Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 173

A goblin went out of an alley. I was surprised by this view and stood up. He on the other hand, after noticing humans, just charged at the crowd. People were too focused on the execution to see the monster.

He was not alone, a couple more came running after him, and they were followed by a whole horde that poured out of the alley.

- Blood for blood! Blood for blood! Blood for blood!

The crowd kept chanting.

- Watch out! - I yelled and charged to protect people.

Hatta looked at me, confused, and then he saw what I did.

- To arms! - he shouted. - We are under attack!

A howl, followed by hundred others, silenced the chanting crowd. I used shadow walk, to cover the distance, and get between goblins and humans. Just as I did, wolves ran into the city center.

I created a weapon for myself and started cutting down green ones. One after another.

People panicked for a moment, but those who had weapons quickly started fighting. The rest did their best to run away or hide.

- Bring the weapons! - shouted Boris.

I couldn't watch them, as I was too busy dealing with goblins, but I was able to catch a glimpse now and then, while slaughtering the horde. Will summoned his sword and ran at the wolves. Nobuo and the rest of Bushido followed him.

Then rats also showed up, squeaking and charging. Juan was the first to stop them, but he was unarmed. Zora yelled some orders to her hunters, and they joined him quickly.

But, unfortunately, that was just the beginning of bad news. From the shadows, rat ninjas appeared, and in a matter of seconds killed few people. Boris came to the rescue, stopping assassins. Nill followed him. Few firebolts flew through the air. Midnight was throwing them, standing more or less at the center. Providing support to his comrades. The rest of Bratstvo soon joined their leader.

Then I saw Hailwic screaming, and charging to assist me. Martin joined her soon after. We were able to hold the monsters, allowing the people to evacuate.

Soon other soldiers came to help, but the enemies also had reinforcements. Armored goblins showed up, just as the rat legionnaires, but the worst were black wolves with red marks and the giant black ones.

A couple of people died from them in an instant, before Will was able to tie them up with a fight. Rat ninjas got a few of Zora's women. Juan tried his best, but even after picking up a spear from the ground, he was unable to deal with so many of them.

We were losing people.

- Free Blue and his men - I yelled. - We need them!

Then goblin boss showed up. I ignored his minions and using shadow walk just charged ahead. I activated shadow fusion and punched him straight to the face with all the power I had. He just burst into smoke.

I immediately summoned my shadows, and just let loose, focusing on massacring as many goblins as I could. I needed to finish there and help the others before more bosses appeared.

In the midst of doing my best, I saw the wolf boss, on top of the building, where Will was fighting. He leaped down and landed next to Midnight.

- No! - I screamed, as the beast was about to sink its teeth into him.

Blue, in his monster form, slammed into the werewolf. They rolled on the ground biting and scratching. Midnight was safe.

Other prisoners joined the fight, providing us with necessary reinforcements. A moment later the rat boss appeared, as usual, in midswing, aiming for Zora's neck, but a spear flew through the air and jammed itself into the boss's back.

I recognized the face of the person who threw it. The first killer, Mihael. He went straight to running, to help the leader of Valkyries. Shadow walker disappeared using his skill and appeared to strike him, but Mihael dodged, leaping forward, and rolling over his shoulder on the ground.

Boss was not gonna let him go and jumped through the void straight to him. He had to do his best to dodge the attack, as he couldn't strike back without a weapon. He tried his fists, but punches had barely any effect. The spear lied under Zora's feet, and she couldn't just pick it up, as more rat legionnaires swarmed her.

- Go there! - yelled Martin, as he was swinging his giant morgenstern, killing dozens every second. - They need help! We will hold the goblins!

I used shadow walk a couple of times to shorten the distance, and finally appeared in midair, to land a punch at rat boss. This was a powerful one, but not enough to kill. He stumbled backward a few steps and vanished.

- Get a weapon! - I yelled at Mihael.

He quickly picked something up from the ground, but it was not a weapon, just a rat crystal. Boss appeared again. I was faster though and let go of my created pudao, and grabbed his hands. I threw him over my shoulder, straight to the ground, and Mihael jammed the stone in his eye. Boss turned to smoke.

The only alive boss was the werewolf, but Blue was keeping him occupied. The situation became way better. I would even risk using the word 'stable'.

I stood up from the ground, to take a look around and I saw as Juan came running to the two fighting beasts with a spear in his hands. He waited for a good moment and jammed it into boss back. Blue used that opportunity and sank his teeth in the opponent's neck, then ripped it open, and kept doing so, until the head didn't separate from the body. Another one turned to smoke.

The fight didn't take much longer. We were victorious, with some casualties, but not as many as I initially feared. Crystals on the ground were the only indication about the monsters that just attacked us.

I looked at my friends spread around, surrounded by other hunters.. All of them alive.

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