Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 412 "Can't She Turn It Off?"

The snake man, devoid of his tail, had his arms cut off and was hanging from a street lamp, swaying in the breeze. He looked down at the man below, still radiant under the setting sun. "You disrespect the gods, you will suffer divine retribution!"

David sat on top of a scrapped car, and retorted, "Can you say something different? Can you be a bit creative? You've said that phrase over and over again."

The snake man glared, "Don't kill the messenger in a war!"


David turned his head to look at Christina, Alice, and others standing on the side, "See? I told you he's got a problem in his head."

Christina walked up, pointing her two blades at the snake man, "I'll give you one last chance. Speak!"

"You lowly mortals, wait for my master's baptism!"

"You dare to kill the gods, you will become a puddle of blood!"

"Before 12 o'clock tonight, if you don't present 100 people, you will all die!"

"You dare to disrespect the gods!"



David rubbed his temples. Just like the priestess under the Mayan feathered snake god he had killed before, this snake man seemed to be repeating the same programmed sentences. He then looked at Christina, "Just kill him. There's no point in keeping him."

"In a war, don't kill the messenger!"



Christina stood up, landing, and the snake man's head rolled under everyone's feet.

David shook his head in his heart. This woman didn't understand that life was hard. She could have killed him twice, but she finished it in one go. What a wasteful woman.


As twilight descended, close to a thousand people had congregated on the highway amidst the wilderness. Various puppets of unique shapes and sizes mingled among the crowd, some soaring in the sky, some scuttling on the ground.

Ming had already consolidated the information twice, finally confirming the identity of their enemy as the "Yamata no Orochi". However, a nagging worry persisted - the "Kappa". The root of his concern was the fact that the Sphinx, encountered in the desert, had been a servant of the desert god Seth.

The Kappa serving under the command of the Yamata no Orochi would truly be a headache!

At this moment, a golden light was darting through the mountains not far away, sometimes stopping, sometimes rushing.

Ming looked at the person next to him, "Alan, lend me a bird again~"

"Die one, back four to me?"


Ming grabbed the crow in the other's hand, thinking, this guy is addicted.

Barely had he bridged the connection when the crow took off, soaring into the air and flying straight toward the golden light in the distance.


Digennaro was currently being pursued by a group of snake zombies. Her life had been nothing but a series of miserable events. She was an orphan, raised in an orphanage where she watched other kids get adopted while she was left behind, all alone.

Finally, she had just graduated from university and thought she could leave the lonely city and start a new life in a new environment. Suddenly, the apocalypse descended.

She struggled through the first chapter of the end times. She was thankful. Under the dual pressure of mental and physical stress, when the rules announced that there would be no fighting for three days, she collapsed and fell asleep, thus missing the career choice and being randomly chosen as an Elementalist. Initially, she felt it was a good fit for a girl.

After awakening her talent, she felt that it was also very much in line with her character - passionate like the scorching sun and pure like the bright moon. However, one day in the dark night, she found that her body was glowing.

She was first surprised, then laughed, "I am lighting up myself, that's pretty nice."

Because of this, she made new friends. She suddenly found that when there is 'light' in life, there really is hope. But good times didn't last long. The light from her body became brighter and brighter, and she would be discovered wherever she went. Even if she wore many clothes, she couldn't block the bursting light.

She became a monster magnet.

Her original teammates left her, and others were hesitant to team up with her. Eventually, she was left alone again, like an orphan.


Digennaro exploded, just like she had from childhood to now, not begging for any person or any gods, she decided to fight for herself and blaze a path of blood. Because she had light, she believed that her light wouldn't only illuminate herself.

She lifted a pair of Tang swords!


With horizontal cuts and vertical slashes, she cut off her own self-loathing and weakness!


With thrusts and diagonal slices, she cut off her own loneliness and helplessness!

...I think you should take a look at

"This wasteful kid!!"

Ming watched through the eyes of the puppet. He saw a glowing girl who was still radiating light even though she was wearing clothes. That should be a skill or a talent, right?

He observed the girl wielding a pair of Tang swords, killing through the crowd of snake zombies encircling her. Her sword danced, delivering deadly blows.


As Ming watched the snake zombies falling one after another under Digennaro's relentless assault, he felt a pang in his heart. This extravagant girl certainly didn't know the value of them.

Luckily, there were still about a hundred snake zombies left. The next moment, he leaped from the highway.

Seeing Ming's fervent actions, Mike quickly asked, "Boss, what's up? Need any help?"

"No need~"

Ming decisively refused, turned his head to look at Alan, "Lend me your three crabs again."


Alan, calculating quickly in his mind, had his fingers drumming against his leg. He felt as though he wasn't getting the short end of the stick, "Okay!"

With that, a man and three massive crabs vanished into the night.

Mike frowned and asked Alan beside him, "What's the boss in such a hurry for?"

Alan said, "Looking at my puzzled face, you should know that I don't know either."

Mike, "..."

"Don't daze, the boss told us to keep moving forward, he will catch up later."



As Ming ran, he continued to observe the glowing girl through the eyes of the puppet. He couldn't understand this.  Surrounded by so many snake zombies, she didn't try to lay low or turn off her 'light'. That bright light was practically an open invitation for zombies to attack her.

"Can't she turn it off?"

"oh right"

This should be a talent - the light is always on! It might not be noticeable during the day, but at night it's a 'divine artifact' for attracting monsters... Eh~

This light... is quite handy!


Digennaro was drinking her spirit and physical strength potion, wielding her twin blades to cleave through the snake zombies in front of her. She immediately darted back as her energy was recharged, immediately shouting, "Heaven's Eye!"

Her eyes flashed with a golden glow. Immediately, she looked up at a snake zombie rushing toward her.

With a hum!

From her pupils, two intense beams of light shot out, piercing through the zombie's forehead like lasers.


A spray of blood and the head exploded.

Hum Hum Hum!!!

Standing her ground, Digennaro scanned her surroundings, her gaze causing snake zombies' heads to explode wherever they landed.

Boom Boom Boom!!!

Suddenly, her head started to throb - she had overexerted herself.


At this moment, a figure appeared. Digennaro looked over and saw a man holding a chainsaw, moving at high speed around her, slashing at the snake zombies rushing forward. At the same time, she saw three giant crabs, cutting off zombies at the waist with their pincers.

"Thank... Thank you~"

A long-sealed part of her heart seemed to break open, filling her with newfound vigor. After downing the spirit and stamina potions, she hefted her twin blades and declared enthusiastically, "I'll join you and we'll exterminate them all!"

The young man quickly interjected: "No, no, no, you need to rest and regain your strength~ we've got this for now~"

"But, I'm brimming with energy right now."

"No, what you're feeling is a false rebound from severe fatigue. You're actually very tired. Here, sit down and rest... have some food~"

"Uh... Thank... thank you~"

"No, I should be thanking you~"


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