Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 325

I started the day a bit lazy, knowing how much work is to be done, and also thinking about Ki'rai. I wanted to talk with her, to know what she thinks, and maybe to apologize. Maybe she needed some time, to think things through, so I didn't want to just march straight to her and make everything about me, as it was clearly about her, and how she felt.

Eventually, I managed to get out of bed and went to wash up. As I was leaving, I met her, also coming out of the women's part of the bathhouse.

- Hi - I squeezed out.

She looked down at her feet.

- Hi - she replied. - Um... I...I'll be staying with Aisha for a while.

- Ok. I'm going hunting... You can tag along if you want.

p - Maybe tomorrow.

- Ok.

I hesitated for a moment and then left, to eat in the cafeteria. I was fast, to finish before she came. Why? I don't really know.

With a full belly, I grabbed my weapon, other necessary equipment, and finally headed out to the lizardfolk territory. I cleared it in few hours, earning 2 064 000 points, then departed for the graveyard after a short break for food.

Undead were more profitable gifting me with 5 649 000 points. Ogres even more with 12 910 000 points. The last pitstop was the overgrown forest with walking trees. I rested some before, to make sure I'm fully ready for them, and then shadow walked to the location.

There was a walking tree right next to me. I already knew that fire is very effective on those creatures, but I wanted to try how hard it will be to take it down without magic. I pumped some Ki into my pudao and attacked shadow walking several times around it, to confuse it, and create a clear opening for myself.

The roots annoyingly tried to catch me, emerging from the ground every time I landed, but I was too fast for them. I appeared in midswing on its side, as it tried to demolish the place I've been just a moment ago. The blade dug deep into the shoulder, just enough to make the limb useless for a moment because as I just found out, that thing could regenerate itself.

- Fuck.

I needed a different approach if I was to hunt there efficiently without just draining myself out of manna in an hour or maybe even less.

I landed heavily and evacuated with few shadow walks. The worst part was that I needed to constantly keep moving, to not get captured by the roots. Because of that, I couldn't consider my options too much.

I needed a simple solution to cut deeper or deliver more damage with less effort. This gave me an idea. I touched the blade of my weapon, still not stopping for more than a second, and used fire magic on it, to set the blade in flames.

It worked better than I expected thanks to Rishi's magic, already infused with the item. The roaring flames burst out, forcing me to stop for a moment. My foot instantly got caught by the vegetation, but I cut it out free, and quickly got the hell out of there.

I needed a moment to regroup, so I gained some distance. Magic was eating on my mana, but not as fast as few fireballs would. It actually was slow enough to keep up for at least a few hours. I only needed to check how useful in combat it was.

The answer came quickly, as I charged and using shadow walk attacked from few directions almost at the same time, delivering multiple shallow cuts, trying to set the walking tree on fire. It worked, and the creature panicked, trying to put the flames down, using its limbs, but that wasn't enough, especially because I now had a clear opening, to keep on attacking.

A few seconds later it burst into black smoke, leaving a precious gem behind. I picked it up and kept going.

It was a way slower process compared to other hunting grounds, but I was making some progress to getting closer and closer to the center of the territory, where the boss was residing. I still had quite a few miles to cover, and other types of creatures to kill.

Eventually, I had to summon a few shadows to help me with transportation.

The next enemy I encountered was a walking mushroom people, or if you would mykonids. They were smaller than me, gray in coloration, with pointy caps, just a bit wider than the stipe, with eyes and no mouths where the rings, or skirts if you prefer, normally would be located. The steam was ending with two short legs. They also had hands, twice the length of the legs.

I immediately knew what those things were about since I could smell the spores in the air, followed by intrusion into my mind. I just blocked my mouth and nose with a barrier that would filtrate the air.

The psychic powers were strong, but I fought off the initial attack, and then there was no follow-up since I stopped inhaling the cause of it.

Cutting the mushroom down itself was way easier than the trees. I didn't even need the fire anymore, but the sun got so low before I made it past this part of the hunting ground, that I had to return shortly before finding out what was further.

Well... I knew exactly what was there, but one thing is having data, and another is witnessing it. Apparently, there were pixies there, with magic at their disposal, but I didn't make it far enough to see any of them.

I returned to the city with a backpack full of crystals. To be exact 783 of them, worth 7 047 000 points.

I was tired by then, and after selling everything went to take a bath, then eat. I needed to get myself some upgrades, but I decided to focus on that in the morning.

The day came to an end with 45 011 409 points remaining on my account, and thirty-eight class points.

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