Zero no Tsukaima

Volume 20 1

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Chapter 1: Boat for Two[]

After escaping from Adil, the capital of Nephthys, Saito and the others continued on with their journey, in a small boat towed by a dolphin.

Saito and Tiffania, who were imprisoned by the elves, were nearly forced to drink a mind impairment medicine. Fortunately, Luctiana saved them in the nick of time. Along the way, Luctiana’s fiancee, Ari attacked them. But thanks to a revived Derflinger, they managed to escape.

In the small boat, Saito and Derflinger, whose consciousness had transferred onto one of Saito’s favourite katana, began talking about a lot of things.

Ever since they fought the Elemental Siblings, and the night after Derflinger got destroyed.

Surprisingly, Derflinger knew all about this. And whenever this was bought up, he would just reply with ’At that time...’. As long as it was related to the elves, Derflinger would remain slient.

——Sasha, who was the Gandalfr killed her master Brimir.

After abruptly having said that, no matter how Saito tried, Derflinger refused to elaborate on what happened.

Rather, he kept on beating around the bush, as if escaping from some deep sadness.

Evening came, and Derflinger stopped making jokes, and he shut his mouth, keeping silent. Luctiana was already asleep, making deep snoring noises.

The moonlight scattered onto the surface of the sea. The gentle, rippling waves reflected a silver glow.

Tiffania watched the beautiful scene in front of her, and muttered.

"It looks like a field made from light."


"What will happen to us after that?"

Tiffania, who was wearing loose elven clothing, said in a low voice.

"First, we have to find the Holy Land, and completely make sure what is there. Then, we’ll bring all those information to Louise."

Saito said while looking at Luctiana.

"Even though I feel bad doing this to her, I feel that this is what we should be doing."

Tiffania stared at Saito for some time. Then, she hugged her knees with both hands, and buried her chin underneath.

"Saito, you’re incredible."

"Eh? Why?"

"Because if even you’re faced with such a situation, you’re still so sure of what you must do. As for me, I can’t. I would be so scared that my mind would completely shut down."

After saying that, she lowered her head, closing her eyes. It seems that she had fallen into depression again.

"That’s because you’re a girl, Tiffa. I’m sure you’d be at a loss when it comes to this."

"But Louise and Queen Henrietta are both girls as well. Why is it that I can’t gather up my courage during those crucial moments? Even yesterday, I was so paralysed with fear that I couldn’t do anything to help."

"It’s not like you did nothing at all. If it wasn’t for you, I..."

During his fight with the water dragon yesterday, after seeing Tiffania’s chest which could be considered as evil and revolutionary. He quickly pinched his nose. Honestly, he felt that this wasn’t what he should be seeing. It’s not just only big... how should it be phrased? Tiffania’s breast also possessed an incredible sense of balance. On her slim waist, if bigger breasts were to be placed, it would become something like from a manga doujinshi. Because it had kept to that delicate standard, that’s why it was scary, and that’s why it was firmly imprinted in his mind, rendering him unable to forget.

"Am I only worth that much?" Tiffania said.

After hearing that, Saito snapped out of his thoughts.

"No... It’s not like that!"

"It’s okay, I understand."

Tiffania smiled.

"Saito, why are you always that strong? Being able to battle calmly. And how do you also understand what things you should be doing?"

Tiffania asked in a serious tone. Saito held his chin with a hand, and began to think about it in detail.

"I’m actually not calm at all."

"No, I think even you will be scared at times, but you always fight seriously each time. Even though this isn’t even your own world..."

Saito raised his head slightly, staring into the distance. The sea lit up by the moonlight had an aura of mystery around it, unlike during the day.

"I think, it’s because I have somebody that I like."

"You mean Louise?"

Saito nodded.

"I don’t want to see her troubled, and her world can also be considered as my world as well. If it’s for the sake of protecting her world, then I’d even give up my life for that. Although I’ll be trembling with fear, I’d still go on anyway. Otherwise, I think I would’ve run away."*

"Oh..." Tiffania, who seemed to have understood, nodded her head. "So am I scared because I don’t have anybody that I like?"

"No... I think that everyone doesn’t need the same reason to fight. It’s just that I’m fighting for that reason."

"If I were to find someone that I like someday, will I be able to be as brave as you?"

"I feel that... You’re okay just the way you are right now."*

Saito said that in an attempt to console Tiffania.

"For me, I think that even if I possess a power that nobody has, even when they are things that only I can do, if I choose to ran away, that would definitely be just cowardly and weak."

Saito kept silent, because that’s what he thought as well.

"Tiffa, you didn’t run away right?"

"It’s the same. I can’t do anything, I can only tremble. Yeah... someone I like... how do I know if the other party is the person I like?"

"Err... First, when you’re with him, your heartbeat will accelerate."

"Okay, then?"

"And you’d have the urge to hug him."

"Okay, and then?"

"When you hug him, you’d feel like staying like this forever."

Tiffania grabbed both ears, squeezing her eyes shut.

"... Then, isn’t that person you?"

"Eh? Eh?! Eh?! Eh?! Eh?! Eh?!"

A flustered Saito looked at her. She looked at Saito with a cute expression that looked like she was about to cry.

"That’s because my heartbeat accelerates when I’m beside you."

"Th-That’s only because your emotions are unstable."

"And... and... and also..."

Tiffania shook her head. Her face burnt bright red with embarrassment. Because this mixed-blood elven with an extraordinary chest was doing such a thing beside him, Saito felt that he was losing control over himself to his evil thoughts.

"Even if you look at it, I’m not that disgusted."

"You... You said that before, right? Really?"

"Yes... At first, I thought that it was because my brain was in a mess, but after thinking about it calmly, the answer is still the same. Although my heart would thump wildly, I don’t feel disgusted.

Because Tiffania said this kind of things right beside Saito, he also felt his mind gradually boiling.

"Then... then that’s one step before liking someone, right?"

"What’s the difference between really liking someone then?"

"Err... the difference is that... I think there’s no difference at all."

After saying that, Saito realized something was wrong. But, he was still unable to lie.

"So there’s no difference?"

"It might be so."


Tiffania put her hand to her chest, and sighed.

"Then it means that I really like you then. Then... then what should I do? The person you like is Louise, right?"


"Then it must be a mistake to like you. I’m really a bad girl. I actually ended up liking a friend’s lover. Mother Nature and God will definitely not forgive such a behaviour."

Saito panicked.

"There’s no such thing! It’s impossible to control your feelings when it comes to this. This is actually the will of Mother Nature and God."

Saito realized that he said the wrong thing. But he couldn’t find another way to say it. After all, there’s no such rule that it’s a mistake to like someone.

"But it’s impossible for Louise to accept this, and Saito you also don’t like me, right? Then what should I do with my feelings then?

Seeing Tiffania being like that, Saito felt conflicted. It’s not that he didn’t like Tiffania: there was no other girl in this world as attractive as her, but he still couldn’t acknowledge this feeling because he had already promised that he would never do anything that would make Louise sad. Saito thought about that time with Henrietta, and mentally shook his head.

However, it would be a lie to say he didn’t like Tiffania. After all, like means like. Tiffania was just that attractive, and there was an irresistible, instinctive feeling within him towards her; something felt wrong about denying that feeling.

If that was the case, there was only one way left. He had to make Tiffania lose all her feelings towards me. He must make her feel that Hiraga Saito actually was an incorrigible bastard.

"I say, Tiffa."

"What is it?"

"I have something to tell you."


Saito clenched his fist, squeezing his words out seemingly in pain with a low voice.

"I... I’m actually a pervert."

Tiffania stared at Saito for a moment, before bursting into laughter.

"I’m serious! I’m totally an out and out pervert! Anyway, it’s more like I have a special obsession with clothes and mood... How should I say it."

"Thanks, you’re so nice to me."


"You were hoping that I’d hate you, so you said that right?"

Looking at Tiffania’s gaze, Saito felt ashamed.

"Not really... The second part is true though... But whether or not you consider that as perverted will depend on your personal opinion."

"I’m really okay. I just feel better after letting everything go. I will work hard. Even though I might like you, no, I think I most probably really like you, but this feeling and my mission are still two different things after all."


Saito had tears in his eyes, staring at Tiffania. On one hand, he was touched by Tiffania’s strong will, so he felt that habouring evil thoughts about Tiffania’s chest was shameful; at the same time, he instinctively retorted that her chest was simply too incredible, so it was not his fault. In the end he realized that he was simply too shameful to come up with this warped reasoning.

When he came to his senses, he was already holding Tiffania’s hand.


Just then, the boat shook after passing through a wave. Saito almost fell to the ground completely flat, and naturally pulled Tiffania down as well.


Tiffania’s burning red face was even more alluring under the moonlight.

She stared at Saito. That blue, teary eyes almost made Saito forgot to breathe.

The twin moon hid inside the cloud, and darkness fell upon them. It made one’s hearing even sharper. The sound of the boat moving through the waves could be heard clearly.

Saito suddenly felt a warm breath on his face, then he felt a something soft on his lips, and his hair was being gently caressed. This was when Saito realized what he was doing with Tiffania.

During this period, Tiffania said nothing.

When the twin moon reappeared from the clouds, Tiffania pulled herself away. When light returned to the surroundings, she had already recovered into her original position, staring at the ocean.

"Tiffa." Saito said in a low voice.

"It’s just your imagination." Tiffania said with a seemingly satisfied look.

"I don’t think that’s my imagination."

"When the moon isn’t looking, you’re just dreaming. Even if it was short, I am still okay after this dream is over. Don’t worry, I will work hard."

Saito nodded, and looked at the other end of the ocean. The vast ocean in front of him seemed to be silently watching over them. Thus, Saito also thought about working hard as well. For himself, for Louise, for everybody... and for this mixed-blood elf who was looking at the ocean as well.

The blinding sunlight woke Saito up. Seeing Tiffania in a deep sleep beside him with an innocent face, he thought about what happened yesterday. Saito can’t help but blush. Then again, she already specially said that he was dreaming, so Saito had to do his best to act like nothing happened.

Soon after, Tiffania awoke as well.

"Good morning."

She said in a cheerful voice, as if nothing happened yesterday night.

"Good morning."

Saito smiled, and Tiffania smiled back as well.

He wanted to say something, but felt that saying nothing would be better. Thus, he turned towards the ocean. A few bumps could be seen, greatly surprising Saito.

"What the hell is that!"

Luctiana said while controlling the dolphin who was towing the boat.

"Oh, the both of you are already awake? This is an island known as the Dragon Nest."

"Island? Doesn’t look like one to me!"

What was in front was so strange that it could not considered to be an island. It looked more like distorted tentacles made of large boulders appearing through the ocean’s surface.

Each tentacle was as long as 10 meters, spreading out in all direction.

"Your friend lives here?" Tiffania asked.

Luctiana nodded, "Yeah."

"Doesn’t look like any humans or elves are living here?"

"Of course, even elves can’t live in such a place."

"Then who’s the friend you’re talking about?"

Luctiana smiled slyly, "You’ll know when we get there."

Saito had a doubtful look in his eyes, "This smile really makes me uncomfortable."

Then, Derflinger who was on Saito’s waist cut in.

"It might be a scary monster."


Fear gripped Tiffania upon hearing that.

"It’s extremely huge, and there’s four or five blue, sparkling eyes."

"Mr. Sword, please don’t say anymore..."

She pouted, showing an troubled expression.

"And it has ten times more tentacles than an octopus. It’d reach out and grab you in an instant."


"Hey! Derfli! Stop that! Can’t you see that Tiffa is extremely scared right now!"

"It’s okay~ Even if this were to happen, my partner will protect you."

"Yeah, th-that’s right."

Tiffania heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Saito.

"Relax, my partner is very capable. No matter what monster appears, as long as you show him your explosive thing just for a while, then..."

Derflinger didn’t manage to finish his sentence as Tiffania’s grabbed his hilt, trembling. Her eyes were wide open, and her face glowed red.

"Un! Un! Un! Un!"

"I-It hurts! Stop that!"

Even so, Tiffania didn’t relinquish her grip on Derflinger. As said before, Derflinger was on Saito’s waist. Since the boat had a narrow space, it resulted in Tiffania pressing her body against Saito. Thus, those two logic defying melons kept on rubbing against Saito’s arms and back.

Is this some kind of a punishment? Saito, who was about to cry, thought.

——Someone tell me, what exactly did I do wrong!

——Does God have a grudge against me or something?

It must be like that. Otherwise, why would these indecent, thought-inducing melons come and rub against my arms and my back?! Because... because this isn’t something I can touch... it’s a unreachable horizon... but now such a thing is now pressing on me, this could only mean...

——That this a divine punishment.

Saito looked up at the sky, muttering to himself.

"Saito, what’s wrong with you?"

Because Saito with his face pale was muttering something about this is divine punishment, that he was the fallen angel Lucifer abandoned by God, that his body would be completely burned into ashes by the flames of lust, Tiffania became worried.

"It’s your fault, you know?" Derflinger said.

"Eh, me?" Tiffania said.

"Yes. That’s because you’ve let him seen those things."

"Th-That’s because it’s Mr Sword you who asked me to show him those!"

"I never thought that you’d really show him. Anyway it’s not about the process, but the result. Also, I have a name, so... Hey! Wait! Wait a moment!"

Tiffania’s eyes burned with a rare flash of anger, pulled out Derflinger and sliced the ocean wildly.

"Stop it, I will rust! I will rust!"

Even so, Tiffania still silently allowed Derflinger to enjoy the sensation of being bathed in seawater. Looking at the situation in front of her, Luctiana said in an disapproving tone.

"What do you take my friend for? You guys really have no manners."

Saito said, "Then be honest with us! It makes me really bothered! You’ve already brought us out to such an isolated place, what’s there to hide?"

After hearing that, Luctiana shook her head and smiled.

"Just as I thought, it’d be better if I tell you once we reach there."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Because you guys are interesting. Barbarians are really strange and fun to play with."

"These waters are rather special, that’s why I said I’d rust, miss!" Derflinger shouted, like being tortured by something.

Saito said unhappily, "Didn’t I say that before, I’m not some barbarian. What about you? Long-eared bastard."

The sea was peaceful, the surface sparkled brilliantly like a mirror reflecting the scorching sunlight.

"There was once a huge volcanic island which went dormant around this area, that means we are now above the vent now."

"Oh, no wonder the ocean is so calm." Saito said.

After hearing that, Luctiana opened her eyes wide.

"You’re knowledgeable about the ocean as well?"

"No... actually I’m not so sure, it’s just something I’ve learned in school."

"Yeah, you said that you were from another world.... Oh~ So there are schools over there."

"Of course."

After weaving through the tentacle-shaped boulders, an extremely large towering boulder appeared in front of them. Luctiana ordered the dolphin to stop.

"We’re here."

"Huh? Here? Isn’t here still in the middle of the sea?"

Because Luctiana mentioned a friend, Saito thought that the other party would be living at an island or something.

Derflinger said, "Didn’t I mention before, it’s a octopus-like monster, right? It’d surely grab this mixed-blood elf, and then rub its tentacle all over her. But at that instant when my partner looks at that terrifying chest, he will be all fired up.... Aha! Haha! Waha!"

Luctiana could not be bothered to clarify. "We can only enter through the ocean."

"Huh? Means we have to dive into the ocean? How?"

"Honestly... You guys have so many opinions. You at least know how to swim?"

"Err... yeah."

Saito observed the ocean. Although he knew how to swim, but diving was another matter, and he also never tried diving underwater directly. Saito looked at Tiffania, who shook her head.

"I was born in Albion, so I’ve never touched the ocean before!"

"... It can’t be helped then."

Luctiana closed her eyes, used her hand to scoop up seawater, and muttered a spell.

"Water... Water who governs the body."

The water in her hand glowed.

"Drink this."

Saito and Tiffania bent down, and drank the seawater. A strong, salty taste attacked their taste buds.


"Now you can breathe underwater, except that there’s a time limit."

Derflinger said, "Hey! Add some magic to me as well! This body rusts easily!"

"Yet another troublesome fellow."

Luctiana muttered a spell, and Derflinger’s body glowed red.

"Now even if you touch the water, there should be no problem."

After saying that, Luctiana took off her clothes, leaving behind only her underclothing. Her slender body was exposed under the sunlight, and with a splash, she jumped inside the ocean.

"Hurry up, the underwater breathing spell won’t last for long."

Tiffania worriedly looked at Saito.

Saito shook his head, and stripped off his clothes, leaving behind his underwear.

Seeing that, Tiffania seemed to have made her decision, and gently stripped off her clothes as well. Left with only a spaghetti-strap top, she was no longer someone who couldn’t be described as bewitching.

Saito averted his gaze away. Just thinking about "that" without being covered by anything almost made him went crazy. Thus, he kept thinking about Louise’s naked body. However, that also had another deadly charm, so Saito’s troubles expanded infinitely. In the end, Luctiana gave him a good, harsh beating.

"Didn’t I tell you guys to hurry up!"

Saito hurriedly jumped into the sea. However, Tiffania could not gather up her courage, and she stood at the boat staring at the water, terrified.

He reached a hand out, "Don’t be scared. I’m here."

After hearing that, Tiffania nodded, and jumped into the water. Saito grabbed her hand, and together they dived inside.

Although near the surface, it was still bright as the sunlight could still enter through the water, but a deep, and vast darkness awaited them at the bottom.

Just how deep? Tiffania seemed to have felt the same fear, and held Saito’s hand tightly. Saito used his right hand and grabbed Derflinger’s hilt, so his body immediately became lighter, and power was continously pouring into him. However, there seem to be no need to use the power of Gandfalr.

The dolphin that was towing the boat swam beside them. Some time ago, it had already broke free of the ropes binding it to the boat. Saito looked for Luctiana, and found her grabbing onto another dolphin’s back fin, waving a hand, signalling for Saito and the others to follow her.

Saito and Tiffania grabbed the belt strapped on the dolphin beside them. It began swimming forward at full speed.

Thanks to Luctiana’s spell, they could both breath underwater as well. As they breathed in seawater, it’d magicially turn into air once it reached the throat. As compared to Tabitha’s air bubble to cover the head, this was more impressive.

At first, there was a strange feeling, but they got used to it after a while.

This underwater trip was shorter than Saito expected. After swimming for a few minutes, a black pillar stretching up above appeared. Could this be one of that tentacle-looking boulders he had seen during the boat trip?

Luctiana’s dolphin charged straight ahead towards the middle of the pillar.

What the hell? Don’t tell me it’s going to bang into that pillar?! Is that dolphin crazy? Saito rubbed his eyes nervously, and realized that there was a large opening.

It seemed that Luctiana’s friend was inside, as the dolphin Luctiana was holding onto entered the opening. Soon after, Saito’s and Tiffania’s dolphin entered as well.

It was pitch black inside, yet the dolphin unhesitantly swam in a straight path. Dolphins on Earth could use supersonic waves to capture their prey, are the dolphins here the same?

Just when a confused Saito thought about this, light could be seen further ahead. It was as if the dolphins were mesmerized by the light and they swam towards it...


Their heads surfaced above, making a loud noise.

"This is..."

In front of their eyes was a space as huge as a theatre. A rotting seaweed-like smell attacked their nose.

"This is the interior of that pillar just now."

"So it’s an empty space inside."

Now seemingly inside the interior of that huge tentacle-like pillar, the water around Saito and Tiffania was like a large well hole, and the land above was flat. Faint light covered the walls, probably from the radiating lichens growing on the walls.


Deep within the space, a sound of a large object moving could be heard.

Tiffania jumped, and leaned onto Saito. He also instinctively reached for Derflinger on his back.

"Don’t worry."

Luctiana let go of the dolphin, held onto the rocks as she climbed towards land. Just then, a deep, yet loud sound could be heard from within the darkness.

"Who is it? How dare you disturb my sleep?"

"It’s me, Mother Sea."

"Mother Sea?"

"Oh... you long-eared rascal, my little girl, welcome."

A feeling that something huge awoke permeated the area. Heavy footsteps followed, and within the darkness, a sparkling, deep blue huge body could be seen.

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