Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 364

The Great One led me to one of those strange towers, and as we approached it, an entrance suddenly appeared, and a hooded figure in grey robes emerged out of it. The ball of light vanished.

The clues led to the obvious answer. Real The Great One was just in front of me.

I noticed green skin as the figure reached to take down the hood. Just two fingers and opposite thumb, all three very long. The skull of the creature was in the shape of an infinity symbol, with two relatively normal eyes with intense blue irises. There was no hair on the head, just the middle part gar dome calloused protrusions, that was going through the face, slowly vanishing, as those got closer to the nose in form of two small holes.

There was almost no chin, just a small mouth with seemingly no lips.

- Welcome Peter - figure said to me in perfect English. - It's good to see you for the first time with my own two eyes.

The voice was calm, boring even.

- So you are The Great One...

- Yes. Please come inside - the inviting gesture was made.

I followed, entering the tower that had very little furniture inside. Just a box that could work as a low table, and another one that could work as a couch. The space was very packed though, with hundreds of books, and rolls of paper filled with strange symbols that I didn't pick up with just a glance.

The Great One waved his hand, and another box got ejected from the ground on the other side of the table.

- I'll answer your questions, but let's sit first.

The creature sat down, but I didn't at first. Seeing that there will be no conversation if I won't, I eventually did.

- Starting with the capital city. You didn't see it because it's camouflaged. It has a barrier around that makes it invisible. As for why I didn't tell you this place is underground I have to say it's for the same reason why I lured you into the wastelands knowing that you won't be ready for the ghosts out there. I was counting you will encounter one of them, and then I will lead you here, and you did exactly what I wanted.

I snorted in response.

- And you dare to say you are not playing with our lives after what you just admitted?

- I needed you to witness the power of ghosts. Not every single one is as powerful as the one you encountered. There are weaker ones out there, but also stronger ones. I will tell you why I did what I did.

- Ok. Tell me. To tell you the truth I want to know what the hell is going on here. I also want you to give me what you promised. A pathway to earth.

- I was betrayed by Yashasvee'mies. He didn't honor our deal, but I was not gonna waste all those years I spent with him, because I can't.

- Stop. As you are at it, I want to know what the hell is going on.

- Very well, Peter. I can explain to you everything, but do you think you are ready for it?

- Yes. I am. I had enough of your bullshit. It's time to tell me what it all is about.

The Great One took a deep breath.

- Have you ever wondered how everything was created?

- Big bang? God? you know what? All the theories went kinda to shit as we came here.

- Not necessary. And I'm not talking just about your universe, I'm talking about the origin of everything.

- I don't know, but I'm sure I'm about to find out, so just start talking.

The creature smiled at me for a moment.

- Some motives repeat themselves even in your earthly mythologies. Trees, fruits, godlike beings, betrayal, and wars. The truth is similar. It all started either with The Creator, or The Tree. I don't know which one was first and created the other. When The Creator made The Tree or The Tree made The Creator, The Creator took initiative and played with his powers.

I listened carefully as the story started, trying to engrave it in my memory.

- Many words, and planets were made, but they all were empty - The Great One continued. - To fill them The Creator made his followers. In your mythologies, they appear as gods or angels. Supreme beings. They carried the creation filling worlds with living creatures, and making much more worlds. One after another. It went for so long that it can't be put in numbers. Eventually, though, some of them went tired of creation, and the fact that nothing was changing about them. They were not learning anything, as they knew everything. They couldn't become stronger, or weaker. Even the joy of creation died in them. They wanted a change. They wanted to take the throne, change everything and rule over it, not just let it be. If this could not happen, they wanted to destroy everything. And the key to that was The Tree, as it could make anything happened. The only problem was, It couldn't be taken, but there was something that could be done.

It was hard to stay focused with his monotonous voice, but I was doing my best.

- The fruit from The Tree could be stolen and planted, to grow another Tree. And that's how the sons and daughters of The Creator persuaded their Creations, to sneak in, while they were doing everything, to keep the attention of The Creator. The plant succeded, and the first sapling was taken from The Tree, then planted on a distant planet, in a distant world. That was the beginning of the first, and biggest rebellion in the history of everything.

- This story sounds familiar...

- I'm sure it does, but that's just the beginning of the madness that happened later. The traitors grew their own three. It was not as big, and not as powerful as the original one, but very strong. Capable of bearing multiple fruits, which led to creating more and more trees.. This is when the interesting things start - he smiled at me again.

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