Azarinth Healer

Chapter 300

Chapter 300

She didnt let herself relax until she had reached the wall leading to the higher part of Tremor. Blood was flowing down her leg, the wound closing when she finally realized. Ilea continued towards her house and blinked through the wall, armor replaced by comfortable clothesbefore she landed on her bed. Fuck thats gonna leave a stain, She looked at her leg but found the bleeding had already stopped, the shin reforming slowly.

Her vision was blurry and she realized her hands were shaking. Meditation flowed through her immediately, Ilea sitting up and resting her back on the wall behind her. Fucking hell. She repeated the words three times before her hands had calmed down. The knight had done serious damage to her other leg and her arm, both mostly mush except for her bones. Another set of armor fucked. Checking her messages, the fist thing she saw made her squint her eyes before she started laughing. Damn long legged fuckers.

ding Fear Resistance reaches lvl 9

It took her a minute to calm down completely, meditation still helping her out with that. Close fucking call you damn idiot. Another part of her shrugged and thought it was worth it. In the end she had survived, as she did before. Maybe she would have survived anyway, even if she hadnt been able to cut off her leg. The wide smile on her face said enough.

Lifting her back, she sat down on the bed cross legged and summoned one of Keylas meals, the smell of the warm and spicy dish immediately overshadowing the blood and sweat clinging to her body. Now, lets fucking mutate.

ding You have defeated [Undead Rose Knight lvl 518] For defeating an enemy two hundred and ten or more levels above your own, bonus experience is granted

ding Azarinth First Hunter has reached lvl 300 Five Stat points awarded. One tier 3 skill point awarded

ding Inheritor of Eternal Ash has reached lvl 300 Five Stat points awarded. One tier 3 skill point awarded

ding Azarinth Fighting reaches 3rd lvl 5

ding Ash and Ember Manipulation reaches 3rd lvl 5

And both classes at the same time, fucking perfect. Trying to spend the third tier skill points first didnt seem to work, both showing no skills to advance. Requirements should be met. Maybe its tied to the evolutions in some way. On with it then.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Azarinth Elder. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

You have pushed yourself to the pinnacle of humanity and thus deserve to carry the name of Elder. Leveled at least five Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Carries the skill Meditation at the end of the second tier. Has an Azarinth class at level 300 or higher.

The Elders of the Azarinth Order pave the way to the future. Conquest and expansion are theirs to plan and execute. They have the power to rebuild what was lost. Known to be strategic minds, an elder leading a group of Azarinth Healers might very well be unstoppable.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Azarinth Elder]?

How about absolutely fucking not? Conquest and expansion my ass.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Beast of Azarinth. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Your blood lust permeates all. Leveled at least eight Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Destruction and Azarinth Fighting in the third tier. Has killed at least 1000 higher leveled beings. Has sustained 1000 heavy injuries. Has an Azarinth class at level 300.

Far from the path of the once powerful healing order, they have chosen to seek their own power and the destruction of life itself. Fueled by hatred and blood the Beast of Azarinth marches on, unable to find or bring peace. Forbidden magic of Death corrupts the power once destined to heal and mend.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Beast of Azarinth]?

Come on guys its not that bad is it? At least its not a thousand kids, She at least thought about it thanks to the death magic mention. Maybe an Azarinth and Death magic combination? If she had to chose between Elder and Beast, the choice was clear at least. Corrupts does that mean no more healing at all? That would suck.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Azarinth Pioneer. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Adventure is your second name. Leveled ten Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has traveled where no human dares to go, has survived natural dangers capable of decimating armies. Founded a settlement or discovered a lost city. Has an Azarinth class at level 300.

The Pioneer has chosen their own path, discovering the forgotten and perfecting their skills and powers. Be it erupting volcanoes, the waves of the ocean or blizzards cold enough to freeze their very blood, nothing will stop their want for adventure. Powerful regeneration and constitution come with their mantle.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Azarinth Pioneer]?

Ilea was starting to get a little annoyed at how shit these classes seemed, Surviving natural dangers and not a mention of Resistances? Not even one needed? I swear on my enjoyment of food if these arent getting better,

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Azarinth Destroyer. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

You have no equal in battle. Leveled ten Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has Destruction, State of Azarinth and Azarinth Fighting in the third tier. Has killed an enemy above level 500. You have fought hordes of enemies above your own level and prevailed. Has the Azarinth First Hunter class at level 300.

The Destroyer is a rare sight to behold. A master of Azarinth Magic, each strike powerful and with intent. They move over the battlefield with grace, leaving nothing behind. The true power of the Azarinth Order or anybody they would choose to join. Their Strength is second to none, cracking even steel with their fists.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Azarinth Destroyer]?

Thats more like it baby. Fighting, level five hundred beast and a focus on fighting with ones fists.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes The Azarinth Wayfarer. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The unfathomable. Leveled ten Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has Blink and State of Azarinth in the third tier. Has killed an enemy above level 600. Has traveled to another realm and returned. Has the Veteran skill at level 5 or higher. Speaks two languages. Has the Azarinth First Hunter class at level 300.

The Azarinth Wayfarer has grasped the impossible nature of magic, has crossed the boundaries between realms. True understanding will follow those unwilling to accept the status quo. They are a master of their surroundings, of space itself.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Azarinth Wayfarer]?

Space mage seems pretty fucking far off what Ive been doing all this time. How many have missed this possible evolution because they werent bilingual? She chuckled at the thought and continued her bloody reading homework.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Azarinth Regenerator. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

More monster than man. Leveled eight Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has Hunter Recovery and State of Azarinth in the third tier. Has killed ten enemies above level 500. Has ten Resistance skills at level 5 or higher. Has Pain Tolerance in the second tier. Has lost either head or all limbs in battle before recovering. Has the Azarinth First Hunter class at level 300.

The Azarinth Regenerator fears no enemy. Be it ice or fire, they stand against it unmoving. Bearers of the pain they have suffered, unwilling to accept defeat. Virtually unkillable they are prepared to face whatever may move into their path, their bodies mere weapons, tools to be used.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Azarinth Regenerator]?

Ilea sighed, Well at least its not called the Azarinth Masochist. Tools to be used might as well be. She had a smirk on her face before she moved to the next one.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes Avenger of Azarinth. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

A hunter unmatched. Leveled ten Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has Destruction, Azarinth Fighting and State of Azarinth in the third tier. Has killed ten enemies at full power above level 400 while alone. Has five General skills in the second tier. Has participated in acts of revenge, found and killed those responsible. Has lost limbs in the midst of battle and continued the fight. Has the Azarinth First Hunter class at level 300.

An avenger stopping at nothing to bring justice to those deserving. Judge and executioner, powerful and deadly enough to hunt down any target they deem unworthy. Unstoppable and fueled by the magic of Azarinth, healing any injury that might delay them, their bodies mere arbiters of revenge.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [Avenger of Azarinth]?

Flashes of the Birmingales went through her mind, Eve lying dead in her bed and the old man asking her to spare the girls. What was his name again? She shook her head, breathing in hard and focusing on the task at hand. Requirements are pretty high and finally a mention of killing something alone. Healing might be enhanced and theres at least talk about ones own body. She saw there was only one option remaining, the avenger probably her favorite for now.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Azarinth First Hunter becomes The Azarinth Sentinel. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Life and Death. Leveled ten Azarinth skills to the end of the second tier. Has Destruction, Hunter Recovery, Azarinth Fighting and State of Azarinth in the third tier. Has killed ten enemies at full power above level 500 while alone. On their own, has faced hordes of enemies above their own level and prevailed. Has fifteen or more Resistance skills in the second tier, two or more at the highest level. Has helped and healed strangers of various races, unasked for or even meeting hostility. Risked their life for others on multiple occasions. Has the Azarinth First Hunter class at level 300.

The Azarinth Sentinel has reached the pinnacle of Azarinth magic, mastering its style while not forgetting their roots. A healer at heart they seek to mend the wounds of those they deem close and strangers alike. True veterans of battle they have chosen a path most peculiar. Savior to one and Destroyer to another. Their bodies forged into weapons, their mana overpowering all. A force of their own, to decide on the fate of beings.

Would you like to evolve your class [Azarinth First Hunter] to [The Azarinth Sentinel]?

Ilea shifted her attention back to her food, the smell of the spicy orange sauce with potatoes and vegetables making her stomach rumble. She looked at the bowl, the rice still steaming even after all that reading. Did I really heal so many strangers? Risked my life for others? None of her actions seemed out of the ordinary. This whole world of course was ridiculous. She had turned into a survivor here, a murderer, hunter. Savior? Fuck that. She was quite aware that the same line read Destroyer as well.

Besides the first couple possibilities, the rest seemed exceptional. Destroyer, Wayfarer, Regenerator, Avenger, Sentinel. Each with their own specialty, each with increasingly high demands. She asked herself whether there would have been another class if she had ten resistances at the end of the second tier or if the Sentinel description would have simply required ten at that point. Would there have been another class had she killed ten level six hundred beasts alone? Possibly.

Most of the classes required her to be at level 300, making it hardly reasonable to get anything new at this point. She had chosen to reach 300 now and these were her choices. Sentinel has the hardest achievements listed. Pinnacle of Azarinth magic, bodies forged into weapons,

What am I a fucking paladin? She chuckled and started eating, savoring every bite as she crushed it with her teeth, the taste and smell making her forget the choice for some blissful seconds. Regenerator doesnt seem to grant a lot of offensive potential and I cant see how more regeneration would change anything drastically at this point. Wayfarer is cool but with my focus on fighting instead of the study of magic and teleportation, I think Ill pass. Destroyer seems to be a Sentinel Light with a focus on strength.

She pondered, And Avenger is pretty vague. How often have I actually needed to be a hunter. I feel like most monsters and people were found easily enough. It could help with the Lily,

This is annoying. Sentinel is the best choice if I look at the requirements. She scribbled into her notebook, comparing the classes with bullet points, ignoring all the blabbering about justice, death and revenge. She had to admit that Sentinel was also the best one with its power descriptions. Other than Healer at heart, the rest was pretty straightforward. Well mana overpowers all is a little weird too. But there is a specific mention of ones body. Maybe its talking about mana intrusion?

She felt a little queasy, putting away the food as she got up and walked to the hole in the wall, once a window. It was dark outside, the sound of a distant explosion barely audible. That fucking elf. She thought, a smile on her face. Did you level all those resistances for nothing? She asked herself and sighed. Somehow it just didnt feel right. None of them did. Hunter unmatched, arbiter of revenge. Thats just as fucking stupid. Closing her eyes, Ilea tapped her lip with her finger. Life and Death. A force of their own, to decide on the fate of beings. Ah fuck it, if that is what a bloody Sentinel does then I will decide on my own fate. She said to herself and accepted the class evolution.

ding Class change: Azarinth First Hunter becomes The Azarinth Sentinel

Vitality +30

Strength +15

Dexterity +15

Intelligence +30

Wisdom +20

Body enhancement magic is improved by 300%

All healing magic skills are improved by 200%

Natural health regeneration is increased by 1% per minute

Food, water and sleep needed to sustain yourself are reduced

Ilea felt the weight of the decision fall off her. This was the road she had taken and she would stand by that. Ignoring the fact that another evolution was yet to come, she instead smiled at the additional 100% improvement to her body enhancements as well as healing skills. The additional stats were welcome as well but a drop in the bucket compared to what she had gained through leveling alone. Seven levels worth if Im right.

Skills changed by The Azarinth Sentinel:

[Destruction] becomes [Absolute Destruction]

Active: Absolute Destruction 3rd lvl 9:

Send a destructive pulse of mana into your enemy with every punch or kick. Your Intelligence stat enhances the damage potential.

2nd stage: The amount of mana used per strike can be regulated with a maximum of 100 mana per strike. You may charge each strike whilst unmoving with 100 mana per second to a maximum of 3000 mana.

3rd stage: Due to the healing nature of Destruction it partially ignores protection against Mana intrusion.

Category: Healing

So if Im reading this right the mana per strike was increased from 20 to 100 plus I can charge it. While unmoving but still. And the 100% increase for healing skills should apply here as well. Quite a power up, costs a bunch more mana too but with my regeneration. She smiled, already itching to test it out on some unfortunate undead.

[Hunter Recovery] becomes [Sentinel Reconstruction]

Active: Sentinel Reconstruction 3rd lvl 12:

Send a healing pulse of mana into yourself or your ally with a touch. This skill can be channeled.

2nd stage: Your control is increased greatly, you can now focus your healing on specific parts of the body. As long as mana and health remains, your Sentinel Reconstruction will restore your body. Lose your head and see for yourself! Health loss and critical blows are recalculated due to the nature of your healing.

3rd stage: You have healed your body time and time again, knowing every cell and where it belongs. Sacrifice a large amount of mana to rush your healing to unprecedented speeds. Lack of knowledge about your body may result in heavy damage.

Category: Healing

The mention of healing myself being vastly superior to healing others was removed. She noted, as well as the new line about health loss and critical blow calculation. I hope that doesnt mean its worse on myself now. She would test it later but with her healing getting another 100% bonus from the class change, she assumed it would at least even out. How many changes did I get last time? This is ridiculous, She thought as she scrolled a little further down in her mind, going back to her Sentinel Reconstruction. Well Im not going to complain,

[State of Azarinth] becomes [Azarinth Awakening]

Active: Azarinth Awakening 3rd lvl 10:

Your body glows with the power of Azarinth, increasing your resilience, speed, Intelligence and Strength by 75% [450%].

2nd stage: Your sight, hearing and sense of smell is also affected by Azarinth Awakening

3rd stage: You are one with the Azarinth. The skills upkeep has been removed. Instead you may overcharge it with your lifes energy. The amount depends on both skill level and health used.

Category: Aura Body Enhancement

Holy fuck. Ilea was nearly shedding tears, all the work form over a years ridiculous efforts had paid off tenfold. It boosts Intelligence now? A 450% increase meant her Intelligence should be at above three thousand. Coupled with Destructions increases, Plus it seemed the base percentage had been increased again, from 35% to 50%, each level in the skill giving a 0.5% added boost. What else do you have for me, beloved Sentinel. Ilea was in a rush.

[Azarinth Hunter Sphere] becomes [Sentinel Sphere]

Active: Sentinel Sphere 2nd lvl 20

Perceive everything in a sphere around you while this skill is activated. The higher the level the further the sphere reaches.

2nd stage: The Sentinel Sphere opens your senses to the arcane, a paramount skill both on and off the battlefield.

Category: Aura Perception Aura

Well thats the first one to remove some good stuff. No more senses dialing and I loved just ignoring all the blood and guts around me. No more trap detection and hidden paths either. For a mana sense? She didnt know how to feel about it at the moment. The sense for hidden things had helped her plenty so far, losing that suddenly wasnt planned. Makes sense though, switching from the Hunter to something else. Ill survive it I guess. Have so far, even without this paramount skill.

[Body of the First Hunter] becomes [Sentinel Core]

Passive: Sentinel Core 2nd lvl 20:

Your body was changed by magic. All pain is reduced greatly. You body is 40% [320%] more durable. You heal even fatal injuries without help of healing magic. Your natural Health regeneration is improved by 120% [960%].

2nd stage: The magic of Azarinth settles inside your body. Your resistance to magical damage is increased by a static 25% [200%] and your bones are three times as heavy and dense.

Category: Healing Body Enhancement

Well fuck me what are those numbers?? Ilea started scribbling but it didnt make sense until she realized that the category changed from just healing to healing and body enhancement, giving an additional 500% increase in power to the skill. 320% more durable what does that even mean. And magic damage resistance above 100%? Is there like a hidden baseline that is now increased two fold instead of a simple 25% increase normally? It had been at 50% before but Ilea was pretty sure the damage she sustained wasnt halved after getting the skill. Or was it? Well further testing is definitely required.

The ridiculous multiplier to her natural health recovery was just another bonus. She had to test it of course but it should at least equal to a couple free health points every second, instead of the ridiculously slow recovery normal people had.

[Hunters Sight] becomes [Sentinel Huntress]

Passive: Sentinel Huntress 2nd lvl 20

Huntress turned Sentinel. Your eyes are unmatched and so is your nose. Perceive the smallest irregularities in your surroundings as well as the ambient mana to find clues about your targets whereabouts.

2nd stage: You gain a sense for the distress in the people around you. Amplify this by sacrificing mana.

Category: Body Enhancement

Ambient mana added as a detection source? And that new second tier might actually do something compared to before. Is it like a sixth sense to gauge the mood in a room or something?

Well, thats a bunch of new stuff to play with, Ilea commented and continued scribbling into her notebook, deciding to wait with testing until all the changes were through. Already, she felt lighter, stronger, the mana around her body tangible, a blue hue in constant motion, now, what kind of classes does my ashen side have in store?

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