After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 142: The Accident (1) Scene Proposal

Chapter 142

As An Nuan returned to the hall, it was still bustling with excitement.

Unconsciously, she surveyed the hall and saw Ye Jinghuai and Qin Jiang chatting not far away. As if sensing her gaze, Ye Jinghuai turned his back to her.

An Nuan was speechless.

Was he really this childish?!

Were they still like children quarreling? He actually treated her this way.

She felt inexplicably angry.

She ignored Ye Jinghuai and walked directly towards her father.


The hall plunged into darkness.

Everyone was momentarily shocked.

In the banquet hall, a spotlight illuminated a man dressed in a suit and polished shoes, capturing everyone's attention.

An Nuan finally realized the scene unfolding before her eyes—Nie Ziming was going to propose to Xia Qiqi tonight.

It had been such a long time, and she had truly forgotten.

Moreover, in her previous life, she had never attended such a banquet. She only learned about it through news, so it was natural for her not to recall.

"Qiqi." Nie Ziming stood under the spotlight, holding a microphone and a bouquet of flowers. He called out her name.

Xia Qiqi, in the darkness, watched him with an accelerated heartbeat.

Everyone else also looked at this man who had always been quiet and unnoticed, but tonight, he was doing something so grand.

"We have been in love for six years. I have hesitated to propose because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give you a good life, afraid that I wouldn't be capable of taking care of you, afraid that you would feel wronged because of me, afraid that you would regret it, afraid of many, many things... I'm sorry, Qiqi. I can no longer pretend. I can't pretend that I don't love you that much; I can't pretend not to see your sadness; I can't pretend that I don't want to marry you right away..." As he spoke, tears seemed to well up in Nie Ziming's eyes.

Everyone knew about Nie Ziming's background, so they were deeply moved by his sincere confession.

Except for An Nuan.

An Nuan just stared blankly at Nie Ziming's performance.

A perfect act.

Just like Gu Yansheng.

So, this was the typical strategy of a scumbag!

Dealing with one was not enough; dealing with two was even better.

"Qiqi, will you marry me, please?" Nie Ziming's gentle voice suddenly became straightforward.

Directly addressing a woman in the darkness, he spoke deeply.

Xia Qiqi had already cried so much that she looked like a ghost.

She had never even considered that Nie Ziming would propose to her.

And in such a grand manner.

She had always thought that even if they got married, it would be a low-key event. She never expected Nie Ziming to give her such a big surprise.

At that moment, she didn't hesitate.

She ran over directly, stepping on her high heels and rushing into Nie Ziming's embrace.

Nie Ziming suddenly lifted Xia Qiqi into the air, holding her tightly, and spun around, exuding an aura of a devoted boyfriend.

For a while,

Reluctantly, Nie Ziming put Xia Qiqi down.

After putting her down, the two locked eyes.

Nie Ziming said, "Qiqi, I have nothing right now, but I swear I will do my utmost to give you the greatest happiness."

"I believe you." Xia Qiqi's tears streamed down, and she replied firmly.

A smile crept up on Nie Ziming's lips.

He knelt down, placing the flowers and microphone on the ground, and took out an exquisite box from his suit pocket.

The box opened, revealing a dazzling diamond ring in front of everyone.

The diamond wasn't particularly large, but it was unique.

Nie Ziming solemnly asked Xia Qiqi again, "Qiqi, will you marry me?"

"I will." Xia Qiqi hesitated for almost no time.

Nie Ziming couldn't hide his smile as it blossomed on his face. He took hold of Xia Qiqi's hand and placed the diamond ring on her ring finger.

It was the perfect size.

The whole room erupted in warm applause.

It was a blessing.

Nie Ziming stood up from the ground.

He gently cupped Xia Qiqi's cheek, and with a kiss, their lips met.

The two of them kissed passionately, deeply entwined in their affection.

It was the kind of love that touched the depths of one's heart.

Xiao Nanchen watched this, thought about it, and smiled.

Even though his smile became increasingly bitter.

He had thought that he had done well enough.

When he left this city, he had warned himself to forget Xia Qiqi completely before coming back.

Four years had passed.

He thought he had forgotten, so when his mother forced him with death, he chose to return.

Upon returning, he reminded himself to face Xia Qiqi with the most peaceful mindset, without any unrealistic thoughts.

But obviously.

He had overestimated himself.

Whether it was being tempted by Xia Qiqi that night or the pain in his heart when faced with their deep feelings at this moment, he knew very well that he hadn't learned how to let go.

So, he turned around and left.

He couldn't stand in the corner and bless them, so he could only choose to let her leave his sight.

That's just how he was, a bit disheveled.

Xiao Nanchen's departure seemed unnoticed at this moment.

After all, everyone's attention was on the couple in front, except for An Nuan.

An Nuan truly couldn't bear to watch, but she couldn't step forward to stop them either.

So she simply looked away.

Without looking at Xia Qiqi and Nie Ziming, she saw Xiao Nanchen leaving out of the corner of her eyes.

An Nuan pursed her lips.

In the end, she didn't say anything.

But she vaguely saw that after Xiao Nanchen left, two more people left.

After the lights came back on, she was certain it was Ye Jinghuai and Qin Jiang.

She was somewhat surprised.

How did Xiao Nanchen, Ye Jinghuai, and Qin Jiang know each other?!

After the proposal ceremony.

The banquet was nearing its end.

An Yan was getting older and couldn't stay up late, so she left soon.

An Nuan thought that Xia Qiqi would probably be immersed in her happiness with Nie Ziming tonight, so she didn't disturb her and left the banquet hall as well.

At the entrance, Hu Feng was waiting for her.

An Nuan thought that Ye Jinghuai had probably called Hu Feng away.

After all, they had argued tonight.

If Ye Jinghuai had even a bit of immaturity, he might have done that.

She didn't dare to have too much hope for him.

She got into the backseat, and Hu Feng drove them back.

The night in Qingcheng was truly as brilliant as its reputation.

An Nuan gazed out the window, lost in thought.

Actually, I've been wondering whether Ye Jinghuai went back or went to accompany Xiao Nanchen?!

I have a feeling it's the latter.

"Madam," Hu Feng suddenly spoke, his tone extremely serious.

An Nuan was almost scared to death by the sudden sound.

She didn't know why, but every time she thought of Ye Jinghuai, she felt a guilty conscience.

"What's wrong?" An Nuan acted normal.

"We are being followed," Hu Feng said, emphasizing each word.

An Nuan's usual expression suddenly changed.

Her heart raced with nervousness.

She had a strong feeling that whatever could stir Hu Feng's emotions wouldn't be a small matter.


Who wanted to kill her?!

Actually, she didn't need to think to know.

Gu Yansheng!

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