Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 362

Just as soon as it got removed from under my feet, it burst back into my face. I witnessed earth magic before, but not on that scale. To be honest, I never witnessed anything on that scale.

Everything around me suddenly was moving. Going up and down, like a sea at a storm. It was like I made an enemy of the ground itself, and it was pissed of to the brim. I kept running, and shadow walking, but the rocks kept going after me from every direction.

- Just push on Peter! I'll lead you to a safe place! - popped in my head, but I couldn't even respond to that.

All I could be to use everything I possibly had in my arsenal to get a single more step ahead, after another single step, and each of those felt like a miracle.

The earth apocalypse then changed, as the stones turned red. I could feel the heat on my skin, and see splashes of lava in my peripheral view.

Each desperate shadow walk after each desperate shadow walk seemed to bring me nowhere. The barriers I was putting behind me, were breaking like glass. My resources were drying incredibly fast, and I simply thought that I'm done for.

The Great One was offering me an escape route, but I couldn't even follow his directions. He kept talking to me, leading me, but all I could do was just go by a single step, a single shadow walk further.

Then something changed, as the earth stopped being so angry, instead from the sky meteors started rining, bringing down long braids of flames and smoke. Explosions were making the ground shake. There had to be a lot of noise, but since my eardrums were not functioning, I couldn't hear shit. And they were not healing up probably because of just that. The constant damage provided by all the vibrations.

The smell of sulfur and brimstone hit my nostrils so hard, I couldn't breathe for a moment. It was so powerful, that my eyes started to sting. I teared up, like a crybaby, but there was nothing I could do about that.

That was not the end though. Meteor shower got a friend. A giant storm with lightning bolts came down painting webs on the sky. The light was so blinding I couldn't see anything.

I remember stuff hitting my face. Pebbles, dust, and probably other things, but all I could think of was running. All until a point, I noticed an entrance to a cave, and exactly that was where my legs were taking me.

For some reason, neither lightning nor meteors could hit it. All of that was pouring down from the sky, but nothing was landing on the target. It was just a short thought that came through my mind, after that was just moving my feet.

Shadow walk, after shadow walk, I made my way there but didn't stop. I just activated 'Eyes of the Void' and kept pushing into the darkness.

The tunnels were quite narrow. Fit only for a few people at a time, and twisted like thoughts of a psychopath.

Then I hit something I couldn't see with my skill. It was like I suddenly dived under the water, but the feeling was immediately gone.

- You can stop now - said The Great One in my head.

I did stop. I made a single firebird over my head, and turned the skill down, just to see the ghost standing in the tunnel a few steps in the direction I just came from. I would be lying if I didn't write that I shit myself a little bit.

That thing approached the invisible barrier that I just passed through and put his hand on it. He clearly couldn't make it through, but he did try on pressing on it, then punching. Hit was strong enough to knock down a building, but for the barrier, it was like nothing.

Then the ghost screamed at me, but I still couldn't hear. I could feel the vibrations though, and I have to say, that was one hell of a scream.

- Ignore it, and keep walking. You still have quite a journey ahead of you - said The Great One.

- Where the hell am I? - I countered with a question in my own head.

- Currently, you are nowhere, but the path is right, so stop talking, and start walking. I'm waiting.

After that, I didn't hear a thing from him despite asking hundreds of questions. All of those got ignored. So I did what I was asked for, started walking.

After few steps, I pulled out some food, cause the hunger hit me like a truck. I was starving like I didn't have anything in my mouth for weeks. I was so thirsty, that I could drink a river.

Hours passed, but I was not seeing anything indicating an end to the tunnels. I noticed that I'm slowly descending deeper and deeper, but that was it. I kept talking to The Great One in my head, but, just like before, there was no answer.

I had no idea how much time I spend there. Just like I'm not sure how long I was conducting my search above. Only way later I made a rough estimation, but I'll be lying if I would tell you I'm sure about this even in the moment of writing those words. All I can say, it felt like ages.

I kept looking at the compass, but it was changing the directions like rockstars are changing girlfriends. I walked for miles. Probably hundreds of them, and it all was through a single tunnel. Rough and twisting, but still the same one I entered in the first place.

And finally, I emerged out In a cave that was so big, the ones holding fire giants' citadel looked like a box of matches compared to it. But that was not the most astonishing, and the breathtaking thing that I saw out there. All of that is reserved for the underground city called Loistavadvaar.. A city of gates.

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