Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 245 - Being A Good Zombie Is Hard

Chapter 245: Being A Good Zombie Is Hard

After entering the space, Lin Qiao and Lin Feng showed up by the lakeside.

The latter was unconscious the last time he was in here, so this was his first time seeing Lin Qiao’s space. While observing the space, he had also been paying attention to her.

The space was larger than he had thought, and there was an actual lake in it. On the other side of the space was a large grassland and the strange-looking forest by the edge. All kinds of furniture pieces and kitchenware were placed on one side of the grassland.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the grassland was a pile of mutant pumpkins and potatoes. Lin Feng guessed that Lin Qiao stored those in her space because they were all edible.

Right next to the two of them was a stone stove, a chair, some buckets, pots, and bowls.?Many parts of this space were showing that it was a habitable space. The lake could provide people with water, and those pumpkins and potatoes could serve as food.

“Viney,” Lin Qiao stood by the lakeside and abruptly shouted at the lake.

Lin Feng glanced at her with surprise, wondering what did she mean. Was she calling someone? Or what?

Then, a few arm-thick vines rose from the peaceful lake surface. The vines swayed above the water, then actually reached toward Lin Feng and Lin Qiao.

Lin Feng automatically took a step backward, as he had a bad feeling.

Lin Qiao glanced at him and said, “What are you afraid of? This is Viney, a vine plant living in my space. I don’t know exactly what kind of creature it is, but it’s conscious. The lake water has a healing power because of its help.”

Hearing that, Lin Feng relaxed a little bit. After all, Viney wasn’t a mysterious creature to Lin Qiao, and it had something to do with healing.

Lin Qiao watched Viney reaching the vines toward her while continuing to Lin Feng, “Viney won’t hurt people, as long as you don’t offend it…”

Viney wouldn’t hurt people, but it could eat people. Lin Qiao didn’t tell that to Lin Feng, as she was afraid that he might overreact.

Anyway, Lin Feng calmed down, putting Lin Xiaolu on the chair nearby. Then, he touched her forehead and found that she was even hotter than before.?He couldn’t care about anything else, only wanting to know what he should do next to help his daughter.

“You said you may have a way to help. What’s your idea?” He asked Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao spread her hand and said, “The idea isn’t mine. We need to ask Viney.”

At that moment, the vines avoided Lin Feng and moved toward Lin Qiao. Soon, a vine coiled onto Lin Qiao’s leg and gently wrapped around her wrist.

‘Mama, mama, this is the man you brought here last time. Who’s this little sister?’ Asked Viney.?Lin Qiao responded in her head, ‘This man is my brother, and this little sister is my niece. But don’t tell him about that, because it’s our secret.’

‘Ah…alright…Eh? Is this little sister asleep?’ Viney responded without fully understanding.

Lin Qiao said, ‘The energy inside the little sister’s body seems to be abnormal. You go check her and see if you can help order her energy. She’s triggering her power.’

Lin Feng was confused a little on seeing Lin Qiao remain silent with a vine wrapped around her hand, only staring at his daughter.?At that point, Lin Qiao said to him, “Let Viney check Xiaolu’s body condition. Her energy has started to disorder.”

As more and more energy was generated inside her body, Lin Xiaolu’s body temperature was growing higher and higher.?Lin Feng looked at Lin Qiao with hesitation and asked, “Are you sure?”

Lin Qiao nodded and said, “Yeah, I’m sure! Your only choice is to believe me right now, isn’t it?”

She understood that Lin Feng had no better idea, and could only believe her. Lin Feng couldn’t tell what would happen at last, and he wasn’t willing to believe that the vine was able to save Xiaolu.

Lin Qiao looked at Viney, then pointed at Xiao Lu and said, “Viney, go and see if you can wake her up.”

Lin Feng didn’t know why Lin Qiao talked to a plant, but he didn’t say anything.


Vines responded, but didn’t unwrap her wrist. Instead, it sent anther vine toward Lin Xiaolu.?Seeing that a vine was actually coming at him, Lin Feng couldn’t help but get a little nervous. However, he understood that he had to trust Lin Qiao, and couldn’t make any other move.

He watched the vine, which had two tiny leaves at its head, crawl to her daughter’s feet like a snake, then coil around her ankles.

Next, the two leaves shook slightly.

A few seconds later, Viney said to Lin Qiao, ‘Mama, I can filter her energy, but we need to get her down in the lake…’

Lin Qiao nodded, then looked at Lin Feng and said, “Viney said that the energy inside Xiaolu’s body needs to be filtered. But to do that, we need to get her down in the lake.”

Lin Feng didn’t quite understand, so he asked, “What do you mean by getting her down in the lake? Are you going to take Xiaolu into the lake?”

Lin Qiao responded, “We need to take Xiaolu down to the bottom of the lake. But don’t worry, she’s gonna be fine. Viney is able to control her respiratory system and protect her from suffocation.”

Lin Feng popped his eyes in shock, as he could scarcely believe what Lin Qiao had said.

How could he put his daughter to the bottom of the lake! He didn’t know how deep that lake was, or what was in that lake. What if something happened to her?

He wore a dark face and didn’t say a word in a while.

Lin Feng honestly didn’t believe Lin Qiao. However, he couldn’t think of a thing to do to help his daughter. So now, he wasn’t sure if he should choose to trust Lin Qiao or not.

What if an accident happened after his daughter went down into the lake?

But soon, he chose to believe the other, because in the current situation, her daughter would be hopeless if he refused to believe. At the very least, Lin Qiao was offering hope.

He couldn’t watch his daughter’s body temperature go higher and higher, until she got hurt, could he?

Thus, he nodded and said, “Okay, but…”

He stared at Lin Qiao, his eyes saying that if anything happened to his daughter, he would fight Lin Qiao with his life.

Lin Qiao shrugged and nodded at him carelessly. But on the inside, she complained about the fact that she would get suspected every time she tried to save some people. Well, being a good zombie was really difficult!

With that thought, she said to Viney, “Alright, Viney, you can begin.”

Receiving her order, Viney immediately moved over its other few vines, wrapping up Lin Xiaolu’s limbs. Then, it lifted her from the chair and moved her into the lake.

Lin Feng maintained a calm look, his eyes fixed on Lin Xiaolu. But in fact, his pulse was throbbing in his throat, as he was so worried but couldn’t do anything.

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