Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 120: Drafting A New Contract With Aria

Chapter 120: Drafting A New Contract With Aria

"Do you want more cakes?" She turned to reply with an innocent face that irritated me. I raised my spear high in the air as I shouted angrily:

"Move yourself here right now, or I swear I will stop attacking and let you all face them all alone!"

"Ok ok, I will come right now," she hurried to reply as she knew for sure how crazy I was. I returned to face a group of players who sent their skills upon me. I was already furious, so I didn't show them any mercy.

I sent my spears this time for a longer distance, killing more players than I needed to create a path for me and the team behind me. I was very pissed off, so I vented my frustration over them.

"Hi Agatha sis, what do you want to talk about?"

I heard her voice coming from behind me, to feel my blood boil. I turned sharply with my spear pointed straight towards her pretty face as I said with calm, yet intimidating tone:

"You will give me half of all the fallen equipment your team is gathering right now."

She smiled a silly smile while replying nervously:

"Sure, it's a deal; I have no objection to that."

"Good, write a contract now and send it to me to sign. Also our previously agreed equipment deal and compensation will be cut in half. Add that to the contract as well."

I didn't wait for her reply as I turned to face the incoming players again. I heard a soft sigh coming from behind; it seemed she was afraid from my anger. Was I this scary? I was a normal girl playing with a spear.

As she drafted the contract, Shin sent me his coordinates unwillingly, as I promised not to kill him, however he wouldn't get out unpunished. I would make him buy more cakes for me; men could be punished easily if they paid from their own pockets.

"Here, I signed the contract, read and sign it please," Aria suddenly said with a sigh.

"Wait on a moment," I then unleashed my spears towards many directions. In less than a few moments, a big gap appeared in front of me. I then opened the contract she sent and read it thoroughly.

Although these equipment were all mine hypothetically, however practically speaking gaining half of them was way better than gaining nothing at all. I also needed to reward Aria's players properly, or else they would slack in collecting the loot.

The contract was simple, with two points only, so I read it fast and then signed it after. As the contract disappeared and becoming effective, I started to continue attacking the players up front, while opening my personal map.

I entered the coordinates which Shin sent and compared it with our current location. We weren't that far from them, as it seemed these players were really close to finding Shin and my team.

As I knew where to go, I had an idea, so I searched for another location, a location with special conditions. Once I found it, I sent it to Shin first as I explained what I intended to do, then I shared that location at the general team chat.

'This is the location of my team, we aren't that far yet from them. let's rescue them together.'

Just I finished posting this on the general chat, Aria whispered softly with some annoyance in her voice:

"Are you crazy? I'm sure we have spies here."

I giggled as I replied:

"That's what I'm anticipating from them."

We didn't speak again, however Aria had already gotten my idea. She wasn't stupid nor newbie, so it was normal for her to guess my plan. She then retreated far away to a place I couldn't feel her presence anymore.

'Rog, go ahead at the location I just shared. I want you to scout the area and keep me updated.'

'It's a risky plan what you are trying to pull here, and we need to talk about the bet.'

I was surprised for him to guess my plan already. The only explanation was that he heard my short talk with Aria just now.

'What bet?'

I replied back as usual, faking loss of interest. The more a girl moves away, the closer the guy would feel.

'C'mon, you know already what I'm talking about.'

'And you know my reply, why bother asking me about it every now and then? Let it go Rog, we aren't fated to be together.'

'Be together? I'm not seeking your love princess,' he replied instantly.

'Oh, my bad, I mistyped it. I meant 'bet' not 'be'. Sorry, I was busy killing the players around me.'

'You good, I will talk to you and have a face to face talk right now.'

I didn't know why, I felt nervous when I read his reply. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for his usual sudden appearance beside me. That made me somewhat distracted, however I managed to keep my spears launched forward, which created a safe path for me and my allies.

"Now, can we talk seriously?"

His voice came again to startle me, he didn't appear from behind or by my side, instead he appeared up front. Unconsciously I turned sharply to his location and sent my spears out with a spontaneous reaction. Who told him to be this irritant? It was his fault not mine!

"Don't you know you can't hit your teammate with your art?"

His voice came again abruptly to startle me as usual. I sighed, I was cursed by a weak, unreliable, silly minded, and nerve breaking males around me. I gave up on changing any of their irritating habits, men never change.

"I can ask Aria to kick you out then."

"She won't , she is closer to me than you," he replied with a chuckle like he was so sure about my inability to punish him. I sneered as I said:

"Then it's me who will leave the team, this way I can easily kill you, right?"

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