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Chapter 539: Bonus holiday

  Chapter 539 Bonus holiday

   "Daughter-in-law, here are the bonuses and certificates that our venue gave out today, please keep them."

  After the summary meeting, Xu Shiyan went home early in the afternoon.

  As soon as he entered the door, he took out the money and certificates and sent them to Su Anying.

   "Yo, your venue has given out prizes? Let me see what prizes are there?

  Advanced worker, technology leader, model worker? That's great, there are so many of them. "

  Su Anying flipped through the certificates, looked at the money, and smiled.

   "Your place is rich, and I will send you so much money at the end of the year." Three and a half bundles, which is quite a lot.

   "Those benefit awards with a place, and selection bonuses.

  The efficiency of the site is good this year. Some workers can get 2,000 yuan just for the performance award. "

  When the land is contracted in the beginning of spring, each employee has a quota base.

  Participate in the production of goods in autumn, and those who exceed the quota base will have benefit bonuses.

   The specific amount depends on the income of the ginseng land. Those with high yields can get nearly two thousand this time, and those who are slightly worse can get about one thousand.

  The wages of the participating workers are already high, plus performance bonuses, year-end bonuses, etc., the male workers in the field can earn three to four thousand yuan a year.

   This is nothing to worry about, no expenses are paid, and you get paid when you go to work, which is a net surplus.

  If there are two employees in the family, and the woman works in a processing factory, a comprehensive factory, or a beverage factory, and the salary and bonus of the two are combined, then the little life can be very nourishing.

  Ordinary farmers seem to have seen their income increase a lot in the past two years.

   But actually do the math, tens of feet of land, the couple must be busy, and then various expenses and expenses.

  The most important thing is that workers are paid well, and there are places to manage medical treatment and children's education.

  Families with dual employment, children can be sent to participating nurseries from the age of three until they graduate from elementary school, without parents worrying.

   Workers still retire when they get old, but how can farmers? Therefore, in the long run, it is still suitable for participating workers.

   "Today's year-end summary meeting, bonuses and so on will be given out after the meeting.

  Anyway, Xiaoli and the others both work as double-jobs and earn a lot of money.

  Our sixth sister was also appraised as the leader of the advanced team, and also got a bonus. There are fewer fifth sisters, anyway, and they are all pretty good. "

  Su Anhua married Li Chengrong during the Chinese New Year last year. She was young, and Li Chengrong had been studying in the provincial capital before, so the two discussed to have another child in two years.

  Su Anhua is very capable. She was the team leader before, so she has to mention what she means.

   After two years, I will mention the position of section chief before considering having children.

  Anyway, I want one now, sooner or later.

  Li Chengrong was obedient and obedient to his daughter-in-law. Anyway, the two of them were not in a hurry, so they never had children.

  Su Anfang just gave birth to a baby in the autumn of last year, and she has returned to work this year.

  A while ago, when the processing plant was at its busiest, she was the leader there, and she did a good job.

   "We will have a holiday starting tomorrow, and it will be on the second day.

  Xiao Li and the others said, take advantage of the few days of the holiday in the Gregorian calendar, find some time, and let's go back to our parents to get together.

  The busy guys this autumn have not stopped. "Now, the four daughters of the Su family are all in Donggang, so it's quite easy to get together.

  Participating in winter is not so busy, so there are more holidays.

   Just in time for the Gregorian calendar year, a few days off after the bonus is paid, so that the employees can celebrate the festival happily.

   "Well, okay, I've been busy this autumn, it's time to take a break."

  Su Anying nodded, and gave Xu Shiyan the half bundle of money, and put the rest in the cabinet first.

   "It just so happens that my son and daughter are also on winter vacation. We have plenty of time to go back to our parents' place to play for a day."

  The school exam is on December 25th, and today I just go back to school to listen to the grades, take winter vacation homework and so on.

   Next, there will be a two-month vacation. These brats can be full of fun again.

   "Oh, yes, they're on vacation too. Huh? Where are the kids? What are you doing?"

  Just now, he was too busy giving money to his wife, but he didn't pay attention to the children. It was only now that Xu Shiyan realized that none of the children were here.

   "Are the children at our parents' end?"

  After the beginning of winter, Xu Shiyan and his family moved back to live after all the sticks and sticks were dealt with.

  The house needs to be set on fire to live in, otherwise it will be easy to suffer from frostbite. There are a lot of houses here, can’t they all be idle?

   "No, they are all in Mr. Chu's house.

   Isn't it a holiday? The daughter learned calligraphy and painting from Mr. Chu, and the son studied medicine from him.

  The two little ones were purely bored and went to join in the fun. "Su Anying explained with a smile.

  Chu Xuanhuai only sees ten people every day, and rests after seeing them.

   Now that Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping are on vacation, Xu Haiyuan studies medicine with his master in the morning, and does homework in the afternoon, memorizing medical books and so on.

   After Chu Xuanhuai took a lunch break, he instructed Xu Jinping in calligraphy and painting.

  Chu Xuanhuai went to school and stayed abroad. He is also a person who has learned both Chinese and Western, and has a good knowledge of the past and the present.

  I said before that I want to teach Xu Jinping piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. That was really not a joke, the old man is really capable.

  Usually, Xu Jinping has to do her homework and help with the housework, so she doesn't have much time to study other things.

  It's a holiday, and there is almost no homework for her. Apart from previewing the homework for the next semester, she has a lot of time to learn things.

   This child is a fast learner and is willing to work hard to practice. Which teacher doesn’t like such a child?

  Chu Xuanhuai liked Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping very much, and wished to pass on what he had learned all his life to the two students.

  The old ones teach carefully, while the young ones study hard.

  Anyway, with the children around, Chu Xuanhuai didn't feel lonely, and the afternoon passed quickly.

   "Well, looking at it now, the two big ones are almost the same in the future, but I don't know what the two young ones can do in the future.

  I saw that the two of them were not that interested in studying, Huihui was okay and could listen carefully, that Xu Haiqing, there will be headaches in the future. "

  Children have different natures, and sometimes it is really impossible to generalize.

  The brothers and sisters in a family always have different IQs, so we can't expect the children to be promising.

   Mentioning the youngest son, Su Anying also sighed.

   "That child is very worried, he doesn't care much, he doesn't care about anything, and he just eats and laughs all day long.

  Ping Ping said angrily that she lost her mind when the fourth child was born. "

  Xu Shiyan was amused by this sentence.

   "That girl is talking every day, and her mouth is very poisonous. By the way, how about taking the exam for both elders?"

   The couple chatted for a long time before Xu Shiyan remembered that he had forgotten to ask the child about his test scores.

   "It's pretty good, Yuanyuan is still the first in the grade, with a perfect score in math, but the composition of Chinese seems to be a bit deducted.

  Pingping is fine, double hundred, same as Xiaoyu, they are still tied for first place.

  It seems that Jiang Chunhong is the third in their class, and I didn't ask after that. "

  Su Anying was never worried about her child's academic performance.

   As long as the two elders in his family don't go off track in the future, it should be fine.

  (end of this chapter)

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