Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 298

I started the day with my usual routine, with a small exception. Since Ki'rai wasn't around, I actually could eat the cafeteria food. After such a long break it tasted amazing.

Then I wasted a bit of time waiting for the hunters to depart, so I would have some time to look at my status in the device. I still had plenty of points and was wondering what to upgrade. In the end, I went with strength, as it would give me more power and speed. I went a bit crazy on it, investing 29 704 500 points and upgrading it 1 800 times.

The surge of energy knocked me down on my knees, as my body painfully cramped for a moment. It was just a couple of seconds, but it felt much longer. My body felt unnaturally light. I wanted to test it in action, but without Ki're there was no sense of going to the lizardfolk settlement or the graveyard because I couldn't spawn boss by myself, but I had a place where I could go. The canyon.

I still didn't kill harpies boss, although I started planning to do it when I got my new fancy explosive fire magic.

I went to get my weapon and backpack, then packed it with some food. After that, I shadow walked to the anchor I left in the canyon. It was practically in the middle of the harpies hunting ground, so I was forced to fight almost immediately.

The difference in strength was noticeable, to the point, I started to worry about my life among other people. Now I could seriously hurt somebody if I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. It made me wonder if maybe I should focus more on the skills, or look for a way to temper my power when I was among others.

When the first skirmish was over, I summoned my shadows, gave them the baggage, and made them collect the score, while I was pushing forward. In a couple of hours, I managed to reach the flame-throwing harpies.

I quickly discovered that fire against those creatures was practically useless, but explosions weren't. The force was usually enough to at least knock them down, sometimes even kill, which made the whole process of hunting way easier.

I had plenty of mana, but there was also plenty of them, so at some point, I stopped using magic and awkwardly cut them down while shadow walking through the air. It was a very annoying moment of the hunt. Fortunately, I arrived at the place boss was residing shortly after.

The was a dead end, with a canyon wall sticking forward a lot. At least a few meters. And there was a nest at the end of it. Big one. Nothing fancy except that.

I noticed several bird-like creatures on the edges of canyon walls. They had beaks and their feathers were black and red.

The boss herself, as it looked like a woman, was very ugly with a terrifying face full of sharp teeth, black eyes, and smears of old blood. She was darker in coloration, and her claws were long. Except that nothing looked different to any other harpy.

She flew, as soon as I came closer, just like the other creatures. They circled above me for a moment, and then I heard humming. It was beautiful, captivating. I couldn't ignore it and just had to focus, which was a mistake, because as soon as I did that, my vision got blurry, and other senses started going crazy.

It was like the experience with mind-controlling lizard women on steroids. But that wasn't the end of bad news. The bird-like creatures dove down. They were too fast for me to notice before it was too late. I was cleaved several times. Painfully.

The cuts were deep, but not terribly, so I immediately activated all the skills and focused on my sixth sense of feeling the surroundings, while pumping heals into my body, to close the wounds. I had barely any control and was stumbling when those guys flew around, to pick up some speed, and attacked again. This time, though, I was expecting it and swung my blade, splitting one in half.

The rest landed their attacks, but now I had one less enemy. I had to repeat that process few times, going out of the life energy eventually, but at least I had to only worry about the boss after I was done.

It took me about a minute, but I managed to somehow focus my sixth sense on the creature in the air, and then threw there biggest fireball I could. It didn't kill, it, but stopped the song, which allowed me to jump, then shadow walk several times, and swing with all my might. A single shot was enough. I landed heavily and puked.

For a moment I felt terrible, but the creature was dead, and I could finally return without feeling like I wasted the day.

I made my shadows pick the remaining crystals, and then shadow walked back to the ally. I earned 1 250 000 points and unlocked the 'Psion' class. Which I immediately unlocked. It had the following skills: 'Focus', 'Power of mind', 'Telekinesis', 'Mind influence'. I bought the first level of all of those, just to check them out, and decide which will be worthy later.

I had to also buy new clothes, as the ones I had were ruined. After that, I went to take a bath and fill my empty stomach in the cafeteria. My head was hurting, a lot actually. Like my brain got twisted like a wet towel.

I could go and fic it in the device, but instead, I decided to just go earlier to bed and rest a bit more. Hunting for many days without a break was exhausting, not physically, and not even mentally but still. I was feeling worn out, and that was a fact.

The day came to an end with 4 501 020 points remaining on my account, and thirty-one class points.

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