Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 215: New Powers, Thanks for The Anonymous Help!

Chapter 215: New Powers, Thanks for The Anonymous Help!

My body began to shine with different colored halos as the healing skills continued to pour upon me. I wasn't sure if I was really in need for them, however I let them continue just in case.

I finished eating these pearls, and with that my body regained its previous vitality back. I clenched my two fists slowly, but firmly, to assess the current state of my body.

I was fine, without any residue whatsoever, or at least I couldn't detect any.

I glanced again towards the distance, we need to leave here fast. The urge inside me kept spurring me to move, and without my control I would have jumped from the balloon and bustled towards the pit.

I needed to get those artifacts, I needed to do that now!

I closed my eyes as I tried to calm my troubled heart, then I ordered the balloon to move. The balloon was near the pit to begin with, so it didn't need more than a few minutes to reach there.

The situation was quite worse than I had expected!

The ground of the pit was literally brimming with dead bodies that climbed all the way to be about to flat this pit with the ground. My players had less than half of their numbers remaining, and the alive ones were on the brink of death.

The other side wasn't in the best shape either, as no matter the numbers that were thrown into this pit, they couldn't even secure a foothold in it.

I knew, from my high place, that this delicate balance would be smashed if this continued for another hour. My players couldn't withstand another hour, neither did I.

It was the time for me to act, and I needed to be swift and decisive. I didn't look back as I ordered:

"Follow me down there, and you have two missions only, two only and nothing more."

My tone expressed my urgency, so Gen replied instantly:

"Your orders my princess."

"You have to rescue everyone here, and then bring the three artifacts and the body of the demon with you to the balloon."

"What about you princess?

"I just told you, two missions only, no more."

I didn't wait for his reply as I didn't need it. something was urging me to descend and finish this battle, and that wasn't out of fear or desperation alone.

I had this vague feeling, like I was upgraded during my last battle. Something was calling me to act, to exert my strength and show off my powers.

I knew it was insane, the idea of me facing all of these enemies alone, but I had to do it.

I couldn't explain, however I was sure of my ability to face them, which wasn't logical at all. I clenched my fist holding the spear, with the other holding the staff.

It was the time for me to trust my instincts, if I was called and betrothed by something special in this ordeal then I would witness that with my own eyes. The distance between the balloon and the ground was vast, exceeding fifty meters, but somehow I felt an invisible hand pushing me to climb, stand over the rim of the balloon and look with no fear to the ground.

Then I jumped, or to be clear I was pushed. That jump came so sudden, as Gen and the two healers behind me screamed with warning and help words.

These screams got the attention of everyone on the ground, who just glanced at me falling down upon them like doom. I didn't know what I was exactly doing, but I felt I had to use my skills, the exact same skills that I knew how to cast before.

But this time I was vaguely sure I would be able to do that, and that feeling had some sort of certainty in it that bewildered me.

How could I be sure of the thing I was positive I couldn't do?!!

There was no time for me to think, I either do, bet on it to succeed, or don't and succumb to the fall hoping I would live through it.

My decision was simple, so I raised my spear high up and let it glide over my fingers. I was halfway falling, with my armor bustling with shriek sounds from the friction with the air, accompanied by the violent flickering of my cape like it was about to be torn off me.

"Gravity skill."

"Penta auxiliary skill."

"Tempest of lightning skill."

I suddenly felt something strange, so I sharply stared at my hand holding the spear. Somehow, there was some sort of invisible force moving my hand, like it was possessed by something.

I wanted to stop out of fear, but I couldn't. my hand didn't follow my orders at this moment, which made my heart swell with more fear.

What was happening?!!

Before I could think of anything, with the ground coming fast upon me, I regained the control over my hand again, however this time there were many haloes of light dancing around the tip of my spear.

The skills I just muttered were activated, just like that! Was I getting the help of the guardian here or what? I couldn't find an answer, and there was no time to do so. I was coming hot on the ground, and if I didn't use my life saving skill right now I would end up dead.

"Dragon cape fog skill."

This was the skill that I had in mind once my body swam in the air, surrendering to the fate of gravity, to fall.

This skill didn't require much moves of my hands, which broke again free of my self control for a moment before it returned working fine again. Once the skill was used, I was surrounded with a fog, which covered the remaining distance between me and the ground.

Two second, I had two seconds which I didn't delay as I selected a place above a group of enemies nearby. They were already surrounding a swordsman of my team and were about to kill him.

Not under my watch! Once I appeared above them I threw my spear, to be followed by five more, then snap my fingers and then threw it again. This continued with some sort of a faster rhythm than I recalled. I was way faster, and my instincts were sharper than before.

In two seconds I was able to kill over ten players and create fifty spear shades. Just before I thought about choosing a place to land; an idea popped up in my mind.

Dragon cape fog skill."

My hand moved in a second, when the fog was about to squander, it regrouped again.

There was no cooldown here, I could use as much skill as I wanted without any restraints. Was I the only one here who could do so? Or that was a general law here?

I didn't care, and whoever was helping me right now, he or she had my full gratitude for the help.

As I could use my skills forever, then I wouldn't be worried about facing these enemies. the feeling of trust that I doubted before became very convincing right now.

I didn't delay, as I moved again towards a nearby location where I didn't hold my spears back, and sent them to cleave the lives of these foolish believers.

Killing a group, and rescuing more of my team, then I would reuse my skill again and again. I turned into a shade of death, cloaked by black fog with nothing to appear except for that huge entourage of the spears from behind, adding more dread to me.

I was dancing around the place, with nothing to stand between my spears and anyone I wanted to kill. The believers tried to use their swords, their hammers, even using some magic, but all were fruitless.

Despair was the only reply they got from facing me, and despite that they kept flooding in great numbers without pause. They weren't afraid of death, foolish believers.

However my role here wasn't to turn into their tyrant, the one who would exterminate them to extinction. I was only stopping them at the distance near the pit, where their bodies began to form small, patchy, dispersed hills all over me.

I didn't stop, the more they sent the more bodies were sent to the grave. I kept jumping, dancing, killing, snapping my fingers, forming a strange rhythm of music, my own music of death.

Behind me, Gen was awed by me for a while. He wasn't alone, as everyone kept watching me doing the impossible and stopping what they paid a hefty price to stop and failed.

And I was succeeding!

After a few minutes of stun, they started to move based on Gen's orders.

I noticed their moves, and I heaved a silent sigh of relief. My rhythm wasn't without cost, as after a time I began to feel weak, and that was met by consuming more pearls.

I was overusing my mystic art, especially with the accumulating spears behind me that exceeded the five hundred spear. I was sure if I faced thousands of players like before, I wouldn't need more than a couple of attacks to sweep the floor with them and clean the world of their breaths.

As my players began to evacuate, I knew things were about to be concluded. I started to retreat, slowly and steadily, heading towards the balloon.

If the two missions I gave to Gen were completed then there was no need to spill more blood. I was keeping an eye over them, to synchronize their retreat with mine.

Just as the last player ascended the robe towards the balloon, I began to quicken my steps. I could reach the robe in no time, but I preferred to go there step by step. I would climb the robe using my fog skill, so I started with ten meters in my account.

Just as I used the fig skill to jump, and the area around me which was covered by a veil of darkness began to go clear, I heard a muffled sound coupled with distant shrill screams.

Something was happening, and no matter what it was my rapidly palpating heart made me sure of its nature it was a clear threat to me.

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