Adopted Soldier

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Niel continued fighting the man in the suit, but as they continued fighting Niel was getting nicked her and there . He now had a bunch of scratches on his left arm, a pretty deep cut on his right shoulder, and many more minor injuries all over his body . The only part that remained injury free was his face .

The reason for that was because that was what Niel defended the most . He didn’t even allow the man in the suit to graze his face . To Niel who believe in perfection on both the outside and the inside . His face was one of the most important things he has . Even at this point in the battle, where Niel had no more bullets and was barely hanging on, he still defended his face .

Also even though the man in the suit was equally, no was even more injured than Niel, he didn’t seem to be slowing down . Niel on the other hand was pretty much nearing his limit . This was Niel’s first true battle, and he was actually doing superbly . For someone of his level facing the man in the suit and actually fighting on even ground was already a miracle .

’This is harder than I thought . ’ Niel who was simply evading with all his might, was waiting for the right opportunity to strike . This fight was dangerous and one mistake could lead to his death, but this wasn’t the hardest fight he had .

Compared to training with Lyner, who gave the feeling that no matter what you do victory can never be achieved . This death battle with the man in a suit wasn’t all that hopeless . There was still a chance for victory .

The man in the suit started to get impatient, he wasn’t expecting this much resistance from Niel . He needed to finish this before some kind of mishap happens . The man then got even more aggressive in his attacks .

Niel noticing the man in the suit getting impatient didn’t miss this chance . He continued to wait for the perfect opportunity to attack, and like he thought the man in the suit finally revealed an opening . Niel immediately took at advantage of that opening and attacked .

Yet this was but a trap . The man in the suit was experienced enough to know what Niel was aiming for, so he showed an obvious opening in his defenses . This resulted in Niel attacking the gap in his defense, and the man in the suit was able to counterattack .

Niel caught by surprise was barely able to block the stab aimed at his chest . Niel used his left hand to block, and now he couldn’t move it properly .

’Is this it? Am I going to die here? No . . . I don’t think this guy wants to kill me . Since the beginning he was avoiding hitting my vitals, that’s the reason why I was able to hold on for this long . He wants to capture me alive . ’

While Niel was thinking about all these things . The man in the suit didn’t let up and pressed on his attack . Niel couldn’t handle it anymore and he was about ready to lose consciousness, when he suddenly heard the sound of an aproaching motorcycle .

Shocked by the sudden sound the two combatants for a split second diverted their attention to the sound . The next moment they saw someone jumped onto the roof . It was a stoic looking boy holding a long blade, that looked like a combination of a longsword and a katana . This boy was none other than Alex .

"Are you alright Niel?" Alex didn’t even look at Niel as he was focused at the man in the suit . Niel on the other hand hearing Alex’s voice felt a bit relieved for some reason . He knew how abnormal Alex was, so maybe he could handle this guy .

"I’ve been better . " Niel even in his current state smiled his winning smile .

"I see . . . Now that I’m here you can just rest for now . I will finish this in a flash . "

The man in the suit who saw Alex was on high alert . Every fiber of his being was telling him to run now . All his senses told him that there was no hope for the mission to be a success, now that this boy showed up .

It was safe to say that all of the other members of his squad have been done in by the boy in front of him . That is the only explanation that he could think of, as to how the boy was able to get here .

Also looking at the boy, the man saw that the boy had not even a scratch on him . This for him was a frightening sight . That would mean the boy had defeated all of his comrades that were on standby, without getting hurt .

The man in the suit was about to flee but Alex blocked his path . As if like lightning Alex had stabbed the shoulder of the man in the suit . After which he proceeded to stab both the man’s legs . The man in the suit who gave Niel so much trouble was easily immobilized by Alex .

Niel who had already fainted, might not believe how quickly Alex subdued such a strong opponent . Still the man in the suit was already injured all over which made it even easier for Alex .

. . .

In a distance sitting on top of a pile of unconscious men was Lyner, looking at Niel’s battle using some binoculars . The men that he was sitting on were the compatriots of the man in the suit, that occupied the neighboring houses .

Lyner when he received Niel’s message quickly headed towards his disciple’s house . On the way some men came out of their houses and attacked him . The men obviously knew who he was, because they attacked without hesitation and they attacked fully equipped .

Their gear was top notch and based on how they moved, it was safe to say that they were soldiers of the Granado Empire .

Still even though they knew who Lyner was and their equipment was top notch, it was obvious that this men were not prepared to deal with him . This force was meant for a different target . Lyner with overwhelming might subdued all the men present, and took one of their binoculars .

Using the binoculars Lyner looked at the direction of Niel’s house . There he saw Niel fighting a soldier wearing a business suit . Seeing as how it was only one man . Lyner decided not to interfere and see how much his disciple has improved .

Lyner used the pile of bodies as a chair as he watched Niel battle it out with a veteran .

. . .

After watching for awhile Lyner concluded that Niel will lose no matter what . He rated Niel’s strength to be about the same as a C rank merc . His hand to hand combat skills were impressive, but his gun skills were not even worth mentioning in the eyes of Lyner .

Lyner felt that this battle was a good experience for Niel so that he could grow stronger than before . Lyner was about to make a move to save Niel, but before he could do so someone unexpected arrived . It was Alex jumping onto the roof of Niel’s house .

The moment Alex arrived, Lyner didn’t bother to help Niel anymore . He then proceeded to call someone, asking the other party to pick up the illegal immigrants that he just beat up . The next thing Lyner did was message Niel saying nice fight .

After which Lyner started looking for a phone from one of the unconscious men . One of them most probably the leader must have some way to contact their boss . After searching for awhile Lyner finally found what he was looking for . Using that phone Lyner sent a message to the guy who ordered this attack . Lyner could pretty much figure out who was the one who sent this soldiers . So with that Lyner headed back to his beloved bed ready to go to sleep .

. . .

In a room decorated with the exquisite paintings and sculptures, an old man was sipping his tea while listening to some classical music . This old man was the patriarch of the Tang family a powerful force in the Granado Empire . He was also one of the ten generals of the Granado Empire .

While the old man was sipping his tea someone knocked on the door, disturbing his tranquility .

"Enter . " The old man with a dignified voice spoke . Hearing that he was granted permission a young man who looked a bit panicked entered the room . The old man who saw the expression of the one who entered sighed .

"The mission has failed, hasn’t it?" The young man hearing the old man’s words was trembling in fear .

" . . . Yes, the mission to capture the Rayheart siblings has failed . I beg your forgiveness lord Jing, but there was also a message sent to you . " The young man could hear his heart beat faster as he said those words .

"A message from who?"

When the young man heard Tang Jing’s question he couldn’t speak another word . He was so scared to report the name of the one who sent the message .

"Don’t worry young man . I can already guess who sent the message based on the fear in your eyes . So tell me who gave the message . "

" . . . Lyner . . . " Hearing that name made Tang Jing grow angry but he suppressed that anger, and asked, "what was his message . " The scared young man handed Tang Jing the phone with the message .

"Hey old man Tang . It’s been awhile since we met, I hope you’re still alive and kicking . So I just want to say thank you for sending those men to kidnap my disciple . It was good training for him . I guess you aren’t mad anymore about me killing your son, seeing as you sent these playmates for me and my disciple . Though I do hope next time you send some more people, and I hope they’re better than these guys . . . Cause you know I appreciate the gift and all that, but these guys weren’t even good for a warm up . Well that’s all I want to say, hope you have great day old man . "

The moment Tang Jing was done reading Lyner’s irritating, sarcastic message he crushed the phone he was holding .

’Lyner, I swear on the grave of my son, I will make you suffer!’

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