Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 172

I went straight to Nadia. She was safe, with Amit, waiting in Hatta's office. She had a lot of questions, just like the lieutenant, but he went to find answers somewhere else, leaving us two alone.

I explained everything, then she just flooded me with more, asking about the people she considered her friends and cared about. She asked if anybody was injured, or even worse... I answered to the best of my ability.

- So what now? Are you gonna kill them?

- Some probably will die. Since the best way to kill a werewolf we know about is chopping their heads off, they will be doing that. Hatta is preparing everything. Some of them really didn't do anything wrong. It was between Williams and Blue. Blue actually won that duel, but then one of Stephen's guys stepped in, and this whole mess started...

- This is terrible... How many people died? Do you know?

I shrugged my shoulders.

- Probably a few dozens, including the werewolves. Blue is ruined, which is the best thing we got out of this mess. I wish others didn't have to pay for this with their lives though.

- How is everybody holding up? It's bad, isn't it?

- Just as I said. Heads will roll. People demand blood after what happened. As I already mentioned, Blue is ruined. I doubt he is getting alive out of this one. He overplayed his hand, which is kinda ironic.

- Why? - she asked.

- I believe that he genuinely wanted us to expand, and eventually return to earth or at least try. Maybe for the first time in his life, he genuinely tried to do something good, and he failed. He lost. That's the end of his story.

- Yeah. You are right, it's kinda ironic. Maybe the city will be better without him.

- We won't have a murderer among us, that's certain.

- I hope we learn from this as a whole - she said.

- People never learn, Nadia. They just don't.

She sighed.

- Can we go outside now?

- Yes.

- Then let's go. I want to help.

I hugged her, she kissed me in return, and we went outside.

The city center was relatively cleaned up. Wounded mostly got transported to the barracks of Wuxia. From a few burned ruins smoke was still coming out. Blue and the rest of the werewolves were chained and gathered in one spot. Guarded by Bushido, and Will - for a good measure.

Some people were preparing the spot for decapitation. They were not our guys. I noticed also a bunch of other groups and people lurking around, waiting for the trial and execution.

Nadia immediately went to Hatta and asked how she can help. He sent her to the barracks. I, in the meantime, sat on the piece of rubble and watched as everything for the judgment was being prepared.

The biggest fuss was around the supplies, bandages, alcohol, and crystals needed to help the victims. Blue, now in clothes, provided a lot, just as Will, who showcased his good heart. Everything was split and delivered where it was needed. A big chunk went to Wuxia, as they took care of many, but other leaders also got some, as they also were taking care of the injured.

I probably had the most points of anybody in the city, but still remained silent. Nobody asked me for help anyway.

Around an hour or two passes, and everything seemed to be prepared for the trial. Hatta clearly wanted to get this over with and called for the other members of the council. Some of them were present, for the others, we had to wait a bit longer.

They gathered, just like the crowd in front of them. Hatta looked at me, clearly giving me a sign that I was also supposed to be there, but I ignored him. My judgment was clouded, I wanted Blue dead, so it was better if I were to stay away.

They talked for a solid moment, and at some point Hatta turned around, to face the people.

- We all will take a vote if those people - he pointed with his hand at the werewolves, now in human form, in shackles - should be punished or spared. Then we, the council, will decide on the punishment. Please stand to the right if you think they deserve punishment, and if you think they should be spared, stand on the left!

People started to move, but just after a few seconds, it was obvious what they wanted. There was no mercy. Almost everybody went to the right. I noticed few familiar faces. Hailwic, Shavonne, Haf, blue-pink duo, Mbeki, even Zdravets, and Georgi, all on the right. On the left was Martin. It was hard to miss him because of his massive body.

I also saw Juan, keeping his distance, but observing.

- Very well - he continued.

I wondered for a moment if they will really go for the death penalty. The crowd wanted blood, it was obvious.

They talked for quite a while among themselves. I was able to catch few words here and there, but they all were out of context, so I couldn't really tell how it was going.

The crowd grew impatient, and they started chanting.

- Punishment! Punishment! Punishment!

- Be quiet! - Hatta yelled. - We need to discuss!

- Punishment! Punishment! Punishment!

- Be quiet you assholes! - yelled Boris.

The crowd went silent for a moment, but then somebody shouted:

- Blood for blood!

And the rest picked it up.

- Blood for Blood! Blood for blood! Blood for blood!

Hatta looked at me. I sighed knowing what he wants. I summoned all sixteen shadows, this time though, there was no rebellion. They all obeyed my orders, and just marched straight ahead at the crowd. That was enough for them to shut their mouths.

- We need a moment, so please, be quiet! - shouted Hatta.

The discussion resumed. It took a few more minutes for them to came to a conclusion. Few orders were given, and a couple of soldiers went to the prisoners, to ask them questions. Soon they were divided into two groups.

- Not everybody of those people was responsible for what happened during the night! - yelled Boris. - Some of them just defended themselves, so they will be spared. Although they will donate a large sum of crystals to the city, as well as pay for the damages! The rest will be executed! The same goes for Blue, the cause of all of this! That's what we decided!

- Blood for blood! Blood for blood! Blood for blood!

The crowd started chanting again. They were pretty crazy, like in some kind of trance, but they got what they wanted, and they actually seemed happy about that. I allowed my summons to vanish, they were not needed anymore.

Soldiers grabbed few werewolves and started dragging them to the place of execution. There was a bit of struggle, as the couple tried to escape, or even transform. Unfortunately for them, Nil was close, and just beat up the few closest. Amit joined him very fast, and the escape ended before it even started.

I wondered for a moment if Blue will try to run away. I looked at him, but it didn't seem so. He was sitting on the ground, not moving at all. Then he looked at me, and our eyes met. He smiled briefly. For me, it was a sad smile. Smile of a defeated person.

He couldn't escape, he knew it. I was there to prevent it.

The first head rolled on the ground, and Hatta himself went to grab Blue. I was kinda happy that the end of our unpleasant relationship was approaching and on the other hand a bit sad.

Then I noticed something, with the corner of my eye.

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