Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 240: Let's Go and See the Treasury

Chapter 240: Let's Go and See the Treasury

I was petrified, as this being, this colossal, real dragon, was now eyeing me with no care at all. I had a feeling, very strong to be just a random feeling, that if this dragon wanted to kill me, it would be able to do so.

"So, you are the one who made that idiot summon me for one life, right?"

The dragon spoke, and I had to say that I didn't see a mouth moving or anything. his voice was clear and vivid in my mind, so I instantly replied:

"Yes, it's me."

I wasn't replying in any arrogance at all. I didn't know why, but I was sure this dragon had some special power that would render me helpless in front of him.

"Good girl, I owe you one," he suddenly said, as he turned around, or whatever this huge cloud of fog did, and he started to move, slowly, away.

"Oh, you aren't going to kill me then," I suddenly said, in a deep relief, as this was something I couldn't believe.

"You did me a favor, but to completely end my stupid summoning contract, I have killed one of your men standing here. so, that contract was fulfilled, and I'm finally free, thanks to you. I will help you once, and if you continue to be the witch you are linked to, then I might help you another.

I still owe a lot of favor to the witch, and she made me swear to help her descendant when time comes. So, grow up well, and don't disappoint me or her."

Just as he said the last words, he disappeared, leaving me speechless. I didn't think this dragon was old, so old to know the witch. I knew he was strong, but not so strong to be friends with the witch.

Whatever happened here, I had no clue about it. what mattered, though, was that everything ended, and I was now free from any nuisance or annoyance.

I looked at the swarm of players down there, as they were my next target. The two masters who acted as decoy not long ago weren't any place to be seen. I was sure they had escaped far, far away, when they heard about the summoning of the dragon.

I wasn't concerned about them, after all I still had my master, two actually, and they would be able to discipline those two rogue ones, and kill them once and for all.

Just as I was thinking about that, the players surrounding the castle started to retreat. If they were only facing the army inside the castle, then there would be hope for them, but I was still standing behind those defenders, and I was a monster in my own terms.

So, staying here was foolish, attacking here was stupid, and retreating was the only wise choice they could make.

I watched them retreat, and didn't pursue, as I had no real grudge against them. by the retreat of the last player, this castle was officially branded as mine, and no one would threaten to take it, not now at least.

"Listen up," I suddenly said, attracting all of my players standing here attention, "this castle is ours to rule, and I need you to run an assessment to everything in the walls and defenses. Try to amend them and repair what you can, make a list of what you need. I want this castle fully running in two days from now."

"We will," a loud voice came in a wave like cheering, as they were excited to be here, to be with me. I had a desire to explore the castle, but I still had my advisors, and my army, missing.

'Where are you?' I asked, as I sent this privately to the chat of my advisors.

'One hour and will be there,' Nani said.

'What just happened?' Rog asked.

'We met many retreating players,' Rendy said.

'They even tried to persuade us not to come to you, can you imagine that?' Gen said.

Once I knew they were fine, and they were on the road to here, I heaved a sigh of relief. I was stressed the last couple of weeks, and now I had a moment, finally, of peace.

'The castle is secured now. I will wait for your return to open the treasury,' I sent back, with a big smile over my face.

'Oh, I always heard legends about the castles' treasury,' Rendy said.

'I would say I'm not in, but I would be lying, I want to see the treasury. Can I have a necklace from it? earrings?' Nina said, in a playful way that made me chuckle.

'Sure, each one will have a gift from inside, and the rest will be used later,' I said, before adding, 'I just hope the treasury would be as great as we all hope.'

'Don't worry, Gen here said he once attended opening a normal castle treasury, and it was full of gold, war treasures, and other rare and valued things,' Nani said.

I was sure the treasury here would be much better than the one Gen witnessed. One hour wasn't long, so I decided to rest in my balloon and wait for their return.

The atmosphere inside the castle had changed dramatically from the depression that overwhelmed over the players, to that joy party they were having while working. Just the sight of them was enough to push the smile over my face.

I rested, and closed my eyes to enter into deep sleep. Just as I closed my eyes, I heard a loud bang around me, so I reopened my eyes rapidly, to hear a loud noise coming from inside the castle. I moved, feeling some stress over my back and shoulders, to see what caused this noise.

My advisors came with my army, and this was mistaken as an enemy from my other army inside the castle. I just smiled as I raised my hand, as I yelled to everyone inside the castle:

"Lay down your arms, this is my army as well. Open the gates and let them in."

My voice ended the conflict before it even started. I thanked god that I woke up at the appropriate time, despite hating that now as I had this unbearable headache.

"Wow princess, who are they?" Diana was the first to come and ask me about these players. I could feel her concern for me, and I always appreciated that concern.

"They are just being recruited like others," I said, before welcoming the other advisors, who were excited to be here, finally inside this legendary castle.

"Defending this castle would be hard," Rendy said, as he started to assess the state of the castle.

"It has a lot of defenses that I know nothing about. Some of these players helped in operating and maintaining the walls and the defensive towers, but I have no clue regarding how to defend it."

I expressed my thoughts honestly in front of them, as if I wanted to ask for help, then they were the only ones who could, sincerely, help me.

"I will be stationed here to guard the castle, after all I can't return with you to your world," Gen said, as he hit his chest plate with his fist, "I swear to protect the castle with my own soul and heart."

"I will help organize the defenses before I leave here to my own fort," Rendy said.

"Do you know that we can link forts and castles together through teleportation channels?" Nina asked, as she said something new to me. I shook my head, while feeling overwhelmed by luck as my advisors were really trustworthy.

"We will keep this place safe and secured, don't worry about this princess," Rendy said, before pausing for a moment, like he was thinking about something. "There is just a point you must know, each year you must come here and take a new test. I think your master will inform you with this, but I just wanted to tell you beforehand," he added.

"Do you mean I have to raise my mystic art rank?" I asked, without feeling any challenge here, but excitation.

"Sure, and the sooner you get here, the better. The more times you enter here, the more advantages it will reflect on your game world. trust me," Nani added, as she also agreed with Rendy's view.

"Alright," I said, with a smile, "I will make sure to come here in the next six months," I declared, as I was really enticed by the feeling of being supreme. I knew I would return to be a normal player back home, but somehow here felt like being home.

"Great, it's settled then. When you come here next time, just send a word to our territories and we will get the news. We will make sure to catch up to you," Rendy said, with a big smile. "Now, let's go to the treasury, shall we?" he added, with a beaming face full of expectations.

He wasn't the only one feeling this, as I was also feeling the same, alongside everyone else.

"Let's go, I think it's at that central building," I said while pointing towards the central small building that resembled a simple house. It was built out of stone, and during the whole battles here, it never got a single scratch on it.

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