Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 189: Demon Commander Medallion

Chapter 189: Demon Commander Medallion

Once I took the decision, I heard the voice in my ears saying coldly:

'All players were exterminated. All their belongings are ready to be sent to your Inventory. The size of your Inventory is very small. Please look for an alternative.'

I suddenly felt how silly I was to think my Inventory could hold up all those items. Luckily I had bought porins or else I would be in trouble right now. I took out one porin, the silver grade one.

I held the small box in my hand as I said to the artifact in the Inventory:

'Move all the items here.'

I suddenly felt the box in my hand trembled for a few moments then the sound of the artifact came again:

'Everything is moved inside the portable Inventory.'

I was so excited as killing all those players must have yielded me great benefits. As I held the small box, I thought of exploring it to find myself standing in the middle of a large room.

It was a cube with fifty meters in length and height. In this room I found many things organized in small patches with similar things grouped together.

When I saw this scene, I felt great surprise from this organization, and then I was shocked by what I saw.

The first thing I noticed were the large hills of the cake pearls that made me stunned. Their numbers must be in thousands, or even tens of thousands.

With all these pearls in my possession, I could train without any worries at all. I could also support the training of Diana and Rog.

The next thing there was another large collection of demon bones. I became sure these players were here for a long time already, as the amount in front of me was really huge.

The third thing there was a new item that I didn't see before. It was a small eight angles star medallion with a bronze thin strip to be held around the neck like a necklace.

This medallion was in hundreds forming a smaller hill, however I got one of them and tried to observe it. The result was disappointing as I couldn't get any info related to this medallion.

I took one in hand as I decided to ask Gen about it. The next item was another group of medallions, silver in color and didn't exceed fifty in number.

I also took one of them as I moved to the next group of items. This time I knew exactly what was there, as I found fourteen medallions, mystic art medallions. I looked at them with shock as I didn't expect to get these here.

It seemed my luck was great, however I couldn't use them now as my players must be taught on the hands of masters.

However I now was sure that I would get at least fourteen extra mystic art players in the future. The more impressive thing was that I had a way to accumulate even more medallions.

I forgot that to be here you must be a formal mystic art player. Also it would be logic for old forces to obtain the loyalty of many former mystic art players. That meant I was now like a tiger that reached its hunting lands.

The sight of these medallions made me put another goal in my mind. I had to leave here with enough medallions to arm my entire group. A newly established adventure group with thousands of mystic art users would be amazing, right?

The next items there were some cakes and drinks that I saw before in the stele. I wasn't interested in any of them, as after tasting the pearls I began to hate normal cakes.

This would be a problem, as being here wasn't permanent. I also couldn't gather enough pearls for me to use in the game. I had to accept the fact that these tasty pearls were just a temporary situation, and it would end sooner or later.

What a regret! Sigh!

I then exited the place with two medallions in my hand. The sudden appearance of these medallions attracted the attention of those close to me, especially their shape were eye catchy.

"What the hell! How did you get the demon commander medallions?"

I heard this sudden cry of shock coming from Gen once he saw the two medallions. I handed the medallions to him as I asked:

"Do you know what those are?"

He took the two as he observed them closely like he wasn't sure of being real. After few moments he replied with a shocked and excited voice:

"These are rare medallions, called the demon commander medallions. Anyone obtaining these medallions could control a team of ten demons with the bronze medallions, and a team of twenty with the silver medallion.

These demons would be loyal to the player as long as the player had the medallion. If the demon died, then the player could recruit more demons. How did you get these medallions? They never fell below level five."

That was useful info for me, as that meant these players came from level five. Was that master hall so pitiful to ask the help of those higher players?

This also meant these players were the weakest one in the forces that master sent after me. I hoped they wouldn't hear about what happened with the players they sent so soon, or else I might pump into more trouble.

Although I felt some threats from them, I was eager to face them. dealing with players would secure more mystic art medallions, which was something I desperately wanted.

As I was feeling two contradictory feelings like this, Gen asked:

"How many medallions like these do you have?"

I awoke from my momentarily loss as I replied:

"I have enough. do you want to use them on the demons here?"

He shook his head as he suggested:

"Demons here are low levels, so using the medallions on them is a waste. There are two ways to get the most ideal benefit of these medallions, first is to wait until we reach level five or six then we can use them freely. As once we controlled demons, we couldn't release them again until they were dead.

The other option ahead of us is to sell them. Last time I checked the bronze medallion was sold by five hundred gold coins, while the silver medallions were sold by one thousand and five hundred gold coins."

I looked at him while thinking about it. selling these medallions would bring me some wealth, however I would sacrifice such a card that might be a life saving in the future.

I decided to keep them for now, if I become short on gold coins in the future then I might sell part of these medallions. Other than this, I wouldn't think of selling them.

I took the two medallions as I stored them again inside my porin, which I then stored in my Inventory. After that I said:

"I will store them for later use. Let's keep going then."

Gen looked silently at me, then he gave the orders to my personal army to move alongside the orders of Rody, Elyo, and Gabri who were leading the rest of the players.

The three were also listening to the words of Gen, as their eyes flashed with excitement when they heard the uses of these medallions.

After I declared my decision, they had a long sigh of relief. It seemed they were afraid I would sell these medallions and not use them.

Just as I finished all this, Rog sent me another tip about the approach of a new demon team.

"Let's be ready, other demons are coming towards us."

I ordered loudly everyone so they would shake the feeling of security they had when I removed thousands of players in mere seconds.

I wasn't in the mood to lead the attack this time, so I turned towards Diana as I said:

"You will handle them."

"No problem for me. are you alright?" she asked. Since I began to raise the hunger value and I led every attack alone. This time she had the right to be concerned, so I reassured her:

"Don't worry, I just want to think about something."

She nodded as she moved to lead the charge towards the incoming demons. As this wasn't the first time for my players to deal with demons, I wasn't worried when I said to Gen:

"Wait, I want to ask you about something."

He looked strangely at me, however he did as I ordered as he sent his men under the lead of his vice then he looked silently at me.

"I want to ask, can someone from higher levels use the medallions to bring demons from those levels back to the lower one?"

He looked with more doubt as he thought of the reason for my question before answering:

"They could, however it would take some time to move them."

He seemed hesitated before asking:

"Are you afraid these players would return again?"

"I'm not afraid of them, I'm just worried about their leaders," I replied as I watched the ongoing battle with no focus at all.

"Leaders?" he whispered before adding, "These players weren't the main force?"

I looked at him without replying, as my silence was more than enough to give the response to his question. He took a deep breath as he muttered:

"We need to be more careful then."

"Don't worry, I'm not afraid of them, I'm just anticipating this move."

He glanced at me again with many questions in his look. I didn't care about what he was thinking right now as I made up my mind, it would be more interesting if they came now with their full forces. Even if they brought tens of thousands of demons with them, I could easily trap all and then find a way to add them to my army.

I was going to win it big, then why wouldn't I be anticipating this confrontation?

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