Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 190: Facing A Terrible Situation

Chapter 190: Facing A Terrible Situation

I watched the easy to win fight without any interest. I knew my players got used to the style of fighting here. The fight ended soon by acquiring fifty more pearls to my collection.

After that we continued our march again. during the periods between fighting, I, Diana, and Rog used our mystic arts all the time to increase our hunger value.

In less than one day we managed to double the hunger value, breaking the old record of the highest value ever. That was something worth celebrating, but we didn't have time to do so.

'There are some assassins that are watching our movements.'

Rog suddenly sent these words out of the blue. We just finished another easy fight, so welcoming another was acceptable to me.

'How many enemies out there?' I asked.

'Less than fifty, but I couldn't see any others,' Rog replied.

That number meant we were watched, and our enemy was cautious this time. This meant we were heading to a trap, a place that my enemy had chosen to serve his purposes.

If we continued going in the same direction, then we would end up being caught in his trap. For me I didn't care, however I wanted to train my players here on fighting other players.

I didn't like me being their protector, after all I was their leader. I would act if they were about to lose, but this was war and I needed to train them and make them ready for any fierce battle.

So walking to that trap was something I intended to do, but I needed to gather intel first.

That being decided, I sent to Rog at once:

'Scatter your assassins out towards the distance and search for any ambush or enemies and report back to me.'


As for the currently watching assassins, I needed to make them feel secure about their plan not being discovered, so I continued my march and routine use of mystic art without any interruption.

I was sure my and Diana's actions would attract their attention and suspicion, however it was extremely hard for them to guess what we were doing.

For them we would be two crazy girls who were burning their hunger values and losing their precious hearts without care.

After another fight with demons, the first report came to me from Rog, as he said:

'There is a large group of players waiting ahead in ambush around a huge swamp. It seems they intend to circle us while crossing the swamp.'

That was pretty dangerous indeed. Crossing any swamp was risky alone, and now with this ambush things got complicated.

'Keep looking for more enemies.'

I was content with what he brought to me, but something inside me kept telling there was something missing. So I ordered Rog to keep looking for other enemies, and after ten more minutes I knew my hunch was right.

'There are a group of enemies lying ambushed in the east of the first one,' Rog suddenly said, confirming my fears. This enemy was more cunning, as it seemed to gather more players than the previous one.

'How many players are there?' I asked.

'Huge, I believe they are counted in tens of thousands,' he replied.

That was weird, after all that hall master knew I had the artifact, and knew I had a substantial amount of gold in my hand. As I reached this point of thought, I began to figure out the whole scheme of that master.

He was so wicked, he didn't aim to kill me directly and fast, instead he was trying to wear me down. Cutting my wealth bit by bit so when the final force he was preparing got to move, I would be helpless in front of it.

In my opinion, this force would be demons coming from higher levels than here. their numbers would be huge, but they wouldn't attack unless I got rid of all these ambushes.

Without waiting for Rog to report, I knew there were more than one more hostile players out there waiting for us. The next reports came to confirm this, as Rog assassins discovered three more large teams of players waiting for ambush.

They were arranged in succession, and their numbers were huge. I believed there were around fifty thousand players arranged in five ambushing groups, and if there were more ambushes up ahead then the number would escalate to a frightening higher amount.

This master was really a snake, as he played it very well, however his main mistake was not knowing I was a descendant of the witch.

So, that artifact's curse had no effect upon me. In return I could trap players with only one gold coin cost. The main problem wasn't in trapping these players, but it was related to the demon army they would finally use to hit me.

Trapping any demon would cost me one hundred gold coins, so my current wealth couldn't suffice to face a large number of demons.

From the number of commander medallions I got, I could guess roughly the number of demons waiting for me; at least ten thousand demons. That number might rise to exceed fifty thousand demons if these players were serious about killing me.

If that was true, then I was in big trouble. trapping ten thousand demons would cost one million gold coins. I didn't have that much in my pocket, and this was the lowest possible cost I would suffer.

This number might escalate to reach five million gold coins or even higher. I sighed, war was very costly, and winning it would cost more.

The only way out of here was either by escaping these ambushes, which wasn't a practical solution, or selling some of what I had to amass more coins.

Avoiding these ambushes wasn't an option, as I would only delay the inevitable. I would also send a message to my enemies informing them that I discovered their trail.

So next time they might be more careful and I wouldn't be able to detect all their ambushes.

So I had to sell parts of what I had in my possession. I checked my Inventory and my porin to find that my main collections were one of the three: cake pearls, demon commander bronze grade medallions, and demon bones.

The first option for me was to sell the bones. I opened the stele as I searched for the selling price of demon bones to be disappointed. The cost of one bone of demons slain at level three areas or lower was only one gold coin.

Each demon gave me five different types of bones, that meant each demon would give me fifty gold coins only. The amount in my possession wasn't that much to cover my current needs, however I didn't hesitate to sell them all.

That granted me two hundred thousand gold coins, most of it came from what I got from players I killed inside my artifact. This amount was nice, but it wasn't what I needed.

I needed more, much more.

So I had to choose between the pearls or the medallions. For instance I was tempted to sell the pearls, as each pearl was sold by one thousand gold coins. I had many pearls so I could amass six million gold coins by selling these pearls alone.

However that would be stupid, as the most important thing here in these lands was to replenish the rapidly depleting hunger value. Even if my hunger value became in thousands, I would still be in dire need of these pearls.

So, I had no other choice but to sell all the medallions I got. Each medallion would be sold by five hundred gold coins. I didn't hesitate and sold them all. Six thousand and three hundred medallions granted me over three million gold coins.

So I now have around four million gold coins. That was an amazing amount, and if I had them before now I would be extremely excited. However I looked at that number right now with some pity, I still needed more.

However I didn't rush to sell any pearls, after all I lacked an estimation for the total amount of gold needed to exterminate all the demons.

Who knew, I might not need to sell any pearl at all.

'Listen up, we will have a rough journey ahead of us. There are many teams lying in ambush for us,' I sent this info in the chat with my vices.

'How many players in each team?' Rody simply asked.

'Their numbers in thousands, might reach ten thousand or even more,' Rog replied at once.

'Is it the sum of all the players out there?' Elyo asked.

'No, it's the number of each team, and we have at least five teams like this,' Rog replied.

Suddenly all three of them looked suspiciously at me, Rody, Elyo, and Gabri. I knew what they had in mind, so I said:

'Don't worry, I will use the artifact, but I need to tell you something first.'

'More bad news?' Gabri asked.

'Kind of, these teams aren't the main threat,' I replied.

'What?!' Elyo exclaimed in shock.

'There is a demon army waiting for us after we pass these teams,' I said.

'Are you sure? My assassins didn't find anything like this,' Rog said.

'I'm sure of this, believe me. Anyway, we will play like before as I will take the lead and kill all the players. As for the demon army, I will let you play with it for a while before interfering,' I said, explaining my final plan.

'Do you have an estimated number of these demons?' Rody asked.

'At least ten thousand, and mostly will exceed fifty thousand,' I simply replied.

This made them exchange looks with each other. These numbers were really frightening, and I just ordered them to face these with their fewer numbers. I didn't tell them about the higher grades of these demons, or else their fear and doubt would be increased by folds.

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