After Rebirth, I Married the Archenemy of My Ex-Husband

Chapter 143: After the Accident (2) Thrilling

Chapter 143

On the broad streets.

Because it was late at night, vehicles were becoming increasingly scarce.

An Nuan was holding on tightly to the handrail, feeling the sudden acceleration of the vehicle.

Facing danger.

She would still be nervous, nervously, making herself try to stay calm.

She asked Hu Feng, "Can you shake them off?"

"It's hard," Hu Feng said. "I feel like there's probably more than one car following us."

An Nuan's expression noticeably changed a little.

"Madam, sit tight." Hu Feng suddenly stepped on the gas.

An Nuan then felt her seatbelt suddenly tighten.

She gritted her teeth, making herself stay steady.

The sedan was driving wildly on the street.

The sedans behind, because of Hu Feng's acceleration, were also relentlessly pursuing.

Even faster and faster.

Hu Feng suddenly made a sharp turn.

If it hadn't been for the seatbelt restraining her, she felt she might have already flown out.

She held back from screaming out loud.

She just heard Hu Feng say quickly and anxiously, "Madam, call Mr. Ye."

An Nuan now also understood that without outside help, it would be hard to get away.

She hurriedly took out her cell phone from her bag.

Under Hu Feng's somewhat crazy driving, it took her a good while before she got through to Ye Jinghuai's phone.

It rang for a long time before it was picked up on the other end.

As soon as it connected, she clearly heard the loud music coming from inside, then slowly heard Ye Jinghuai's casual tone of voice, "Miss An, what can I do for you?!"

Clearly with emotions.

An Nuan also could not bother with reckoning with Ye Jinghuai at this time. She hurriedly said, "Ye Jinghuai, Hu Feng and I are being followed... Ah!"

An Nuan suddenly cried out.

Because Hu Feng had slammed on the brakes.

Her phone suddenly dropped to the ground.

Hu Feng quickly said, "Madam, pay attention to keeping your body stable."

"Okay." An Nuan responded.

At that moment she hurriedly bent over to pick up the phone on the ground.

She just heard Ye Jinghuai's voice coming through the phone with some urgency, calling her, "An Nuan, An Nuan!"

"I'm fine," An Nuan quickly replied, "There are several sedans behind chasing us, Hu Feng said it's very hard to shake them off, I guess it's probably Gu Yan Sheng..."

"Give the phone to Hu Feng," Ye Jinghuai, after a few seconds of excitement, had clearly calmed down completely.

An Nuan quickly pressed speakerphone and put the phone next to Hu Feng.

"Ye Jinghuai, you talk, Hu Feng can hear you," An Nuan said loudly towards the phone.

Ye Jinghuai said, "What is your exact location now?"

"Just passed the intersection on Nanyuan Road. Currently three modified sedans are chasing me. Based on the speed they are chasing me, I suspect they want to directly overturn me. I can barely avoid their collisions for now, but if they add more people, I will have a hard time getting through this unharmed..."

Another sharp drifting turn.

An Nuan held tightly onto the back of the driver's seat, not letting the phone fly out again.

"An Nuan," Ye Jinghuai suddenly called her again.

"I'm here, I'm here," An Nuan quickly replied, also afraid now because of the danger.

"You turn on real-time location sharing now, share it with me. Then keep the call going, I need to know your situation at all times."

"Okay." An Nuan agreed.

At that moment she also shared her real-time location with Ye Jinghuai as he had instructed.

There was no more sound from Ye Jinghuai after that.

Although it was still connected, there was no sound at all.

An Nuan didn't know what Ye Jinghuai was doing now, whether he would come to rescue them, or...whether he would rescue them at all.

She didn't have time to think too much right now.

The cars behind were clearly shockingly crazy. If they weren't careful, she and Hu Feng would be smashed to pieces.

Like this.

Hu Feng kept driving the car wildly, it was really thrilling, An Nuan felt even movies wouldn't dare film this.

Several times she even felt the sedan behind was about to crash into them directly.

Yet at the last critical moment, Hu Feng always managed to evade them.

She thought.

If it wasn't Hu Feng, if it was another person, she would probably have died ten thousand times already.

She concentrated her attention, not daring to be distracted for a second.

On the phone, Ye Jinghuai's familiar voice suddenly rang out, he said, "Hu Feng."

"Here," Hu Feng replied most respectfully.

An Nuan really admired him, at this moment driving so attentively, under such danger, Hu Feng could still talk to Ye Jinghuai.

"At the next intersection, turn right, go straight, towards Hanlin Road, keep driving, I'll have people block the cars chasing you from the intersection at the end of the road!"

"Okay." Hu Feng nodded.

Without hesitation, he followed the route Ye Jinghuai had instructed.

There was no more sound from that side after that.

Although she could be certain now that Ye Jinghuai was indeed helping her, but...Ye Jinghuai's aloofness still gave her a feeling she couldn't put into words.

She pursed her lips.

Being able to help her was already enough.

They were just in a marriage of convenience.

She couldn't require Ye Jinghuai to, but...this guy was just too cold.

Not a single word of comfort.

Even if it was a cooperative relationship, when your cooperative partner was about to die, he couldn't be a little concerned?

"Ah!" An Nuan had a moment's reprieve.

She suddenly felt the car shake violently.

Hu Feng said solemnly, "Another one added."

An Nuan also saw from the right side.

Clearly just now to evade the car coming from the right, Hu Feng had made a sharp turn.

It deviated somewhat from the direction Ye Jinghuai had said.

Hu Feng spoke towards the phone, "Mr. Ye."

There was no response from the other end.

Hu Feng spoke again, "Mr. Ye."

An Nuan was extremely nervous now.

Would Ye Jinghuai really have just put the phone aside at this time?!

At such a crisis, how could he be so nonchalant.


"Hu Feng, speak," Ye Jinghuai's cold voice came through.

The calmness in his tone really didn't reveal any emotion at all.

Not a shred of tension or worry.

"Now there are 4 cars. The newly added one has forced me to deviate from the trajectory you gave me. And now I'm finding it a bit beyond my ability. If they attack again, I may not be able to evade." Hu Feng reported the current situation.

His voice was also unusually calm.

"Follow your own trajectory, don't worry about the route, just ensure your absolute safety. Hold on for 5 minutes, I'll get there," Ye Jinghuai instructed.


There was no more sound from that side after that.

An Nuan then saw Hu Feng insanely accelerate, with no direction, just desperately trying to shake off the cars behind.

On the street, thrilling scenes played out one after another.

"Madam, careful!" Hu Feng suddenly shouted loudly.

An Nuan also saw it. One of the black modified sedans they had just shaken off was now madly charging at them from another direction. With the three sedans behind pursuing them, Hu Feng simply had no way out.

She just watched the sedan getting closer and closer to her...

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