs priests, merely according to doctrine, she believed two people were destined to never have love. (!)

“Please continue.”

Josette looked straight into Julio’s eyes; the “moon eyes” that seemed to be able to snatch away a soul. A delicate face. Even though she did not see him often, Josette was captivated by Julio’s good looks.

Julio took something out from his pocket.

“. . . A ring?”

Embedded in it was a yellowish, earthly gem; it was a somewhat underwhelming ring.

“Is this for me?”

However, Julio had not replied. With an earnest gaze, he was simply looking at Josette.

“Try it on.”

“It’s a little bit big.”

Indeed, just as Josette had said the ring really was too big.

“It’s alright, the surface has been enchanted with magic.”

Upon hearing Julio saying this, Josette put it on. It then tightened . . . it was incredible that this happened . . . the ring slowly shrunk, until it was the perfect width for Josette’s finger.

“How amazing . . .”

With Josette staring wide-eyed at the ring, Julio smiled.

“Remember when you said you couldn’t use magic?”

“Of course, I am not born from an aristocratic background. But, this kind of thing is not impossible.”

This topic was discussed often among fellow companions. During the short amount of free time they had before going to bed, the maidens would make wild guesses about their backgrounds amongst themselves. Relying on limited clues, I was found in Lucia? (???), so perhaps I’m an illegitimate daughter of a great lord . . . and so on. Somewhere on my clothes there is some coat of arms belonging to some lord, etcetera. Of course, everyone knew that the theories were complete nonsense, but no one wanted to be the person that ruined the fun.

“What is so special about this ring?”

“This ring was once worn by a ruler of a kingdom. After he died from being drawn into an explosion, my sharp-sighted Azuro eventually picked up this ring.”

“Wow, you sure like cracking jokes.”

At this Julio simply burst out in laughter (????). He really was a loud guy. Josette was somewhat bewildered of this . . .

“Are you serious you can give me something this precious?”

“Well . . . actually, it’s not yet certain that this would be yours. But, if it really is for you then it would be quite excellent, I think,” Julio implied.

Josette looked at the ring again. It was a deep, thick colored and beautiful stone. She wasn’t sure if this ring really belonged to a king before.

What is so important about wearing this ring?

Staring at the gemstone, Josette gradually began to feel a tender kind of feeling.

It was peaceful yet unsettling, mixed with anticipation for the unimaginable.

Although, I still would prefer to hear a proposal of love from him, the thought flashed by.

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