Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 121: What Bet? Your Proclaimed Bet? Not Interested

Chapter 121: What Bet? Your Proclaimed Bet? Not Interested

It seemed my reply startled him, as he paused for a moment before saying:

"Let's stop joking, I need to speak seriously with you."

"About your proclaimed fair bet? Sorry, not interested."

"C'mon, haven't we agreed not to joke anymore? I know you are interested."

"Who said I agreed on no joking?" I said while sticking out my tongue to him, "You just need to think of a fair bet and I would really consider it."

I heard a sneer from him followed by a chuckle, so I didn't know if he was discontent or happy with my reply. I kept attacking and pushing the way forward while he replied after couple of minutes:

"How about that, it's the same previous conditions, however the judge wouldn't be me, Aria will be the judge. What do you think?"

"Unacceptable, Aria is a closer friend to you than me."

I frankly heard the sound of gritting his teeth while replying:

"What do you propose then?"

"Hmm, let one of my group judge then."

"I don't agree, he or she will be biased to you," he instantly refused.

I didn't argue with him, as I felt I played with him long enough, so I proposed my real offer:

"When we return to the town, we can ask for one NPC to be the judge. This will be quite fair."

He went silence for a moment before saying:

"This doesn't work either, as NPC never put us in the eye. In addition to that, NPCS can't judge the true value of a veteran player like myself."

He had a good point though, so I asked with a loss:

"I really have no other ideas."

"I know someone; he is famous for being fair and just. He once judged over his right handed player in his group and that caused him a lot of troubles and many losses; however he never reneged over his fair judgment back then. What do you think if we invited him to judge between us?"

I thought about his words for a long time. If that player was as just and fair as he said, then he would be a great candidate to be a judge here. However, I couldn't just trust this wicked cool assassin's words, so I asked:

"Give me his name, and I will ask about him. If he is as you just mentioned, then I have no objection to him being the judge."

"He is quite famous; after all he is the head of one of the big adventure groups in this game world. He is called Merwid, the head of the Greatos adventure group. You can search for his related info at the forums, everything is documented there."

I sensed his confidence in his words, and happiness from finally achieving an agreement with me. I hid my big smile, as it was me who should be happy and excited not him. After all, this hard to get cool assassin had fallen into my grasp without knowing that.

Although I wanted to dig all the info related to that Merwid, I decided to postpone doing so after I wrapped things here. After all, we were getting closer to the meeting place I chose, and a big fight was waiting for us there.

I casually checked my hunger value, which became a recent habit for me. Throughout all this running, the hunger value increased only by ten, reaching the value of seventy. I was still safe so far. If things went on like this, I might be able to finish the upcoming battle with hunger value not exceeding eighty.

The distance between me and that location was getting closer with each passing minute. I believed I killed over a thousand players myself, which meant I gained two thousand pieces of equipment at least.

I glanced over my shoulders every now and then; Aria's team was working seriously to collect all the fallen gears. That was reassuring, as I feared our marching speed wouldn't allow them to collect every fallen piece of equipment on the ground. It seemed I wasn't the only greedy person here after all, that was totally reassuring.

'There are more than three thousand players lying in ambush in the middle of that place.'

Rog suddenly sent me this info, which managed to push a wide smile over my face. I didn't delay relaying the news to Aria, and at the same time I sent it to Shin, asking him about his current location.

'We are waiting for your signal.'

Shin simply replied with these short words. Everything was set in place, and every piece was finally ready, waiting for my signal to begin their motion.

I looked at the map again, there was a small distance between my location and my destination. I decided not to move Shin's group from now, at least until the fish took the bait fully and became deeply involved with us.

'Keep tight and wait for my order.'

That was the short reply I sent to Shin. I felt some rush in my body, as this excitement of designing a trap was long forgotten by me. at my kingdom, we long lost the initiative and turned to defend passively all the time.

I really missed this feeling, the feeling of control and power.

The distance was crossed easily and rapidly this time, especially when we faced no players at all. The situation was drawn perfectly in my mind, as the front was blocked by those players lying in ambush, and we were chased with the rest of the players that we managed to slip through.

They were aiming to trap us, and I aimed at trapping them. The final winner would be easily determined by the final winner of this simple rule, whoever managed to crush his enemy trap would win.

And I intended to crush them and win this fight fast.

'Be ready, when we reach there, you will shift your position with me. leave the rear for me.'

I sent this short message to Aria, whom I couldn't find amidst the surviving players following behind.


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