Adopted Soldier

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Niel and Niki headed home after saying goodbye to Alex’s group . The moment Alex’s group was out of sight, Niel had an uneasy feeling . For some reason Niel felt a presence following him and his sister . He wasn’t sure if what he was feeling was right or just his imagination . So he did what Lyner told him to do in this kinds of situations . Niel concentrated on his sense of hearing and smell .

"As you are now, you wont be able to sense your opponent until it’s too late . . . You also wont be able to replicate how I sense opponents . Since I sense opponents using something like a sixth sense . This new sense goes beyond what sight, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting can show me . It’s a sense I have acquired after going through numerous battles . So as of now you can’t sense the enemies the same way I do . Instead I want you to focus on two of the senses you do have . First I want you to focus on your sense of hearing . Listen to the vibrations of the land . Listen to the whistling of the wind . If you concentrate hard enough and reach my level you will be able to even hear the crawling of the worms underneath the soil . "

"The next sense I want you to focus on is your sense of smell . I want you to concentrate in using that nose of yours . I want you to smell the different odors of the surrounding area . But the most important smell you need to familiarize with is the odor of a human being . Though if they are good enough they can probably mask their odors . Still you can also use that to your advantage as well . It all depends on how you think . "

Niel did as he had practiced and used his sense of hearing and his sense of smell in unison . Niel started concentrating as hard as he could while walking towards his house .

Niki who saw her brother doing something weird wanted to say something, but stopped herself since it felt like her brother was really concentrating on something at the moment . She didn’t want to do something that would trouble her brother .

Niel who was concentrating on his senses of hearing and smelling, finally noticed the person who was following them . He wasn’t following them on the ground . Niel could hear soft footsteps on the rooftops . He could also somehow smell a unique kind of cologne from the stalker .

Niel didn’t show any kind of reaction after he noticed the stalker, as he continued home without picking up the pace . This was another lesson taught to him by Lyner . Fighting begins with information . The more you know and the less the opponent knows the better .

At this moment Niel knows that someone was tailing them . On the other hand the stalker doesn’t know he was already spotted by Niel .

. . .

When the Rayheart siblings got home, they did their usual thing . Niel and Niki greeted their mom and changed out of their uniforms into their everyday clothes .

They ate their dinner with their mom and after eating dinner their mom headed out to hand their dad his nighttime meal, seeing as he was going to work overtime again today .

Once they were done eating the siblings had a bath, and then proceeded to do their homework . Yet this time around Niel didn’t go to his room . He went and helped his little sister do her homework .

Since Niel already knew that the stalker was on the roof, he didn’t leave Niki’s side . When they were done taking their bath, Niel took Niki and brought her to his room .

Niki was delighted to have her brother help with her homework, but she felt that something weird was going on with her brother . Even though he would help her every now and then, somehow this felt different .

Niel who brought Niki to his room, looked for the gun given to him by Lyner . It was Lyner’s colt 45 peacemaker, he gave it to Niel when he acknowledge him as a his personal student . Niel then hidden the gun behind his back . He then proceeded to check the throwing knives he hidden in his socks .

"Niki how about studying here in my room for awhile . I’ll be getting some food, so just wait for me here okay? Here wear this headphones I hear studying while listening to music helps improve your work . "

"Okay Nii-nii . "

"That’s a good girl . " NIel patted his sister’s head, which she joyfully received .

. . .

After leaving the room Niel sent a message to someone, before he proceeded to climb to the roof from Niki’s window . Before he got to the top, he could somehow sense that the man was still sitting in one position on the roof . This guy was obviously a professional, so before heading up he called for back up .

The moment Niel’s head peeked to look, a foot was suddenly going to smash on his head . Niel evaded while climbing onto the roof .

There in front of him was a man around seven feet tall, and his muscles could almost match Oliver’s . He was for some reason wearing a business suit, and in his left hand was a combat knife . The way he stood on top of the roof with uneven flooring clearly indicates how much he has trained .

The man in the suit looked at Niel with cold intensity . Niel then pointed his colt 45 at the man in the suit .

"I don’t suppose you’ll tell me, why you’re doing this?" The man didn’t respond and simply continued to look at Niel . He wasn’t even stunned to see Niel point a gun at him .

"So no response . . . I bet once I beat you up, you’ll be a bit more talkative . " Niel then proceeded to shoot the man in the suit . He wasn’t aiming at his vitals only at his hands and legs . Yet the man in the suit easily evaded and charged at Niel .

Niel ducked as the enemy’s combat knife slashed sidewards . The man then did a low spinning heel kick, which Niel evaded by jumping . The man in the suit already predicted this and somehow did a rising kick from his position .

Niel who was in midair had no way to evade, so before getting hit, he quickly took one of the throwing knives hidden in his sock and threw it at the man’s foot .

Niel was pushed back by the rising kick, and had two fractured ribs because of how powerful the man was . But Niel was still able to retaliate, and now the man’s left foot had a throwing knifing pierced through it .

Even though his foot was bleeding, it didn’t seem like it was bothering him . The man in the suit continued to look at Niel with a cold glare .

Niel then started to shoot at the man . Yet even with his injury he was still able to evade the bullets like it was nothing . Niel wasn’t experience enough to be able to predict the movements of a combatant of this level . Also he was still not that accustomed in using this gun given to him by Lyner . So his shots were extremely good for a first timer, but sloppy overall .

The noise of the gun also didn’t alert anyone for some reason . Niel was confused cause he was sure the moment he started shooting one of their neighbors would hear it and call the cops . Yet no one responded .

’This looks like it’s going to be a bit troublesome . I hope you come quickly Sir Lyner . ’

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