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Chapter 540: Company dividends

  Chapter 540 Company Dividends

  Xu Shiyan issued a bonus certificate and had a holiday again, and the children also finished their final exams and had a holiday.

  Xu Shiyan said, why don't we have something delicious at night, and ask his parents to come over and have a meal together.

  So, in the evening, Su Anying made a sumptuous meal, and invited Xu Chenghou and his wife over to have a meal together.

   Xu Chenghou and his wife were also very happy to learn that their son had won a certificate and a bonus.

  Don't care about the bonus, it's an affirmation of Xu Shiyan's ability to work.

  Xu Shiyan had nothing to do on a rare holiday, so he hugged his daughter-in-law contentedly and slept late.

   Coincidentally, Xu Shiyan doesn't go to work, and New Year's Day is coming soon.

  Su Anying suggested that it is better to take the opportunity to find Huang Shengli and others to go to the company for a meeting to calculate this year's accounts and dividends.

   After closing the account, the dividends are distributed, and each family is happy to share the money for the New Year.

  Xu Shiyan naturally doesn't care, he can do whatever he wants during the holidays, including doing some calculations.

  So, Huang Shengli, Sun Xiaofeng, Zhao Jianshe and others were called to the second floor of the shop over there.

  The big guys sat down for a meeting, and Su Anying asked Ji Yufeng to read the general financial statements for this year to everyone.

  This year, I made a small 200,000 yuan from a crop of ginseng, and received goods from old customers in the south.

  Sanshi spent a lot of money when it opened.

  The current income of restaurants and hotels, after deducting various expenses and employee wages, can barely fill in the previous pit.

  So there is no profit point for participating in the market this year.

   To earn this money, you have to deduct relevant taxes and fees. Fortunately, Donggang has given discounts, and the payment is not too much.

  After deducting all miscellaneous and miscellaneous things, Su Anying divided more than 110,000 points, and the remaining half was shared by several other shareholders.

  In addition to the company, Su Anying and Huang Shengli, Sun Xiaofeng, and Feng Chao also counted the dividends from the farm.

  The scale of the farm has now been fixed.

  There are more than 80 male deer that can pick antler, and nearly a hundred male musk deer that can pick musk.

  Just for these two items, there is an income of more than 300,000 yuan a year.

  The rest of the sables, raccoon dogs, otters, etc. also have an income of nearly 100,000 yuan.

  Of course, the cost here is higher, especially for sables and otters, the requirements for feed are too high.

   "At present, the scale of our farm is already like this, and there is no way to expand it.

  I discussed with Shi Yan and decided to exchange the sable, raccoon dog, and otter.

   These kinds of fur animals also make money, but the cost is too high, we can't afford to raise them, but compared to deer and musk deer, the income is still a bit lower.

  The sables were exchanged, and the pens were changed to deer pens and musk deer pens to expand the breeding scale of these two animals. "

   This matter was decided by Xu Shiyan and Su Anying after a long time of thinking.

  Xu Shiyan intends to expand the scale of deer and musk deer breeding to prepare for the future.

   But the farm is so big, it is really impossible to arrange it.

  Sables also make money, but they are not as worry-free as deer and musk.

   Both deer and musk deer are vegetarians. They eat all kinds of branches in summer, and silage and dry feed in winter.

   Sables can’t do that, they eat meat, and they need a carefully proportioned feed. Meat, eggs, milk, bone meal, etc. are indispensable.

  In order to raise sables, you have to raise sheep, chickens and geese. The pens for these animals alone take up a lot of land, which is really too troublesome.

  It is better to sell these, concentrate on breeding deer and musk deer, and develop deer products at the same time.

   "Third brother and third sister-in-law, you two can decide on this matter, we have no objection."

  When the farm was first built, Huang Shengli, Sun Xiaofeng, and Feng Chao all invested some money and contributed.

  So the farms also have their shares, not many, only 30%.

  The operation and management of the farm is in the hands of Su Anying, and the others just receive dividends and do not participate in decision-making.

  Su Anying nodded, "Then it's settled.

  Many people have inquired and wanted to buy these days, so I wrote back to them and tried to sell the sables, raccoon dogs, otters, and those sheep, chickens and geese before the beginning of spring.

   When the weather gets warmer next year, the pens will be rebuilt to expand the breeding of deer and musk deer. "

  This is to develop from large and comprehensive to specialized, concentrate on developing the medicinal animal industry, and prepare for the next industry development.

   On the farm side, after deducting various expenses and so on, Xu Shiyan and his wife shared another one hundred thousand.

   That is to say, this year, not counting the income from participating in the land, not counting Xu Shiyan's salary, the company and the farm alone, Xu Shiyan and his wife have earned more than 200,000 yuan.

  When the hotels and restaurants in the ginseng market are profitable next year, and the ginseng seeds are sold, there will be a lot of profits.

   Although Huang Shengli and the others didn't get much, they were content.

   It wasn't Xu Shiyan and his wife who brought them, what could they do?

  It is estimated that it means planting thirty to fifty feet of sticks a year, and working hard in the field all day long. It is good to have 18,000 left all year round.

  How is it like now? There are two or three hundred feet of sticks in the ground, and there are thousands of feet of ginseng seeds at the other end.

  Not counting the production in the own land, the dividends alone are tens of thousands a year.

  There are still hundreds of thousands of deposits in the bank, and the interest is not much a year.

   Such a good day is all enjoyed by Xu Shiyan and his wife, so how can you not be satisfied?

  Anyway, no matter what they do in the future, they just follow Xu Shiyan and his wife unswervingly.

  After the accounts were settled, each family confirmed the dividends, and each received their own share of the money, all of which were beautiful.

   Then Su Anying said, since the year-end dividends have been distributed, and everyone’s income is good this year, why not get together at night to have fun.

  This time, I don’t need to go to anyone’s house to do some work. If there is a restaurant, I can book a few tables directly at the restaurant.

  Every family calls their wives and children, and they get together to have a small New Year's banquet.

  It’s still a company anyway, and it’s been a busy year, so let’s celebrate at the end of the year.

  When the company grows bigger in the future, it will have to hold a New Year celebration in a serious way.

   Naturally, no one objected to this proposal.

  So Su Anying told the other side of the hotel to prepare a few more tables, and even the staff of the hotel and restaurant would have fun together at night.

   After all, it’s been a hard autumn, so relax

   Just like that, four or five tables were arranged at the hotel in the evening, and each family brought their wives and children.

  But the elders didn't come, saying that this kind of occasion was too noisy and they couldn't bear it.

  If they want to get together, they can find a chance by themselves, and a few old men and women can get some food and sit comfortably on the kang to chat.

   If the elders don’t come, don’t come. You can’t force this. If the elders come, the younger ones won’t let them go either.

  As soon as the children arrived here, they had fun and ran around. Anyway, the restaurant is a big place and it is our own. No one cares about what the children like to do.

  All kinds of delicious food are prepared on the table over there, such as fruits, cakes, biscuits, melon seeds and candies. The children can take whatever they like.

  You are not allowed to control the children today, let the children be happy.

   Now, Xu Haiqing caught him, and he didn't go anywhere else, just wandered around the tables where the delicious food was placed, and stuffed it into his mouth when he saw something.

  Xu Haiqing was small and greedy. He stuffed his mouth, and his cheeks bulged up, just like that chipmunk.

   "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, and you don't have a different mind every day. You are reincarnated from a pig."

  Over there, Xu Jinping saw his younger brother's virtue and couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson.

  (end of this chapter)

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