Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 207: Learning The Skill with Some Minor Disturbances

Chapter 207: Learning The Skill with Some Minor Disturbances

Gen wasn't totally agreeing with my decision, but I didn't need his approval to do what I wanted. In the next minutes I used a thick robe carried by one of my players and used it to reach the ground.

At the same time I controlled the speed of the balloon to be slower. I needed it to keep up with my marching speed, which would be delayed a lot by my training.

Just after my feet touched the ground, I found Robin coming from far. He went down first with a group of players to secure the area around me all the time.

These arrangements were done by Gen as he was worried about me. I was grateful for his worry, however I knew if there was any danger then it would come from that empire in the distance.

So they would be able to spot it from the balloon. However I couldn't refuse more security.

"We have patrolled the area and we can wait for the final report from the team in minutes princess," Robin said.

I glanced silently at Robin, I knew he was also worried about my safety. I just sighed before saying:

"Let's start training then."

He looked strangely at me as he hesitantly said:

"Shouldn't we wait for the team to return?"

"And then what? If they returned with good news then we have wasted the time here waiting for them. if there was already a danger they will neutralize it and if they can't do it on their own then reinforcements can descend from the balloon."

I then took a breath as I added:

"Let's start our training then."

Robin couldn't refute my words especially when I said it in this order. He didn't find a way except to reluctantly start teaching me.

"Listen up princess, the skill we are going to practice has some differences than other skills. Normally skills consist of two parts, the initiative and the process.

However this skill is different as it has one more step, the compose step. So you will have to learn the three steps separately and then you will be able to combine them together," he said.

"Combine them together?! Sorry, I didn't get it, do you mean after I finish learning the three steps I won't be able to start using the skill at once?" I asked about the thing that bothered me.

"Well," he seemed to be hesitant or to struggle about what and how to say, "the steps I just mentioned in this skill have a merging process ongoing between each other. That makes it unique and a high level skill."

"Sorry, you lost me here. When I finish learning the three steps I will have to merge the three steps together? Is there a manual or a guidance for doing that?" I asked.

"Unfortunately no, as like any other high skill each player has his or her own combination that works only with him and him alone. For example I perfectly know how to merge the three steps together to perform my skill, however even if I told you the steps, you won't be able to do it as it won't work out for you," he tried to explain in words things I found some difficulties in understanding this way, so I proposed:

"What about you show me the three steps and let me try first?"

Robin seemed to understand my confusion as he smiled while saying:

"No problem, let's just try these steps separately and then try to mix them together."

He then took out his spear and started to move one step at a time. I noticed something, the moves he was doing were somehow consisting of two main things, the spear move and the leg move.

For me it seemed much complicated to do the two at the same time, however I suddenly began to recall the times I used my skills before. Everything seemed to play just perfectly fine in my head, however I couldn't recall all the steps for my skills.

So I focused again on the moves Robin kept repeating one time after another. He performed three sets of moves, each with the same combo of leg and spear moves.

Just as he was performing them in front of me, I also began to copy his moves. We both were moving forward during that, and our marching speed declined by an obvious margin for that.

Gradually I was immersed in these moves as I forgot everything around me. in fact I wasn't just blindly repeating them, as I was trying to mix them together, waiting for some weird pieces to match each other.

Sometimes I felt some moves suited each other, and many other times I felt they didn't. Without knowing it, six more hours passed, and if we were travelling by our normal speed then we should have reached our destination by then.

However we were way late than our schedule, and that wasn't annoying me as much as it was annoying Gen as he personally came down a couple of times to check on me.

I was sure he was worried about me, but I needed to learn this skill no matter what. Something I felt deep inside me kept telling me to push further after this skill, it was a gut feeling which couldn't be explained by words.

It seemed that Gen's fears were destined to come true before my own hunch proved itself. After one hour of practice, I heard a strange whistle that came from a place not far from here.

This thing wasn't our own way to communicate, as we had our own horns which Gen got from a couple of players in our team.

This whistle was followed by another group of whistles that came from different directions around us.

We were surrounded!

"Princess, we need you to get up now!" Gen suddenly yelled from the balloon up above.

I just looked at him before I felt great danger approaching. In return I threw my spear up, held it by my fingertips and then threw it directly straight towards the direction I felt.


A sudden loud collision sound came from tens of meters up front where my spear was heavily inserted into a strange shaped metal that kept flashing.

I didn't delay as I snapped my fingers where the spear and that piece of metal appeared in front of me. suddenly a group of ten people appeared from nowhere after I retreated my spear.

"Kill them all, but keep one alive," I ordered Robin so furious of the fact I was sneakily attacked in his presence.

There were twenty players around my place including Robin. They moved at once to execute my order, and at the same time I began to inspect this metal that was attached to my spear tip.

My spear was something of low quality, but for my level it was heaven defying. So I accepted the fact it couldn't penetrate this strong looking metal, and that didn't prevent me from storing it into my silver grade porin.

If I was the one who planned this attack then I wouldn't be satisfied by one plan, right? What if this plan I just discovered was meant to be discovered in the first place? what if it was just a decoy that had other purposes than taking my life.

Like it meant to push us to let our guards down, or perhaps it meant to distract us and make the guards busy by dealing with this insignificant group of people right there.

If so then we fell in their trap perfectly and I was in danger at this precise moment.

"Gen, use all long range skills and rain the area before me please," I suddenly yelled while I turned around and threw my spear to the open air.

My orders were late to be executed for a moment as my players up there must be startled by my sudden scream, however they were high level players with many years of experience.

So they reacted as fast as in the next moment, and that fast reaction helped to save me and save the day.

Many skills poured down from the balloon to literally lit everything up in the whole area around me. Interestingly enough, many hidden bodies appeared with multiple cries for pain plus the appearance of many shapes in the front.

We were tricked, or nearly tricked and now we were about to have our retaliation.

"Attack at will, leave none alive," I ordered while I snapped my fingers and then threw my spear again a couple of times before I stopped.

This battle didn't need my intervention, as the attackers lost their strongest weapon from the start, the element of surprise.

The battle didn't last for ten minutes as everyone around us either got killed or ran away from fear. After things calmed down I ordered again:

"Clean the area and let's keep moving."

"Shouldn't we just" Robin was about to suggest retreating to the balloon however I just glanced silently at him to make him swallow what he was about to say.

"Let's keep practicing and the others will handle things here," I said as I took out one pearl and ate it. I felt greatly refreshed after eating the pearl, which was a wonderful feeling I never felt before when I took the pearls.

'Was there a hidden effect for these pearls other than building up my hunger value?' I wondered.

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