Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 208: Prino Is A Traitor

Chapter 208: Prino Is A Traitor

In fact this wasn't the end of it, it was just the beginning. The walk after this point turned out to be similar to what I experienced back at the sacred lands, with too much attack rate than before.

Every ten minutes we were ambushed by some kind of a team, and after some point, my team began to adapt and get used to these attacks.

That made my intervention to help them grow lesser and lesser, and at the same time that made me have more time to focus on my training.

However even with that, I couldn't get a good grasp on this skill. It was really a high level skill with complicated steps that I couldn't tune them together yet.

I knew the major setback I had right now was my lack of understanding and experience regarding using skills. I used to just say the name of the skill and it would turn into reality.

However I was now trying to create the skill without any aid from the system, which was like asking a newborn to run a marathon on his own. That was literally insane!

My only consolation was my previous shallow experience about using moves to activate my spells. When I was a magician back in my kingdom days, I used to learn quite some advanced spells, and these spells required a certain set of moves to be activated.

Of course these moves weren't in comparison with the moves I had to do now, but at least I grasped the general idea out of it.

Thinking like that made me have another idea. I wasn't only a spearman class in the game, I was also a magician at my previous kingdom. That made me realize something, I could use my skills as I could use my spells.

"Bring Prino to me," I said to a nearby guard who nodded in respect before going up to the balloon to bring Prino down with him. I had to know the answer to this question, as my past magician career would save my life here.

"You asked for me, princess?" Prino asked once his feet touched the ground.

"Yes, I want to ask about something. Can I use any power other than skills here?" I asked.

"Well, if you can use other forms of powers then yes you can," Prino replied with some doubt in his eyes.

"Good, how long before we can reach the place?" I asked with high spirit. Knowing that I wasn't hopeless after all was really refreshing.

"We have less than three hours," he replied before adding after a momentary pause, "do you have other powers in your possession my princess?"

I glanced at him without saying anything as I turned my back to him and resumed my training.

"Go back to the balloon Prino, here isn't safe for you. Send Gen to me," I said while I started to be immersed in trying to combine the moves together.

Feeling that I wasn't out of options made my day, especially when I knew two or three so powerful spells that I could use in battle. All I needed was a magician staff, something to help me channel the spells' energies and help me cast them.

If I was in the game then I would need to start over from scratch, but right now I wasn't bound anymore by these shackles. In fact my game class was hindering me in this quest, and I had no other choice but to dump it for now.

Something told me to keep this secret from Prino, as I wasn't totally trusting him. I noticed my training efficiency became higher, like I had a burden and now I totally got rid of it.

I smiled as if I continued like this I might be able to learn this skill soon. I began to focus on my training, while Gen descended from the balloon with some guards with him.

He intended to replace some of the players down there with this new batch. The attacking frequency on us was increasing the more we got near our destination. so, Gen decided to rotate the guards to relieve the pressure over them.

I didn't know what risks we would face when we tried to seize that pond, and that was the thing which displaced my trust in Prino.

I knew there were high risks that might end up by dying like that guardian warned me, but Prino seemed to neglect this point many times on purpose.

I wasn't stupid to not notice that, and I secretly told Gen to be aware of this. So, Gen was trying to adapt to any potential threat in the near future, like being surrounded from inside and outside with many battles going on all fronts at the same time.

When Gen descended down, I told him to prepare a magician staff for me. He wasn't sure of my intentions for asking this, but he complied as usual. I was sure he would select something very fascinating for me, and I was really content of his performance.

The situation kept escalating with every mile we took near our place. This increasing pattern made me wonder if they were prepared for us or this was just a coincidence. If this was a coincidence, then it meant we were invading something precious to them.

It wasn't just a normal forsaken pond after all, or the pond wasn't the issue and there were many other, far more important things that lay beside the pond.

What were the probabilities of such a thing to happen? I believe it would be a rare occurrence, so rare that every single person here in this world, or empire at least, would be aware of it.

Prino should be aware of it, and thus this meant he was lying.

That was of course if my doubts turned out to be true, and they usually turned out to be such.

"Send a word to Gen, let's change our direction for the moment," I said to one of the standing in guard players near me.

"To what direction, ma'am?" he asked.

"Let's go to the west, let the boys follow the balloon," I replied as I started to change the direction of my balloon.

Robin glanced at me as if he was able to read part of what I was thinking about. He just sighed as he muttered:

"Leadership is hard, with each passing minute a life changing decision must be made."

I looked at him with a plain face, what he said was true. Being something important wasn't just an all day fun, but I had to do it. After all, I was raised as a princess since I was little, and being in charge here wasn't something bizarre for me.

I kept practicing while the balloon kept heading west, taking us a few miles away from the destination we were so close to. Just after five minutes, a clear reduction in the attack frequency confirmed my precious doubts.

That bastard was leading us to a trap then, or he was using us to reach whatever he wanted?

I had some vague feeling, he wasn't afraid of me since his feet touched this ground. Was he sure he couldn't be harmed again by my prison?

I thought about it again, my prison fearsome abilities all depended upon one thing, the ability to affect others. If my artifact couldn't affect others around me, then all it could do was be limited to those already inside it.

In other words I couldn't absorb anyone from outside, and that perhaps was the reason Prino was encouraged to fool me here.

I gritted my teeth, knowing you were played for as a fool was something annoying to be honest. However I still couldn't tell what we were heading to, and if that pond even existed in the first place.

First things first, I needed to test my artifact. So, I took out the artifact and started to use it. as I expected, I could control anything inside it, but not outside. To activate the artifact I needed to put my hands over the opponent's head.

And that was something I was sure Prino didn't know, or else he wouldn't be this free in staying here without any worries.

"Robin, I need you to be stationed here. if Prino descended alone from up there without my permission then you must stop him by all cost," I then looked more serious to Robin as I added, "I want him alive."

"You can depend entirely on me princess," Robin replied instantly. I knew he wasn't aware of the true story behind this, but he didn't need to know that much, not now.

I then glanced up there as I intended to show this idiot what it meant to play with a tigress like me. I held the long robe as I started to ascend up there.

The place was simple, I will ask him nicely at first, and if he played dumb then he would be dumped into my artifact to rot there. even if he spoke up and explained everything, I wouldn't trust him again.

He and all of his people would turn out to be my slaves in the sacred lands when I return. That was the only safe option I had, to bind them by the force of the game and the absolute power of my artifact.

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