Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 363

First of all the light. There was a spherical shape illuminating everything around. In some sense, it was like the device itself, like made of liquid. Shifting, changing, ever moving ball of silver producing this cold, yet beautiful light.

Then were the structures. It was so alien, with the strange-looking buildings, some shaped kinda like an onion. Round with wide bottoms, slowly coming to a pointy top. Others more bullet-shaped, higher. There were also tall towers, slim with bulges all over them, like parasitic outgrowths. Not to mention the beautiful gardens put on platforms supported with a single column, clustered together with waterfalls making water go from one to another. Cascading.

The alleys and streets were wide, but definitely not prepared for some vehicle-based transportation. I noticed also some statues, fountains, and art pieces here and there, but not much because of the distance.

Every single thing didn't seem like build with a hand, but more like cast as a solid piece. The material was also strange like a solid rock, but green in coloration. Jade-like, but the green was deeper, darker.

The silver light made the view incredible to the point I forgot everything that led me to this place. I was just standing there and watching. I have no idea how much time I remained in this frozen-like state, but I know that the thing which pulled me back to reality was the voice of The Great One.

- Stop looking, and come down here - sounded in my head.

So I started climbing my way down from the place I emerged out of the tunnel. It was rough, completely not prepared for travel, but for me, that didn't make much of a difference, but rather put some questions in my mind.

Way down didn't take long, but to the first set of buildings, I had to walk for quite a while, but eventually, I got there. It was so strange walking through those empty streets.

I put my hand on one of the buildings there, to feel the texture. It was rather smooth, and only confirmed my previous observations. Everything was a solid piece.

I spent hours there, just admiring anything my eyes rested upon. I was in an authentical alien city with so much history, culture, and tradition hidden out there that I wasn't even able to fully grasp it.

I decided to get inside one of the 'onions' but I couldn't find the entrance. There were no doors, no windows, nor any kind of holes.

- Just think about entering, and the entrance shall appear - said The Great One in my head.

I did just that, and suddenly I could get in, as the greenish stone melted out of my way. It was dark inside, but as soon as I stepped in, planing to illuminate the interior with some flames, it got bright. The light seemed to come off the walls themselves, but they were not shining. It was like the silver light from outside suddenly was ignoring the walls.

I looked around and found round and cubic objects that could be anything. some looked like stools, tables, or wardrobes, some looked, like nothing. Everything was made out of the same green material.

- This is a normal house. For regular Bahumdabar it was unthinkable to put his possessions on display if he didn't hold any position of power in the kingdom - The Great One explained in my head. - You can look around, but I would say this one is a waste of time. Why don't you meet me in the city center instead?

- Ok, I'll go there.

So I got outside and started walking. It was obvious that the main roads had to lead to the center, so I followed them, and after few more hours, with a couple of breaks to admire the statues, monuments, and fountains on the way, I reached the giant space that was the plaza in the center of Loistavadvaar.

The giant, at least a hundred meters in diameter, round gates connected to the different worlds were the first thing that grabbed my attention. Different architectures, sometimes with signs of battle that happened out there a very long time ago, were too interesting to ignore.

I spend few minutes looking, and there was no sign of life out there, then I switched my focus to the device in the very middle of the city.

It was bigger than ours and was rotating slowly over a small platform emerging from the ground. I'm using the word small, but that structure was the size of a kitchen table, although only around fifty centimeters high. There was also, obviously, the glyph on the ground.

Right next to the sapling I noticed a familiar ball of light, also levitating above the ground.

- So here you are. I came just like you wanted.

- Congratulations Peter - replied the ball, in my head.

- You almost killed me with this stupid idea!

- I did tell you how dangerous it was. You should have prepared yourself better.

- Oh, shut up! Now I want answers. Why the hell is there no city flying over the wastelands, why the hell you never told me this place is underground, and why the hell you wanted me dead? Because there is no way in hell I could have prepared myself to fight that thing outside.

- Calm down, Peter.

- No! I won't fucking calm down. I want my answers. You are playing with our lives like it doesn't matter if we die or not, and then you sell me some bullshit that you care!

- Very well, Peter. I'll give you your answer. Please follow me?

The ball started moving, drifting in the air towards the line of buildings.

- Where the... - I just sighed.

This bullshit was making me tired, so I just decided to give up, and follow. Instead of butting my head with that thing, I needed some rest. Even a couple of hours of sleep would be good.. I was just exhausted by the exploration and the recent fight that took a lot of effort to survive.

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