Azarinth Healer

Chapter 301: The Ashen side of Things

Chapter 301: The Ashen side of Things

Ilea started on the messages concerning her ashen class, the Sentinel evolution so distracting, she needed a moment to focus. Her body itched, ready to unleash power she had never felt before. The boost to her Intelligence was perhaps responsible, or perhaps the improvements to all her body enhancement and healing spells, the new sensation and pure arcane flowing through her was incredible. Focus. She reminded herself, meditation surging again. The fat grin on her face was a constant by now. Guess I should set this date as Christmas or maybe my birthday.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Empress of Eternal Ash. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

The ruler. Leveled at least five ashen magic skills to the end of the second tier. Has Ash Creation and Ash and Ember Manipulation in the third tier. Has trained with the ruler of a nation. Identifies as Female. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

The Empress rules over all, her ashen magic an iron fist controlled and used to her advantage. She will conquer and rule, all shall burn and kneel.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Empress of Eternal Ash]?

Bold of you to assume my gender. Ilea smiled. The flavor text was concise and told her exactly what she needed to know to discard this possibility immediately. Same with the elder one guess they at least present the shit options at the start.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Glutton of Cinders. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Consumption unending. Has ten skills in Inheritor of Eternal Ash at the end of the second tier. Has enough food with them to feed a small town. Owns a restaurant. Has risked breaking the law and considered cold blooded murder to protect a cook. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

A glutton of cinders grows in power equal to their weight. Fueled by the lust to eat they ignore injuries and pain. Their jaw strength has enough force to break through steel. With their supportive elemental magic, few may stand in their way. All will be eaten.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Glutton of Cinders]?

Fair enough. Guess its judging Ilea day. The jaw strength is a boon for sure and I bet theres something in there that allows me to digest literally anything. Still a better option than Empress.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Sharpshooter of Eternal Ash. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Unseen death. Has ten skills in Inheritor of Eternal Ash at the end of the second tier. Has the Heavy Archery skill as a general skill. Owns a storage item. Has killed ten enemies above their own level without being spotted and while alone. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

An unusual combination of magic and the bow. The Sharpshooter of Eternal Ash has extraordinary sight and firepower to unleash death upon groups of enemies without ever being seen. They stalk the night and work alone. Mercenaries or adventurers they seek their prey and slay it silently.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Sharpshooter of Eternal Ash]?

So were getting at least somewhat serious now. Didnt think my archery training would come up here but I guess I know now that there are possible evolutions gained from general skills should I ever wish to get something else. Of course it didnt fit her in any way, neither personality wise nor form a skill perspective.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Master of Eternal Ash. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Fire consumed, nothing withstanding. Has ten skills in Inheritor of Eternal Ash at the end of the second tier. Has the Ash Creation and Ash and Ember Manipulation skills at the third tier. Has killed at least 500 beings of a higher level using ashen magic. Has killed members of their own species. Has been betrayed. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

True mastery comes with control, effort and time. The Master of Eternal Ash has grasped the true power of ash and ember, wielding them to the fullest of their destructive potential. Widespread and fast spells consume even the toughest enemies in everlasting flame, pierced by lances of ash. The battlefield bows to your power.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Master of Eternal Ash]?

Thats more like what Im looking for. No mention of Body Enhancement magic still but at least it seems like a powerful class with its specialties.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Berserker of Eternal Flame. No current stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

Forever battling. Has ten skills in Inheritor of Eternal Ash at the end of the second tier. Has the Ashen Warrior skill in the third tier. Has battled and killed thousands of enemies at a higher level than themselves while alone. Has sustained critical wounds in battle and continued the fight. Has Heat Resistance in the second tier. Has at least twenty resistance skills. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

The Berserker of Eternal Flame is untiring, unkillable and unforgiving. Their bodies becoming one with the flame, they consume and tear through their enemies, their wounds mere stepping stones on their way to power. Their mind is consumed by fire, their bodies weapons of war.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Berserker of Eternal Flame]?

Ilea tapped her cheek before she sighed. Mind consumed by fire. The line gave her pause. Otherwise the class sounded badass. More of a focus on fire obviously but she wouldnt terribly mind. Thats how she had started out anyways, burning herself to get the Fire Mage class back in the Calys mine. Might need to consult some people in regards to Berserker classes. Roland did kind of lose it sometimes. Wonder if hes doing alright. Probably not with all that happened. I hope he and the girl are at least alive. There was one more evolution she could choose. Before moving on Ilea also realized there was no mention of no current skills being lost in the previous one. Another issue with the choice.

ding Requirements met for class evolution: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Kin of Ash. No current skills or stats will be lost, be aware that other evolutions and skills may become unavailable -

One of Ash. Has ten skills in Inheritor of Eternal Ash at the end of the second tier. Has Veil of Ash, Form of Ash and Ember, Ash Creation, Ash and Ember Manipulation and Ashen Warrior in the third tier. Has Fear Resistance at level five or higher. Has fought beings beyond their comprehension while alone. Has fought and defeated ten or more enemies above level 500 while alone. When faced with certain death, has trusted their body and the ash around them to prevail. Has found beauty in ash beyond destruction. Has the Inheritor of Eternal Ash class at level 300.

Kin to Ash itself. Their body clad in armor, unyielding. Their body smoldering with embers, unforgiving.

Would you like to evolve your class [Inheritor of Eternal Ash] to [Kin of Ash]?

Alright, I guess that has to be the one. There were no more options. The requirements are ridiculous. When did I face certain death and trusted in my ash and body? Several memories flashed in her mind but none fit. She remembered playing around with Kyrian, his metal and her ash. That was probably the part where she had found beauty in ash beyond its destructive capabilities. And my beloved friend Fear Resistance.

Ilea thought about consulting Maro or Elfie, even Catelyn perhaps but as she thought, she felt ash come to life around her, gently swirling around her. It was her own doing she realized. Clad in armor, unyielding. All her third tier skills had been mentioned in the last evolution. Compared to the other good classes it mentioned ones body twice. The Berserker class seemed good too but it was too sketch for her. Her mind was her own and she would chose her own path, neither made for war or any other specific purpose.

The ash around her continued swaying in the air as if carried by a gentle breeze. Compared to her Azarinth evolution, this one just felt, right. Lets see what you have in store for me.

ding Class change: Inheritor of Eternal Ash becomes Kin of Ash

Vitality +30

Strength +20

Dexterity +20

Intelligence +20

Wisdom +15

Body enhancement magic is improved by 300%

All Ashen magic skills are improved by 100%

All fighting styles using hand to hand combat are more refined

Your will is ash and embers

Seems like I made the right choice. Another set of stats as well. Whatever the line about my will means. Another hundred percent meaning a ton of my Sentinel skills just became what? Fifteen percent stronger? From six hundred percent total to seven hundred. The start was already promising as Ilea moved on to the more interesting stuff.

Skills changed by Kin of Ash:

[Veil of Ash] becomes [Armor of Ash]

Active: Armor of Ash 3rd lvl 10

A shroud of condensed ash to shield you. Hard as steel and forming to your will. The Armor increases your resilience by 125% [1000%]. Halved effects if armor beyond light category is worn.

2nd stage: The strength of your Resistance skills also benefit from the Armor of Ash.

3rd stage: Increases the defensive capabilities of all ash and ember you control. Effects additionally apply to your body itself, halved if armor beyond light category is worn.

Category: Body Enhancement Ashen magic

Just continuing with the ridiculous bonuses. What the hell constitutes as light armor? It bummed her out a little. Ilea liked her heavy metal gear. Half would still be good. Guess Ill have to find out how good this armor actually is. Maybe I can have something good made that is also considered light armor. She had the mold and a smith to help her out. If the ashen armor could replace her current one completely, she wouldnt have to constantly worry about a nearby smith to repair her other ones or make new sets.

One thousand percent. Guess thats worth an achievement of sorts. Could ask someone to explain resilience to me. Ilea immediately discarded the idea, instead planning to just let different monsters attack her to find out more about her new armor. Plus my body itself gets the bonus? So its basically two thousand compared to the four hundred before? The description of the first tier changed significantly as well. Further testing needed. Again.

[Form of Ash and Ember] becomes [Aspect of Ash]

Active: Aspect of Ash 3rd lvl 5:

Ember glows within you raising your resilience, speed, Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity by 57.5% [402.5%].

2nd stage: The longer you fight in the Aspect of Ash, the deeper it roots. Each minute of fighting adds 15% more power to the skill with a maximum of 150%.

3rd stage: Familiarity with the skill removes its upkeep. When reaching the maximum second tier bonus you may reset it by amplifying your next attack with ash and ember.

Category: Aura Body Enhancement

There you go. Exactly what Ive been looking for. Intelligence was now a part of the skill as well. The difference in power from the additional two hundred percent from Body Enhancement bonuses were good enough but with Intelligence affected, her mana intrusion spells would benefit immensely.

[Ash Creation] becomes [True Ash Creation]

Active: True Ash Creation 3rd lvl 7

Create ash in a certain radius around you.

2nd stage: You can control the density of the ash to an extent.

3rd stage: You have proven your dedication. Ash swirls to aid and destroy at your whims.

Category: Ashen Magic

Well what happened exactly? Ilea noticed a line was missing now but otherwise everything stayed the same. Guess I have to find out what the true part means. Maybe it doesnt vanish anymore after a while? Or the properties somehow change.

[Embered Body Heat] becomes [Heart of Cinder]

Active: Heart of Cinder 2nd lvl 20

Increase the heat in your body and release it in a blast around you.

2nd stage: The embers run deep. The heat you may reach is only limited by your very life.

Category: Body Enhancement Ashen Magic

No more hiding then with this one or I guess only from fire beasts. Ilea was skeptical how much this one would help but with the boost to her body enhancement and ashen magic, the damage could be helpful if she was surrounded. Just burn a dozen demons to a crisp, doesnt that sound lovely. At least she wouldnt replace it with any other skills until she tried it.

[Wave of Ember] becomes [Storm of Cinders]

Active: Storm of Cinders 2nd lvl 20

Burn the inside of whatever your body hits with a surge of heat and embers or release the attack in a burst of fire and cinders.

2nd stage: The flame burns on. Targets hit will have fire burning through or on them. Time and consecutive attacks will increase the effect.

Category: Ashen magic

Added utility I guess. Why not. Compared to Destruction, the skill didnt actually get a damage increase. At least it would be boosted a little by the ashen magic buff. Im getting a damn lot of skill changes. Did I just fuck up my level two hundred evolution or is this normal?

[Ash and Ember Manipulation] becomes [Ash and Ember Unity]

Passive: Ash and Ember Unity 3rd lvl 5:

You are one with Ash and Ember. Allies rushing to your aid.

2nd stage: Your understanding grows, allowing you to create greater change in ash and ember.

3rd stage: The elements themselves become an extension of your body, an extension of your will, for as long as they stay in physical contact with you. Ash not connected benefits from passive abilities enhancing your body.

Category: Ashen magic

Well thats just as ambiguous as it was before. The new passive benefits are nice but active skills would have been a game changer. Damage increases though maybe. Still not done

[Body of Ash] becomes [Avatar of Ash]

Passive: Avatar of Ash 2nd lvl 20:

Increases your reflexes and speed by 50% [400%]. Your ability to avoid damage to your vitals when dodging increases.

2nd stage: Your muscles grow more dense. For each Resistance skill your body becomes tougher. First tier Resistances equal a static 5% increase, second tier equal a static 10% increase.

Category: Body Enhancement Ashen magic

Oh man. I guess resistance search and farm is on the menu again. For good reason. Damn with this I could become literally indestructible. Just have to find the rarest magic to fight against. Bummer that it doesnt benefit from the multipliers.

[Ashen Warrior] becomes [Keeper of Ash]

Passive: Keeper of Ash 3rd lvl 3:

You are one with the fighting style of Ash. Damage inflicted is 71.5% [500.5%] higher.

2nd stage: Adds density to your bones, muscles and skin to increase strength, speed and damage. Base body weight is doubled.

3rd stage: Reduces stamina consumption by a static 35%.

Category: Body Enhancement

So much for the three hundred evolution. I feel like I just underwent a supersoldier experiment, already being one in the first place. Ilea said, forming a fist with her hand as she felt the strength flow through her. Blinking up and onto the house, she sprawled on her back, looking up into the darkness while holding up one hand. Breathing in, she tried to grasp the changes but was overwhelmed by it all. Of course with all her stats and the skills themselves somewhat helping her cope, she didnt feel like she was in the wrong body and neither had difficulties moving herself but she definitely felt the differences, if only by squeezing her arm or by extending her sphere, seeing the wisps of mana around herself, coming from her auras.

Is this what I wanted to achieve? What I wanted to become? Did I do it then? Ilea felt a little lost, like having finished a good book, having reached a task that wasnt necessarily about the completion but about the execution itself. But I do have a result. She checked her stats while thinking about what to do now.

Name: Ilea Spears

Unspent statpoints: 10

Unspent 3rd tier skill points [The Azarinth Sentinel]: 1

Unspent 3rd tier skill points [Kin of Ash]: 1

Class 1: The Azarinth Sentinel lvl 300

- Active: Absolute Destruction 3rd lvl 9

- Active: Sentinel Reconstruction 3rd lvl 12

- Active: Azarinth Awakening 3rd lvl 10

- Active: Blink 3rd lvl 10

- Active: Sentinel Sphere 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Sentinel Core 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Azarinth Fighting 3rd lvl 5

- Passive: Sentinel Huntress 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Azarinth Perception 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Azarinth Reversal 2nd lvl 20

Class 2: Kin of Ash lvl 300

- Active: Armor of Ash 3rd lvl 10

- Active: Aspect of Ash 3rd lvl 5

- Active: True Ash Creation 3rd lvl 7

- Active: Heart of Cinder 2nd lvl 20

- Active: Storm of Cinders 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Ash and Ember Unity 3rd lvl 5

- Passive: Ashen Wings 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Eyes of Ash 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Avatar of Ash 2nd lvl 20

- Passive: Keeper of Ash 3rd lvl 3

General Skills:

- Elos Standard language - lvl 6

- Harmony of the Drowned lvl 1

- Heavy Archery lvl 4

- Identify - lvl 8

- Meditation 2nd lvl 20

- Veteran lvl 6

- Arcane Magic Resistance 2nd lvl 3

- Blast Resistance 2nd lvl 4

- Blood Magic Resistance lvl 14

- Blood Manipulation Resistance lvl 4

- Corrosion Resistance 2nd lvl 1

- Crystal Resistance lvl 18

- Curse Resistance - 2nd lvl 2

- Dark Magic Resistance lvl 12

- Death Magic Resistance lvl 5

- Dust Magic Resistance lvl 1

- Earth Magic Resistance 2nd lvl 1

- Fear Resistance lvl 9

- Health Drain Resistance 2nd lvl 20

- Heat Resistance 2nd lvl 12

- Ice Resistance 2nd lvl 2

- Light Magic Resistance lvl 17

- Lightning Resistance 2nd lvl 6

- Mana Drain Resistance 2nd lvl 20

- Mental Resistance 2nd lvl 13

- Mist Magic Resistance 2nd lvl 5

- Pain Tolerance 2nd lvl 4

- Poison Resistance 2nd lvl 9

- Silver Magic Resistance lvl 1

- Time Magic Resistance lvl 3

- Void Magic Resistance lvl 7

- Water Resistance 2nd lvl 1

- Wind Resistance 2nd lvl 1

- Wood Magic Resistance lvl 1


Vitality: 686

Endurance: 400

Strength: 510

Dexterity: 415

Intelligence: 620

Wisdom: 705

Health: 6860/6860

Stamina: 3997/4000

Mana: 7050/7050

Nearly all of her class skills were carrying different names now, had changed and more powerful aspects. You can do it now, maybe survive the storms, fight the miststalkers, face the Praetorians. A part of her thought but Ilea just wanted to sleep for a while. A full nights rest, solid twelve hours even though with this body, shed barely need one.

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