Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 297

For the next 28 days, I hunted with Ki'rai like a mad man. We were covering two hunting grounds and killing the bosses. It was tough at first, but with more points, classes, and skills it became easier and easier.

I collected 151 548 000 points, and 56 class points during that time. For 30 millions I upgraded my fire elementalist class fully and then bought the newly unlocked second tier of it. The 'Initiate of flame'. It gave me access to the following skills: 'Control flame II', 'Create flame II', 'Mana II', 'Fire resistance', 'Combustion'.

I upgraded all of them to the fifth level for 55 555 000 points. Now my fire magic was really something. Not only 'Combustion' was allowing my bolts of fire to explode properly, but I could also create real fireballs. The same ones that orc mages used during The Invasion incident. My mana pool also increased greatly. To be precise, it became six times as big as it was. With that, I didn't have to worry about fighting at a distance.

Actually, the first one I upgraded, although not as impressive as the fire magic, was Hospitaler class. Second-tier was Healer, and it gave me the following skills: 'Heal II', 'Cleansing II', 'Life energy II', 'Minor regeneration'. Now not only I could deal with the effect of 'life drain', but also all the minor wounds, scratches, and small cuts would heal up in a matter of few minutes. Another 44 444 000 points used.

I really wanted to evolve the Dreadnought class, but I didn't have enough for that, since the cost was a hundred points. I browsed through other classes, but nothing looked as interesting as that one. I was considering the 'Blood initiate' but although it seemed fun and everything, fighting with my own blood wasn't really working for me. I wasn't emo enough.

In the end, I just saved the points, hoping to work something better with time.

Ki'rai left me on the evening of the last day, as she needed to report to her masters. I told her to return swiftly, as I wanted her to meet my friends. I could only hope Xuvi wouldn't prevent that. There was an awfully big chance they would.

Without her around I spend the rest of my time in the pub, drinking and thinking about our relationship. She was clearly very dear to me, but I was so damn afraid of betrayal. The very thought was driving me nuts. Why couldn't we just live happily, without all this mess of The Great One, and Xuvi?

I told myself that one day I'm gonna fix it all. One day I will live a truly happy life.

Suddenly Boris joined me at the table. He grunted loudly as he was sitting on the chair. He brought me back to reality, and the loudness of what was going around hit me. A lot of people were talking loudly and laughing.

- It's so rare to find you here, Peter.

- Because I'm usually too tired to drink. How are you? Enjoying your break?

- Honestly? No.

I laughed.

- Irina is constantly nagging me. And those assholes at my guild can't do anything without me. Life as usual - he continued.

- They need you, both your men and your family.

- I know. That's why I stayed, but to tell you the truth, I just want to stay here all day and drink. Let all my worries fade away. Too bad you can't fix problems this way.

I chuckled.

- No, you can't. You have to move your ass and do it yourself.

- We've been doing that for months now. It's quite remarkable what we achieved, but when I think what still needs to be done, I'm... - he laughed briefly. - I just wanna drink.

- Can't blame you. But everything we can do now is an investment. It will pay off later. We will build better lives for ourselves, and for you kid.

-Yeah... - he smiled. - I want my mother and father to see their grandson. They will cry. I'm sure of it.

- Probably. By the way, what name did you chose?

- It's Vitalij.

- Nice name. Strong. He will become as great as his father, if not greater.

Boris smiled again.

- Definitely greater, but enough of me. Tell me what you've been up to.

- Killing. Collecting. Upgrading. The usual. I've been in the canyon. Tried to hunt harpies, but I encountered the ones that could throw fire and had a really hard time dealing with them, so I decided to look for a different spot.

He nodded.

- We didn't get that far into their territory. There is a way outside the canyon. We found some traces of Uhm's there, so we followed those when we were going to their settlement - he explained. - So, where did you go after?

- Swamp. I fought the lizardmen, killed their boss, although it was a close call. Then I looked around for another place and found a graveyard, so I did some hunting there too.

- And the boss?

- Necromancer of some kind. I don't recommend going there, because he also almost killed me with a single spell. Though motherfucker. Summons skeletons and everything. Difficult spot.

- Bears better?

- Definitely, although I didn't kill the boss there yet, so I don't know how it looks on that front.

- You should definitely try when you feel confident enough.

- Oh, I will. Just right now I have my hands busy with two spots, and handling the third,m even if it's only the boss, would be very difficult.

- You don't need to go there all the time. You can kill it just once, so we will know how tough it is - a sly smirk appeared on his face.

- You guys should first try killing the orc asshole, then you can dream about stronger bosses.

- I have mental trauma about that fuck - he said, and immediately started drinking.

- Confront your fears. I can hold your hand when you will be doing it.

He showed me a middle finger. We joked some more, and eventually, both of us decided to go back. It was a very nice, and refreshing evening.

The long period of hunting came to an end with 32 962 640points remaining on my account, and forty class points.

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