Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 326

I did my usual routine and then ended up with other hunters in the city center, standing in line to use the device. Ki'rai was already waiting there for me. She had her backpack on, which meant that she had to visit my room on her own to get it.

- Morning Ki'rai - I said with a slight smile.

- Good morning Peter - she replied.

Then we didn't talk for a while. Exchanging a few words during shopping. I got some supplies, and then went on with some upgrades.

p I decided to unlock the second tier of 'Barrier maker' for 10 class points, as I needed more mana, and the skills were pretty useful. 'Barrier expert' gave me access to the following skills: 'Create barrier II', 'Mana II', 'Barrier strengthening II', 'Berrier breaking II', 'Sealing II', 'Seal strengthening II', 'Advanced barrier manipulation', 'Advanced seal manipulation'.

Getting all of them upgraded on as high level as I wanted was impossible, but I had enough points to go for the fourth level, which was 8 888 000. Then I went with some more strength, to pack a better punch, and get faster. I bought 800 upgrades for 22 402 000 points.

The change in my body was painful, but it didn't knock me down this time. Instead, I let out a slight groan and withstood it.

I immediately put a seal on myself, to contain my strength, so I wouldn't end up accidentally breaking somebody's bones. It was strong enough, to just temper the power a bit.

Then, together with Ki'rai, I traveled to the lizardfolk settlement and graveyard. After that alone to ogre cave and overgrown forest.

My second stab at that place was a bit easier, as I had more mana, and was overall stronger. I managed to make it past the mykonids, reaching a vast clearing full of colorful flowers. Reds, blues, yellows, whites, and greens were mixed together creating a collage of colors.

More importantly, the place was full of little flying people. Unlike in fairytales, those weren't friendly, and I was almost immediately blasted with magic, that the earth, and vegetation against me.

Fangs of stone one by one went after me, trying to impale me. The earth was rumbling and shaling. I jumped backward several times, activating 'Shadow fusion', to avoid those, but then also the branches and roots shot after me. I was too slow to avoid it in a different way than shadow walking, but that was not enough either. I soon found myself in a situation, when all I could do was to run.

It took me several minutes to get used to the crazy tempo and finally glance around, to at least localize my enemies. There were few dozens of those pixies, flying nearby, and casting those spells.

I started sending fireballs their way, killing them in explosions, but that only worsened my situation, as the loud noise lured even more enemies.

Everything became total chaos. No matter what I did I was constantly on the edge of getting hit either by the rocks shooting from the ground, or roots. I couldn't even touch the ground properly, as it would collapse under my feet, creating small crevasses and holes.

This craziness went on for around an hour, but then the mana of my enemies ended, and I could finally wipe them out of the face of the planet. I was pissed, as those damn pixies made me feel useless for the first time in a while. For that long hour, I couldn't do anything but run around.

The beautiful clearing was now devastated. Only a few plants survived the armageddon created by magic.

The sun was already setting by that time, and I still had to collect the crystals. It wasn't easy considering the landscape. It was already dark when I finally returned.

I sold the last score, reaching a total sum of 27 935 400 points, and went to take a bath, then eat. When I finally returned to my room in the barracks and lighted up the olive lamp, I noticed Ki'rai, sitting on the bed, looking at me.

- You've returned - she started.

- Yes. How about you? Are you staying?

She shook her head.

- I... I need some more time, Peter.

I nodded.

- I understand.

- I'm sorry.

- No, Ki'rai. You shouldn't apologize. I should.

- You did what you have to. It's not that I'm angry at you, Peter. I just... I realized that I lost my chance to be with others like me. You humans, I like you very much, but...

- I know. I'm sorry for that.

- I wish there would be others like me. Not those silent dolls my masters kept creating, but smart, speaking creatures I could bond with. Just like you humans do. But I lost my chance for that...

- Again... I'm sorry.

- Don't apologize, Peter. Don't be sad either. You did what you had to. Maybe one day I'll find a way to get more people like me to live here, in this city, with you, humans.

- I'll talk with The Great One, maybe there is...

- No! Don't. That creature is evil. You should stay as far away as you can from them - she said, then jumped off the bed. - For your own good, Peter. Avoid them.

Then she climbed out, through the window, and vanished into the darkness of the night.

- If only it would be so simple, to just stay away... - I said to myself and sighed.

Everything was so damn complicated. I needed to keep my contact with The Great one to return to earth. And I wanted to return, if not for myself, then for Will, and the others. Ki'rei was right, though, whoever that being was, they weren't our friend, and I needed to remember that.

The key was to protect my mind from being breached every single time. I needed to conceal my thoughts, to be even able of formulating a plan. There was so much to be done...

The day came to an end with 41 656 729 points remaining on my account, and thirty class points.

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