Zero no Tsukaima

Volume 21 11

A fierce sword fight could be heard in the distance.

Tiffania was worrying about Saito’s battle as she ran down the path to the main hall.

"We should be able to enter the main hall from here!"

Luctiana destroyed the lock with magic, and opened the door.

After passing through the outer corridor, they arrived at a garden in bloom. In the central park, there was a dome covered stone building, that being the main hall where the elves offered sacrifices.

The front of the door was firmly guarded by the elite guards of the ’Steel-Blooded Party’.

"It’s the descendant of the devil, kill her!"

As soon as the elite guards saw Tiffania’s group, they immediately started to chant spells.

Growing from the tree branches around the garden, countless rifles attacked Tiffania. However, those attacks were all stopped by Luctiana’s ’Wind Shield’.

"Half-blood girl, be good and don’t move from here."

Ari threw four or five scimitars that were hidden behind him in the air. The scimitars, which housed spirits, then danced in the air like butterflies, and headed towards the elite guards who were guarding the door.

This was Ari’s specialty, ’Sword of Will’

The elves of the elite guard suddenly screamed in confusion, as the white blades shone in the darkness of night.

In the army, there weren’t many ’knights’ as strong as Ari. Additionally Luctiana, the niece of Bidashal, was a far stronger magic user than normal.

"The door is closed! Protect the main hall!"

A sound came from the darkness, and it seemed like the elite guards in front of the door chanted ’Stone Wall’.

"Damn, this is a problem...."

"Ari, the barbarian’s magic tool?"

Luctiana said.

Ari quickly pulled out the grenade that was given to him by Saito.

"How do you use this? Do you not need to chant a spell?"

"Give it to me."

Grabbing the grenade from the hands of the bewildered Ari, Luctiana, who was imitating Saito, immediately pulled the pin, and threw it towards the stone wall.

"Cover your ears."


After the astonishing sound echoed by, the grenade blew open the stone wall.

Several times faster than chanting Firstborn magic, the power was really amazing.

"A terrible power... it seems we can’t underestimate barbarian technology."

Luctiana said, as she moved the hands covering her ears.

All the elves on the ground were moaning and groaning. Since the stone wall had absorbed the attack, it seemed like there were no life-threatening injuries, but it looked like no one could get up for the time being.

The entrance to the main hall was severely damaged from the impact of the explosion. Luctiana fired Firstborn wind magic, and the door was immediately smashed open.

"Let me go in."

Ari took the lead, and entered the interior of the main hall.

Then, by the magic light floating in the air, they saw an elf turn with an exaggerated motion.

"My, oh my, who could this be, is it not the devil’s descendant - and you traitors."

"Chirp chirp, I can see Eume... whatever that town is called!"

By the light of the twin moons, Sylphid flew at top speed through the desert night.

The far-away lights of the town that could be seen were gradually getting nearer and nearer.

"Saito is right there."

Louise couldn’t help but shed tears again.

Saito was somewhere in that town....

To finally be able to reunite... it seemed like all the suppressed loneliness, and anxious thoughts up to now would come out in a cathartic burst. [1]

"Disgusting! Are you crying, Louise?"

"Who, who’s crying...."

"You’re not fooling anyone. Come here, wipe your face."

Kirche, with a smile showing on her face, handed over a handkerchief. Louise wiped her eyes after taking it.

After that, Sylphid flew to the sky over Eumenes.

"What’s going on? Things are lively down there."

Kirche showed a surprised look and pointed to a corner of town.

They saw a fierce fire burning on the warehouse street near the docks.

And it wasn’t an ordinary fire. Not only was there a golem causing trouble in the streets, but there were amazing explosions everywhere, and the flashes of magic were staggering. That magic was coming from the elves.

"Is that Saito?"

This is what Louise thought.

"Fly there."

Tabitha commanded Sylphid.

"Things are too messy. If we approach, we will get shot down!"

Sylphid desperately protested to her master.

"Don’t worry, I’ll think of something."

"Chirp... How Big Sis orders dragons is really rude."

Sylphid shouted, as she gave up resistance, then turned her head, and glided towards the port’s warehouse street.

Facing a wind dragon suddenly diving from the sky, the elves mercilessly made Firstborn magic rain at Sylphid.

"Chirp chirp, don’t do that!"

Sylphid circled over the docks while dodging.

Tabitha and Kirche respectively cast "Icy Blast" and "Fireball" to repulse the elves’ magic.

At that time, everyone saw shadows on the warehouse roof.

Not elves... Louise recognized that person’s figure.

"Fouquet! And those were the guys that attacked the house at Des Ornières!"

Louise shouted.

She remembered that group of four assassins were named the "Elemental Brothers".

"Are they trying to kill Saito again?"

Strong anger rushed to Louise’s chest. "If it’s really like this... I guess I’ll give them a some of Louise’s void", she thought, and so she pointed her wand down below.

"Wait a second! They seem to be fighting with the elven army."

This time Kirche opened her mouth to stop her.


"Don’t tell me those guys were hired by Romalia’s leader?"

...That definitely was a possibility.

After all, the "Elemental Brothers" were commissioned to assassinate Saito for money. If the price that Romalia offered was higher than the original client, it wouldn’t be surprising if they disregarded them.

Having said that, actually assigning those guys to the search... That really burned Louise up.

Really, if things turned out wrong, they’d take Saito’s life!

Sylphid landed on the roof of the warehouse.

"Huh? I was wondering who it was, and it was you guys!"

Fouquet said in astonishment.

"Fouquet, what’s going on? Where are Saito and Tiffania?"

Louise asked.

"The group of elves called the ’Steel-Blooded Party’ are trying to use a ’Jewel of Fire’ to raze the entire town, and the kid and Tiffania are going to stop them."

"What did you say!"

Hearing this, Louise group looked at each other in surprise.

How did he get involved in this troublesome event....

"Where are those two right now?"

"Inside that large domed building."

Louise, with her tea-red eyes, stared at the building Fouquet pointed at.

"So Saito is right there."


Kirche frowned in surprise.

Seeing Louise nod her head with determination,

"Tabitha, Kirche, I’ll go and be right back."


Before Kirche could ask, Louise began to chant a Void spell.

The next moment, Louise’s figure disappeared.

"Welcome to the fireworks table!"

Aishmail, the party leader, stood in front of the altar, piled high with numerous "Jewels of Fire", welcoming the arrival of Tiffania’s group.

Ari quietly asked.

"Aishmail... do you really want to raze this town?"

"Of course. The rules of our party are very simple, it’s just to kill the devils, to kill them no matter the method. As long as they are killed it is fine, therefore it is not wrong to kill the traitors. Of course, the townspeople who talk with the barbarians also have to be killed."

"That is horrible...!"

Tiffania was scared from the depths of her heart by person in front her, that was speaking of such horrible plans without a care in the world.

"This guy is crazy...."

"It’s because of people like you that humans and elves can’t live in harmony!"

"Silence, you traitor to the people!"

Aishmail started to chant a spell.

In one breath the floor of the building opened up, and rocks poured down like rain.

"Wind, become a shield to protect us!"

Luctiana immediately chanted the magic "Wind Shield", in order to protect Tiffania.

Next Ari threw "The Sword of Will" at Aishmail.

Six flying scimitars, all seemed to cut Aishmail’s weak point... and at the speed of thought, the thrown scimitars suddenly turned around and flew at Ari.


Ari, who had suddenly suffered this attack, with no time to react, was badly cut.


Luctiana used her body to protect the bloody Ari.

However, the flying scimitars relentlessly followed and attacked Luctiana.

As soon as Luctiana’s back was cut, she screamed out in pain.

"Did you forget? Bidashal and I were comparable users of that," Aishmail mocked.

He seized Ari’s elven power and used those powers against them, truly a fearsome user.

"Secure the entrance for me, do not let these demons escape!"

At Aishmail’s command, the elite guards gathered at the entrance to the main hall, blocking their escape route.

"The ceremony will soon be completed. You can watch from there."

Saying this, Aishmail put his hand on the "Jewels of Fire" on the altar.

Injecting elven power into the fire stones, a bright red light was emitted.

Ironically, seeing the beauty of that light grabbed the eye.

"That is the light of destruction..."

Tiffania felt desperate.

Both Ari and Luctiana were injured and couldn’t move.

Currently the only one who could move was Tiffania... but her Void was different from that which Louise used. The only thing she could use was Forget magic, but Derflinger repeatedly warned her that this trick would have no effect on trained elves.

But now she didn’t have any other choice, but just as Tiffania tried to cast "Forget" on Aishmail....

"... I advise you to stop, it will only make you die faster."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in her head.

And it was a familiar voice.

"This voice...."

At that time, Tiffania noticed in the shadows behind the altar where the Jewels of Fire were stacked, an elven girl was all tied up.

It was Fatima.

Why was she lying in a place like that....

"Don’t look at me, I’ll help you fight as much as I can."

I don’t know what magic it is... Fatima’s voice echoed in her mind.

After Tiffania had nodded her head slightly, she stared at Aishmail with her sea blue eyes and asked.

"Why do you hate humans so much?"

Aishmail sniffed.

"Do elves need a reason to hate barbarians?"

"... truly a sad person."

Tiffania whispered.


"At the beginning, surely is was only a small flame of hate... but if you would continue to add fuel to your hatred, the flame would become hell fire and would eventually turn you to ashes."

"The devil actually pities me?"

Seeing Aishmail’s angry face, he pulled out a pistol.

"This is a weapon used by the barbarians, and is the most suitable for the execution of traitors."

Aishmail fired once. As soon as a clear "Bang!" sounded, a bullet brushed against Tiffania’s ear.


Red blood fell to the floor, and Tiffania crouched down as she clutched her right ear.

"Aishmail! If you kill that girl, the bearer of evil magic will be born again!", Luctiana shouted.

"It’s fine to kill them again after they are resurrected, it doesn’t matter how many times, we’ll kill them, it’s that simple."

Seeing Aishmail’s burning eyes, Tiffania had no choice but to give up trying to persuade him.

"This guy, he’s not going to listen to anything...."

"Next is the left ear. I can’t stand that the evil blood of the devil shares the same characteristics as the Elves."

Aishmail aimed at Tiffania again.

At that moment, Aishmail’s hand and wrist were burned by the pistol he was holding.


Fatima, who had broken the ropes, secretly chanted magic, and then crashed directly into Aishmail, causing him to lose his balance and fall on the ground.

Then Fatima desperately shouted, "Now, sweep the ’Jewels of Fire’ off the altar!"

"Bitch, do you want to ruin the ceremony?"

Aishmail, burning with anger, got up and kicked Fatima in the gut.

Then he aimed the muzzle of the pistol at Fatima on the ground, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet hit her shoulder, splashing blood all around.

"You dare to go against me, I will not let you die painlessly."


Tiffania charged past, and threw herself in front of the muzzle.

She then hugged Fatima, who knelt on the ground, trying to protect her.


The bloody Fatima’s sea blue eyes widened.

"Unfathomably foolish... then, you two shall die together!"

The pistol’s cold muzzle pressed against the back of Tiffania’s head.

She couldn’t help but close her eyes.

Just at that moment.


The elves at the entrance were sent flying at the same time.

You could see Saito charge into the enemy formation like a gale, waving Derflinger vertically and horizontally. The elite elven guards guarding the entrance to the main hall were immediately knocked to the ground one after another.

"You damn demon!"

Aishmail immediately pointed the pistol at Saito, pulled the trigger and fired.

"Too slow!"

Saito jumped over the small pile of elite guards, and shortened the distance in a single breath. Then he aimed at the wrist of the hand that held Aishmail’s pistol, and then cut it off with Derflinger.

Aishmail’s right hand suddenly flew into the air.

"Nnnn... Stones of anger, destroy my enemies!"

Aishmail jumped, and then chanted Firstborn magic. The stone pillar immediately softened, distorted, and became a huge arm grabbing at Saito. But Saito effortlessly dodged, and easily cut the arm, like it was made out of cream.


Missing his right hand, Aishmail’s expression distorted.

"Saito, you’re okay!"

Tiffania cried out. Hearing her voice, Saito’s heart relaxed for a moment. But at the same time he noticed that one of her ears had been shot, and rage immediately flowed into his heart.

"To actually dare to hurt Tiffa... I shall not forgive you!"

His heart trembled. This intense rage increased Gandalfr’s power.

Saito stepped forward, and approached Aishmail.

Aiming at Aishmail’s shoulder, Saito quickly cut with his sword.

"Partner, you can’t!"

Derflinger shouted.

The moment the blade was about to touch him, the air in front of Aishmail suddenly distorted, and Saito’s body was thrown to the rear.

Suddenly hitting the floor hurt so badly that Saito almost fainted.

"Is it ’Reflection’?"

This was a Firstborn magic that Bidashal excels in, and is extremely tricky for Saito to handle since he lacked the means to deal with it.

At that time Louise was present, but now....


Saito stood up and charged at Aishmail again.

In theory, there were limits to the power of "Reflection". In fact, during the Battle of Tiger Road, the Tiger tank’s main cannon penetrated Jörmungandr.

"It’s useless, partner, hurry up and stop!"


A cut using all the strength in his body, was still easily reflected. Moreover, the greater the power, the more it was multiplied by the strength of the reflection, and this time Saito bounced into the wall.


"Ha ha ha, die! You familiar of the Devil!"

Sad laughter came from Aishmail, and he chanted Firstborn magic. Several stone arms stretched out from the ground, and everyone watched helplessly as they would flatten Saito, whose body lay still on the ground.

At that moment, the huge stone arm exploded in front of Saito, and broke apart.


Saito, still laying on the ground, looked up in amazement.

Reflected in Saito’s eyes... someone with pink hair.

A fluttering cloak with a lily crest, tea-red eyes, crystal clear snow white skin....

An awe-inspiring figure holding a wand, like a solemn and sacred goddess.


Saito pinched his cheek, suspecting that he was dreaming.

Truly incredible. Why did Louise, who should be with Henrietta’s group, appear here...?

But Louise truly was right in front of his eyes....

"It seems we caught up," Louise said.

"Saito, your master has come to see you."

At that moment, Saito’s eyes overflowed with tears. He forgot not only the current situation, and his body’s pain, but he forgot everything, and hugged Louise.

"Lo, lo, Louise!"

"Wha-wha... don’t do that in such a place!"

A blushing Louise tried to push away from Saito. But Saito held on tightly, and refused to separate.

"You, you’re real? You’re not a ghost...."

The uneasy Saito said, while staring at Louise’s petite body.

Touching, not hallucinating....

Then Saito sniffed - indeed, that was Louise’s smell.

"Di-disgusting, Saito, really!"

Louise’s face had both an angry and troubled expression, and she constantly resisted by wriggling her body. In order to clearly confirm, Saito touched all over Louise’s entire body.

Then he touched her chest... only then was Saito convinced.

"It’s true."

"What do you mean!"

Saito was kicked flying by an angry Louise.

"Oh... it’s not a dream, it’s really Louise."

Saito couldn’t help but be moved to tears.

Although he was staggering and stumbling, he still tightly clutched Derflinger.

Just being beside Louise... just like that, the energy filled his entire body.

"Oh, Louise...."

Tiffania also showed a confident smile.

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Louise faced Aishmail, and pointed her wand at him.

"Good, you noticed."

Aishmail angrily ground his teeth, and stared at Louise with hateful eyes.

"You damnable devils, you should die together!"

Holding his single hand to the ceiling, he started chanting a particularly powerful Firstborn magic.

"Saito, you’re responsible for protecting me!"


Saito energetically responded to Louise’s shout, advancing while holding Derflinger, becoming like a gale. Obviously, he had already been scarred, tired, and he had almost reached his limit.

At this point, Aishmail’s Firstborn magic had already completed. Arms, larger and thicker than before, emerged out of the floor one after another and attacked Saito. But their movement was extremely slow.

No, no... Saito figured it out at that moment.

The reason was that Saito’s senses were far more focused, more sensitive than before.

The voice of Louise chanting magic behind him gave Saito great courage. They watched as Saito cut off the giant stone arms one after another without stopping. Becoming his master’s shield, fighting for time to chant magic... Only in this role could Saito bring out 100% of "Gandalfr’s" power.

"This is the best situation, partner."

"Derf, I feel like I’m invincible!"

Saito shouted as his sword flashed as he wielded it.

"How is this possible...!"

Aishmail couldn’t help to be stunned as his expression distorted.

Louise closed her eyes, chanting void runes. Saito was covering Louise’s heart, protecting her feelings of peace and happiness.

To finally meet with Saito again... This elated feeling led the power of Louise’s once flagging spirit to again overflow.

At this time, Louise completed the Void magic:


The tip of her wand flashed, and at the same time a faint glow came from Derflinger’s blade.

"Go now, Saito!"


After Saito swept away the previously created stone arms with the sword in his hand, he jumped to Aishmail, with Derflinger in his hand, and chopped into the top of the flustered Aishmail’s shoulder.

With "Dispel" on the blade, it was easy to cut through the barrier-like "Reflect".

"Oh no...!"

Derflinger’s blade cut into his shoulder, and Aishmail fell to the ground.

Saito quickly retrieved his blade, and prepared to attack with the back of it.

At that moment.

"Curses... I actually lost to a mere barbarian!"

After that, Aishmail reached in with one hand and pulled something out, then pointed it at Saito.

"What’s that?"

For a moment, Saito thought it was a pistol.

But it wasn’t. In a transparent sphere, a beautiful red light glimmered.

It was a fist-sized "Jewel of Fire".


Saito suddenly froze in place.

Aishmail laughed.

"He, he-ha-ha, I don’t need you to do anything, barbarian!"

Aishmail then held the "Jewel of Fire" high, and whispered a spell.

And small cracks appeared on the surface of the Jewel of Fire, and the light dramatically increased.

"Wha-what do you think you’re doing?"

Saito asked, holding Derflinger aloft, as a bad feeling suddenly welled up in him... Luctiana, seeing this as she lay on the ground, shouted with a pale face.

"You... don’t tell me you’re trying to take us with you!"

"What did you say?"

"Heh, heh, hahahahaha!"

Holding high the shining "Jewel of Fire", Aishmail laughed piercingly.

Being deterred by the strange atmosphere, Saito couldn’t help but back off.

"Don’t tell me that you can make a Jewel of Fire explode without a ceremony!"

"If you just want to make one of them explode, then the power of an elf is sufficient!"

Having said it... Saito just thought of it.

It seemed like Sheffield, the Mjöðvitnir, also said that it wouldn’t be difficult if you just wanted to make the Jewel of Fire explode... In fact, she died with Joseph by making a Jewel of Fire explode, without the power of the "Void".

Obviously, in order to kill Saito and the others, Aishmail would disregard his life and those of the elite guards.

"You, are you crazy...?"

This sentence almost stuck in Saito’s throat, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he killed Aishmail here on the spot, it wouldn’t stop the "Jewel of Fire" from starting to react.

"Comrade Aishmail, what are you doing?!"

"Do-don’t tell me you intend to bury us together with you?!"

Just then, the elves that had been knocked down by Saito discovered Aishmail’s intentions, and let out horrible shrieks.

"Do you not sincerely hope that the demons will be eliminated? You and I will all become national heroes, and will be forever celebrated by our descendants in elven history!"

A sad smile showed on Aishmail’s face.

The Jewels of Fire piled on the altar began to shine violently. They seemed to resonate with Aishmail’s Jewel of Fire, and once the small one burst, most of the other Jewels of Fire would explode along with it.

"Such a pity... Even if you do this, it will only increase the chain of this world’s hatred, and nothing more."

Tiffania whispered.

"You’re wrong. As long as the barbarians disappear from this world, the chain of hate disappears."

Bzzzzz... The Jewel of Fire began to shake. This was the countdown to destruction. Cracks in the enchantment gradually spread, and soon the power sealed in the Jewel of Fire would explode.

"I don’t think so!"

Louise quickly tried to cast the spell, "Dispel".

"Miss, that is useless.", Derflinger said.


"The reaction has already begun, so now even using ’Dispel’ will do nothing."

"Then I shall use ’Explosion’ and blow them away."

"That’s the worst option, the Jewels of Fire will explode."

"In the end, what should I do?!"

Louise roared.

"Ha, ha, hahahahahahaha! Long live the ’Steel-Blooded Party’!"

Aishmail’s laugh was full of madness.

"Damn...," Saito cursed. The Jewels of Fire were already on the verge of exploding, with no time to escape....

Just then, Tiffania suddenly got up and whispered.

"... What is that sound?"

Tiffania didn’t know where the beautiful melody her ears heard came from.

A melodic tone clearly passed by, bringing with it a feeling of nostalgia.

Even if the situation was extremely critical, Tiffania couldn’t help but involuntarily revel in the melody.

Where did it come from...?

"What is it, Tiffania?"

Louise, checking to see if the situation was wrong, asked Tiffania.

"Hey, Louise, can you not hear this sound?"

"What?", Louise wondered.

"Wait a moment, now isn’t the time to say this...."

It seemed like neither Louise, nor Saito heard it.

"Only I hear this mysterious melody...."

Just then, Tiffania remembered the true melody.

"This is a Void spell...."

This melody, she heard it when she was a child, it sounded just like that music box.

Hearing Tiffania’s whisper, Louise was surprised.

"Tiffania, you shouldn’t...."

Louise hurriedly removed something from her cloak.

It was a shabby little music box... "The Founder’s Music Box".

At that time, the "Wind Ruby" on Tiffania’s hand resonated with "The Founder’s Music Box", and sang a song, and runes engraved themselves into Tiffania’s mind.

"Tiffania, you learned a new void spell!"

Tiffania nodded her head in response.

The void runes became a beautiful song, and gradually entered her body....

The effect the new void produced, Tiffania knew it very well.

It is said that the Void will be given to the bearer when they need it.

This is indeed a fact.

"If I use this magic, maybe this will be a turning point...."

But if I use it now, there’s one thing that’s really going to worry people.

Thinking like this, Tiffania moved to Saito.

Two people’s eyes met.

Saito felt slightly unsure what was going on... but then suddenly he understood the meaning of that look.

That’s right, right now Saito was Louise’s familiar, and at the same time also Tiffania’s familiar. And the final familiar, "Lífþrasir", the supplier of void power....

Tiffania’s newly awakened void, a power far beyond the power of "Forget".

If I use this spell, what will happen to Saito’s body....

But Saito’s gaze stared straight at Tiffania, and then he shook his head.

Use it... Saito’s eyes told her this.

Tiffania quietly nodded, and decided to respond to Saito’s realization.

Therefore, Tiffania turned to face the crazily laughing Aishmail, and, holding a magic wand, began to chant the Void spell.

Eorū Sūna Eis Yarnsaksa

With that beautiful sound, Tiffania made the Void runes sound like a song.

That rune was very similar to the one for Louise’s "Explosion".

Os Beok Ing Le Rad

Ansūr Yur Tiel Kano Tiel

But this wouldn’t let the target object explode, but instead it was a spell that made all things in the world "Forget" their reason for existing. Although Tiffania had never been introduced to the concept, she understood it.

Gyof Isa Son Beokun Iel

The spell finished.

Tiffania waved her wand.

-- "Decompose."

The Void magic system designed by the Founder, would interfere with the tiny "particles", that constituted matter. The void that Tiffania chanted didn’t simply destroy the Jewels of Fire, but the essences that the Jewels of Fire were composed of were decomposed into "primaeval[2] particles", the origin of all matter.

It didn’t leave a trace in front of them. Even the fact that they existed in the world disappeared without a trace.

In a sense, this magic was the ultimate "Forget".

"Ho-how is this possible...?"

Facing the altar where the Jewels of Fire had disappeared from, Aishmail knelt on the ground in dismay.

The elite guards of the "Steel-Blooded Party," having witnessing the power of Tiffania’s Void, lost their will to fight, and dropped their weapons. That kind of evil magic that could make Jewels of Fire disappear in an instant... if it was used on them, how frightening would that be?

To vanish from the world without leaving a trace. This fear could be even more frightening to the elves than mere death.

"You did it, Tiffania!"

Louise happily shouted.

"You did it, Tiffa...."

Saito also looked to Tiffania... but suddenly collapsed to the floor.


This puzzled Louise.

But then she noticed that something was wrong, and rushed to Saito’s side.

"Saito! Dammit, what happened, Saito?!"


Saito, at that moment, already seemed to be unable to hear Louise’s panicked shouts.

The "Lífþrasir" runes glowed intensely, and seemed to cause burning, intense pain to Saito.

No, if you still feel pain, maybe it’s alright, because it means that you’re still alive. But this feeling, like your very existence is gradually being taken away.

"Ahhh, damn, finally... finally reunited with Louise...."

Only listening to Louise’s cries gradually fade away... Saito finally lost consciousness.

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