Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 214: Waking up with A Sore Body

Chapter 214: Waking up with A Sore Body

I didn't know how long I was kept inside those petals, but once I opened my eyes I found myself lying on the floor of my balloon, which was standing motionless in the air.

I heard muffled voices at first, coming from everywhere. I first thought it was the sound of my balloon flight, but when I noticed the balloon was standing still I began to focus again.

In time voices became much clearer than before, it was a strange mix of roars and painful cries coming from underneath the balloon, far in the distance where the sound became weaker when it reached me.

That meant there was a battle ongoing there. my mind was like a frozen piece of ice which began to melt down gradually turning into a stream of water, however it was a stream of memories.

Everything that happened at the end with that demon began to be clear in my mind, I managed to kill the demon, with high cost.

It seemed my body wasn't ready to use that power, as it collapsed the moment I unleashed the skill. I felt a sudden throbbing pain in my head which drove me to moan and adjust my body from the ground to stand with some difficulty while leaning on something soft.

It was the hand of a person. My head was like being hit with a meteorite, shaking constantly as my vision started to be blurry. I clenched my hand over the arm of that person trying to control myself and regain my control over myself.

It seemed the price I paid to use that skill wasn't that simple after all. Again a throbbing pain appeared which worsened my condition. I was forced to sit back on the ground of the balloon while catching my breaths with much difficulty.

I wasn't in a good condition, or even near it. I had to let someone examine me, someone with medical skills. The only option I had right now was to use the help of healers, whom I suspected to be much in benefit.

Gradually I felt the pain fading away, and this time I felt my own control over my body returning slowly like a shy girl meeting her lover. I took my time to regain control and let my mind calm down, and with that everything around me regained its clarity.

"Are you ok princess?"

This worried voice came with some urgency accompanied by the appearance of a familiar face in front of my eyes; he was Gen and he was very worried about me.

"I'm fine, help me stand," I said as I stretched my hand again to depend on his arm to stand. He hurried to help me while suggesting:

"You can stay there for a while, you just regained your consciousness."

"No, there is a battle going on and my players need me to lead them," I said while managing to stand finally with his aid. I anchored myself on the rough edge of the balloon to stabilize, and then I looked around trying to understand the situation.

"How long did I fall asleep?"

"For two days princess."

Wow, that was really longer than I expected. I felt like I just slept for two hours. I tried to focus on the ground below the balloon, where there was no one under it.

On some far distance there was a big fight going on between shades of people. I couldn't tell who was my men and who was my enemies, so I demanded:

"Brief me on the current situation."

"Can you rest for a bit longer? The situation isn't that bad after all."

"No," I stressfully rejected, "I want to know what happened the moment I lost my consciousness."

"Sigh," Gen sighed helplessly as he knew how stubborn I was, "After you lost your consciousness, the demon was killed and its raging storm-like attack ceased.

Immediately after I ordered my players to regroup at your location, where we managed to form some defenses using the rocks damaged from the battle between you and the demon.

However our enemy was overwhelming us in numbers, so we had to strategically retreat towards the pit, where we began our counter.

There," he pointed his finger towards the distant fight, "our players have retreated on the edge of the pit, giving those fanatics the opportunity to fill the pit. Then we start our attack using the height in our favor, after we clear the area we retreat again.

This tactic helped us to reach a stalemate with them, and right now no one managed to completely control the pit with the demon remains and the treasures there."

I had to admit, this strategy was the best to deal with the current situation. I glanced around me to find a couple of players standing guard over the balloon, where there was no one else besides the three of them.

That meant all the players were there on the battleground. I tried to move my arm to feel a deep pain residing in my muscles. The toll over my body was really massive, and it seemed I needed quite some time to heal.

I looked again towards the distance. I had to acquire the artifacts and that demon corpse. That was my trophy, the one I paid a large price to get. I gritted my teeth as I tried to move my arm again, this time I buried the pain as hard as I could.

I managed to move my arm, but that wasn't even close to any battle shape. If I hurried to go there then I would end up being a burden instead, I had to bear my desire and wait.

"Where is Robin?" I suddenly recalled that player who mysteriously taught me that skill. when I used it I was sure of one thing, that player could never perform the skill. I needed the help of the demon energies to perform it, plus my mystic art and I ended up in this messy state.

"I beg your pardon!"

I briskly turned towards Gen as I looked him in the eye. He wasn't joking around, as his expression was sincere.

"Robin, the spear player you brought to me before," I explained further while monitoring every single detail of Gen.

"I-I really don't know what you are talking about princess. Are you sure you are ok?"

Oh god!

Gen was telling the truth, he couldn't remember Robin. How could this be possible? I was still remembering him, so was his presence negated from everyone's memory except mine?

Who was he then? It was obvious now, he wasn't even part of my players to begin with. How could he enter my team like this without anyone suspecting him?

I suddenly felt danger, though this Robin helped me a lot, he pointed clearly out towards a major problem here; I wasn't secure!

Anyone could walk this simple and be part of my team and everyone wouldn't even suspect him! Was there another person like Robin then? How could I know?!

At this moment I felt I was taking this world lightly it seemed. I thought I had everything under my control, however the shocking fact was that I was the one under control.

"Princess, there is no spearman player in the team to begin with. Who is this Robin you are talking about?"

Gen asked with doubt as my reaction meant one thing, I was asking about something that actually happened and he couldn't even remember.

This wasn't the time to chat about Robin, I had to leave here as fast as possible.

Is there a healer in them?" I asked while pointing towards the two players behind Gen, who turned to look at the two while saying:

"they both are healers, they were trying to help you wake up."

"Good," I said while pushing Gen calmly to the side with an arm while moving towards the two depending on the edge of the balloon with my other hand, "start working then, I need to be in shape as fast as possible."

The two exchanged silent glances with each other then with Gen who nodded to confirm my request. It seemed the three were thinking I wasn't sane yet after the shock I took.

In fact I wasn't in my best condition, mentally, however I couldn't fake Robin or his assistance to me in such a way.

Robin was real, and he had some mystery behind him. He helped me, no doubt, and he also warned me, as a fact. Deleting everyone's memories of him and keeping mine made it obvious, there were some mind readers or some mind manipulative freaks out there.

Neither I nor any of my team had the ability to counter such a thing, I even never imagined such an ability to exist! That was a brand new discovery which complicated things.

This world was something that shouldn't be touched by any player no matter what. Until I managed to develop a way to at least detect the mind change ability, I had to stay away from this world and never think of entering it again!

If I wasn't in need of the pond artifact, then I would have started evacuation without hesitation, but I couldn't do that. The only route to the outside was only through that pond, so I had to get it.

The two players took out their staffs and started to use various skills over my body. I felt the warmth of their skills and somehow I began to feel better, however I wasn't recovering as I should be.

I didn't speak as I let them do their job, while their skills were somehow effective, they weren't even near the lowest bottom that I expected them to be.

Why was that? I felt something was missing, something important I accidentally neglected.

When I started to focus, things began to be solved out simultaneously in front of me, as the answer I was looking for presented itself calmly as it was there all the time.

'Damn, it's that hunger value then!'

This was the mistake here, as these skills could recover anything, except hunger value. That fatigue and pain were caused out of my high hunger value. Unfortunately I couldn't know how much it was, however that mysterious coma I had began to be logical.

I passed through all this because my hunger value exceeded my limit. Without any delay I took out five pearls as I began to ingest them one after the other. The appearance of these hearts in my hands surprised the couple of healers in front of me, but they didn't speak.

They knew I was trying to support their skills and regain my shape. The effect of a single pearl was obvious, as it cleansed away all the exhaustion I felt before.

Things were really logical, as I used that skill based on my mystic art, so everything that happened was counted to be a burden over my hunger value.

I continued to ingest the other pearls while enjoying this refreshing breeze of energetic pulses which began to spread all over my body. I felt my body was getting better, far better than before, however I couldn't really tell what exactly happened to me.

Anyway it seemed I was lucky this time, as amidst my crisis I emerged with this big gain, I hoped.

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