Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 241: The Treasury

Chapter 241: The Treasury

The building was like a sealed box, with one way only to enter it, which was by passing through a semi transparent door.

"Let me go first, please," Nina pleaded, and I didn't have any objection to that. just as I nodded, she jumped out of ecstasy, and then passed through that door.

The moment she passed, the whole building flashed in green light first, then in black, followed by a sudden booming sound as Nina fell off the ground, heavily hitting a wall nearby.

"Are you ok?" I ran to check on her, as she stood up, heavily, with some difficulty, as I noticed some bruises inside her. She looked at me as she faintly said:

"There is no way I or anyone else can enter here before you, this door is made to filter anyone not the person who owned the fort," she said, before she recalled something, "have you attached the heart of the fort to you by blood?"

"I didn't have time for that," I replied, honestly, as I went from a battle to a battle to another battle.

"Ok, that heart is there, in the next building to it," she said as she moved with some limbing for a while. I walked by her side with the others walking around us. As for the rest of the players, they were standing on their posts, at the walls, guarding the castle.

"From here," Rendy said, as he pointed through the opened door into a long and vast hall, but it was so gloomy and dark. I stepped into it and nothing magical happened, except for that distant, diamond shaped rock that appeared in front of me, ignited in green light.

"Just drop your blood over it and the binding will be completed," Nina said, as she seemed to be skeptical to enter here. I nodded to her, as I left her to the care of others, then marched towards the distant rock with Diana moving like my shadow.

Once reached there, I didn't inspect the stone, as it had nothing there to be special about, except for it being floated in the air, circling around itself.

I injured myself, then let my blood drip over the stone. One drop was enough to cause a vibration to this stone, and ten drops were needed for the binding process to be completed.

The diamond shaped stone then shone brighter and brighter, before I felt some burning feeling in my left hand, as a mark, similar to this stone, was there left on my skin.

"I think it's complete," I said, while turning back towards the exit with Diana by my side.

"Are you ready to enter the armory?" I asked with a chuckle, as I headed straight towards the building, with them by my side. Once I reached the semi-transparent door, I stepped into it, to feel the mark on my arm burn a little before the pain faded away, and I entered the place.

The scene in front of me was really unbelievable. The place was at least at the size of the whole castle, with boxes above each other. Some boxes fell from time passage, and their contents were spoiled on the floor. Some were full of gold coins, some were full of strange ores, others were full of some sort of a liquid, and others were full of papers, mostly recipes and designs.

My eyes shone, as besides all these endless boxes, there were other strange structures there, war structures.

"Wow, there are war chariots here, even war ships!"

"Is this a Turret blueprint?"

"No way! Is this the transformational legendary mind crystals?"

I heard the different exclamations of everyone behind me, turned to find my advisors already inside and each one of them was shocked by one thing or more here. even Diana, she was standing in front of a box full of strange black liquid in bottles, and her eyes were looking, in greed, towards it.

From just the expression over their faces, I knew how valuable everything here was.

"May I ask, if I can use these things back in my world?" I asked the most essential question regarding this wealth.

"Of course, it's considered your reward, your plunder. You can bring them back and use all of them."

Nina's reply was enough to make me understand how valuable this treasure was. I needed to return back and surpass any other player groups or guilds, and with these treasures, I was sure to be able to do so.

"Ok, let's do a detailed check first, then I will decide what to do with them," I said, giving them the order to move, as after finishing here, I would return home again.

"You promised to let me have one item from here, right?" Nina asked, humbly and with pleading eyes that made me laugh.

"Sure, sure, everyone here can pick one item, on condition there are other items like it here," I said, as I thought about something. Such a high end and very important castle treasury couldn't only contain simple things, it must have things that would exceed rarity, finding an artifact or two wouldn't be surprising, right?

The first half of my sentence made everyone chuckle, but the rest of my words were enough to kill this chuckle and made them frown. They were funny, I liked their reactions.

"Princess, most things here might have no equal!" Nani said, trying to ask for an exception.

"Well, show it to me then, if I don't care about its uses then fine, you can have it."

My reply didn't make them feel any better, it seemed, but they couldn't do anything to change the current situation. They couldn't even take a single item into their Inventory, or take it out the door of this treasury without my permission and breaking a hidden seal around each item and box and ornament here.

I didn't look back anymore, as I started to examine things I had now. If I couldn't take anything back to my world, then I wouldn't bother who took what, but now, with me able to take anything back, I had to be cautious. I might lose an item that would determine everything for me.

And so, a journey of discovering everything new around me started, with me opening each box, taking out a single item, and investigating it, before putting it back to its original place.

'Ore of the damned: extremely precious ore, can be used in forging and making potions. Can be upgraded, can be traded, can't drop after death.'

'Tooth of the gretay: extremely precious forging material. Can be upgraded, can be traded, can't drop after death.'

'Revival potion: Platinum grade potion. Each time a player drinks it, the player can be killed any number of times during one day without any penalties. Can be traded, can't be upgraded, can drop after death.'

'Aerial pulsating fiery scroll: Platinum grade AOE scroll. Needs five groups of magicians, each group has an odd number, the more the numbers the more powerful the effects, with no limit highest number. Needs one hour to be activated. Once activated, an area five kilometers square would be affected by a pulsating wave of fire. Can be moved according to the owner's will. Duration: one hour. Number of usage: once a day.'

'Black matter liquid: Platinum grade item. Can be used by mystic art users only. when absorbed, it will forcibly enlighten the user about one skill he knew, and upgrade it. CD: once per month.'

'Mental essence: Platinum grade item. Can be used in forging, architecture, potion making, and personal growth. Single essence can add clarity for mystic art users so he or she can learn new skills easily. CD: once daily.'

'Mind crystals: Platinum grade item. Can be used in forging, chanting, mechanical structures, potion making, personal growth. If used for player personal growth, each crystal can equal to fifty free attribute points, freely allocated by the player. CD: five crystals per day.'

More and more items, unique treasures appeared in front of me, all in platinum grade. I felt excited, as many of these were meant for mystic art users like me to use. Besides, I now had medallions that could enable other players in my group to enter the mystic art world.

Black matter and mental essence were two indispensable things to my growth and my players' growth, so I wouldn't agree to let a single item of them away.

There were a lot of scrolls, war structures, blueprints that made my eyes dazzle, but I wasn't that attached to those. If anyone asked me for one of them, then I wouldn't refuse the request.

It took me more than five hours to go through each and every single item here. even the boxes which had the items were made of extraordinary wood and ore, making them suitable to be used in forging.

I was literally inside a treasure box, a huge treasure box, that I could even make use of the box itself.

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