Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 411 "We're Simply Kidnapping"

"A snake demon?"

People turned to look behind the three. Emerging from the hollow were dozens of zombies holding tridents, their upper bodies human, their lower bodies snakes.

These snake demon-zombie hybrids moved swiftly by coiling their lower bodies. Each of them displayed yellow-green faces adorned with delicate scales, hissing menacingly through razor-sharp teeth.

Alan lifted his hand, and the two black scorpions and four centipedes turned to charge forward. Mike held up his great sword and charged directly at the snake demon zombies.

Seeing this, the people around also brought out their weapons, shouting as they charged. The three who had been chased until they were terrified felt their hearts steady at the sight of the charging help, and they immediately turned to counterattack the snake demon zombies.

In an instant, a large black shadow charged forward, outpacing everyone and landing among the snake demon zombies. With a roar, it knocked down one with a punch and kicked over another with ease.


Before the others could reach them, the dozens of snake demon zombies were all writhing on the ground, incapable of standing. Then, they saw the tall, black, grey-maned werewolf, clutching several snake tails in one hand, dragging the snake demon zombies towards one person.

"Holy shit!!"

The sight of the towering werewolf, standing over five meters tall, shocked everyone. Especially when they glimpsed its deep golden pupils, they were utterly stunned. A four-star Emperor-class, a puppet, and so obedient!

This was too formidable, wasn't it?

"Is that Alan's puppet?"

"No, that's Gutman's!!"

"Alan can control puppets indefinitely, and Gutman's puppet is a four-star Emperor class. No wonder 109 is so formidable, we've found the reason."

"Why is he grabbing those snake demon zombies? Why doesn't he just kill them?"

"Didn't you see his white coat? I heard he used to be a researcher. He probably wants to use those snake demon zombies for his research."

In the heart of a dilapidated city, a dozen individuals stood atop a rooftop, while hundreds more maintained a vigilant lookout from various parts of the building. These were survivors from various districts who had gradually gathered into the city.

"This should be the best vantage point in the city. We'll set up the beacon here later, hoping more people will see it. Currently, our situation is still unclear. Even with our combined information, everything is chaotic and lacks clear direction. It seems we can only wait for more people to arrive and compare the shared information once again."

Having finished, Christina glanced over at Alice and Wool, who were standing not far away.

She turned to look at David, who was standing next to her. "How did they end up here?"

"Well, they originally came to 109 to find my boss. the man has an impressive ability to map terrain. And my boss recently needed someone with that skill. Coincidentally, they arrived just as we were experiencing the calamity, so they got locked in here."

While speaking, David appraised the woman warrior from 402 in front of him. A primary job water Elementalist with ice support, and a secondary job as a Barrierist - information he had purchased through special channels.

Of course, he had information on every leading figure from each district. David looked at the faint frost on the woman's face, clear and transparent, making her skin even paler.

"Hmm, that should be cartography, right? I also learned it when I was in the army. As a member of the reconnaissance battalion, it's a necessary skill."

Christina glanced at the man named Wool, then raised her binoculars to scan the surroundings again. "Why are you staring at me?"

Slightly flustered, David stroked his smooth chin. "I was wondering, with all the ice on your body, aren't you cold?"


Christina turned her gaze on him and casually picked up her thermal cup. "I like to drink hot water regularly. It warms the stomach..."

"Good idea."

David nodded, giving a thumbs-up.

Christina smiled, held up her binoculars again to look into the distance, and asked, "What about you, covered in glass? Doesn't it shed?"

"..."I think you should take a look at

David smiled and looked into the distance. "I maintain myself very well."

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, Christina's smile faded, replaced by a serious expression. "Eleven o'clock direction, count the third intersection from here."


David first determined the rough location with his naked eyes, then lifted his binoculars for a closer inspection. In the lens, a man dressed in a suit and tie was visible, and beneath him, a black snake body.

Behind him, there were two rows of zombies with yellow-green skin, all with lower bodies of green snakes. What surprised him was that the man in the suit and tie looked like a 'normal person'. At this point, the people on the rooftop had also gathered, watching the snake men advance towards the building.

The crowd standing guard at ground level instantly formed a defensive line.

The snake-man, his vertically slit pupils glowing faintly purple, halted his serpentine body a few meters from the crowd. Facing the vigilant crowd, his snake-patterned face morphed into an inscrutable smile. He opened his mouth and voiced in a high-pitched tone, "Why do you not kneel upon seeing me?"


The crowd was taken aback. This creature could actually speak!

"Cut the useless talk."

At this moment, David, glowing all over, stepped out of the crowd, looking up at the snake man. "I give you two options. One, you coil up here and wait for your master to come with a ransom. Two, you still coil up here because I want to dig out your gallbladder."


The snake man grinned, revealing sharp teeth. "I..."


Suddenly, a bright figure darted past. Simultaneously, the surrounding airdropped to winter-like temperatures, causing people's breath to fog up. The figure then swept through with dual blades, severing the heads of more than ten snake zombies.

Clean and efficient!

The snake man roared in anger, "How dare you..."

"Heavenly God Descends!"

Then, the figure's body swelled, and the two blades were slashed down at the snake man's head.


Before the snake-man could complete his sentence, the blades struck him, and a sand dragon coiled around him, immobilizing him.

Swish swish!!

Boom boom!!

Blades flashed, sand exploded, and the snake man lost his defense. The towering figure didn't cease, continuously slashing with crisscrossed blades, chopping off the snake-man's tail.

Christina held her blades to the snake man's neck. "Tell me, who is your master? Where is he? Speak!"

The snake man sneered. "Before 12 o'clock tonight, if you don't offer 100 people to sacrifice to my master, all of you here will die!!"

"Then I'll let you be the first to go."

The woman pushed the blade forward, and it went half an inch into the snake man's neck. He immediately shouted, "Don't kill the messenger in a war!!"


David then smiled and said, "You're overthinking. "

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