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Chapter 60: fight wild boar

  Chapter 60 Fighting Wild Boars

   There were five dogs in the camp, but Xu Shiyan couldn't bring them all out. He was afraid that these dogs would not be easy to bring because they had never gone hunting in the mountains before.

  Old Li is getting old, although his marksmanship is good, but his physical strength is not good enough.

   It is not easy to go hunting in the mountains, the mountains are full of people climbing up and down, and the old people cannot do it at all.

  On weekdays, Old Li is just using traps, traps and other prey to get some prey to fight tooth festivals. Occasionally, wild boars run into the venue and kill them. These dogs have no chance to go up the mountain with him.

  Xu Shiyan went up the mountain alone with dogs who had no hunting experience. There were too many for him to take care of.

  So I can only bring three of them first, and the other two next time, and wait until they are all trained before bringing them out together.

  Out of Shenchangzi, Xu Shiyan took the dog all the way to the southwest. About six or seven miles southwest of Shenchangzi, there was a large oak forest.

  The oak tree looks very similar to the southern oak tree, and the fruit of the oak tree is also very similar to the acorn, and the locals call it 萫子.

   Lisium seed contains a lot of starch, which is a good food for pigs. Many people will go to the forest in autumn to pick up scallion seed and feed it to pigs.

  Domestic pigs love to eat, not to mention wild boars. Wild boars often appear there in winter, so that forest is also called wild boar forest.

  Xu Shiyan planned to take the three dogs to the wild boar forest to try his luck. After all, these three dogs had never hunted and had no experience, so it would be useless to go elsewhere.

  It was around six o'clock when Xu Shiyan came out of the field. He led three dogs all the way across the mountains, and when he arrived outside the wild boar forest, it was past seven thirty.

  As soon as I arrived at the outskirts of the wild boar forest, I saw the hoofprints of several animals on the snow. The shape looked like that of a wild boar.

  Xu Shiyan hurriedly untied the ropes of the three dogs, and the three dogs immediately shook their hairs, and then sniffed.

  One of the big yellow dogs lowered his head and sniffed the footprints, his eyes immediately changed, and he ran into the woods with his legs loose.

  When the other two dogs saw this, they also ran into the woods, and Xu Shiyan also followed with a gun on his back.

   The three dogs hadn’t run far when they heard a barking sound. You could tell from the sound that the big yellow dog had spotted the target and was calling for its companions.

   Sure enough, the barking of the other two dogs also sounded immediately, followed by a burst of barking.

   There are sounds of "choo'er", "choo'er", "houer", and "phener" in the middle. Needless to say, it must be the sound of a wild boar.

  Xu Shiyan took off the gun from his back, pulled down the safety, held the gun in his hand, and walked forward quickly.

  Going around a few trees and a big rock, I saw seven or eight wild boars running up the hillside.

   This group of wild boars should have come to the wild boar forest yesterday afternoon or evening to look for food. After eating, they found a nest under a tree to rest.

   Pigs are lazy. If no one alarms them, they won’t get up until ten o’clock in the morning.

  This is also the reason why Xu Shiyan got up early and took the dogs out, just to stop the pigs before they started their nests.

  The pigs were sleeping soundly, and suddenly they were awakened by the barking of a dog, and ran away in a panic.

  Animals like wild boars are also very interesting. They don’t have much family values. When danger comes, don’t worry about parents and children, and run for their lives.

  And the more pigs gather together, the more cowardly they are and the faster they run.

  When tigers hunt pigs, they always follow behind the group of pigs, chasing them relentlessly.

  Once the old pigs and piglets are too weak to run and fall behind the pigs, they will be killed by tigers.

   Therefore, the tiger also has the nickname of swineherd.

   But it would be different if it was a single boar. A mad boar would dare to fight a tiger.

   Especially its two sharp fangs are definitely sharp weapons, even the king of beasts may not be an opponent.

  Three dogs rushed into the herd of pigs and scattered the pigs in all directions.

  The big yellow dog took the lead, and took a bite at the most vulnerable rear of the pig behind.

  The pig wailed as it was bitten, and when it turned around, its long mouth was about to pout at the big yellow dog.

  At this time, the other two dogs also caught up, and one of them, a big green dog with a green coat, stepped forward and took a bite under the wild boar's front elbow.

  Wild boar armor, with a mixture of turpentine and gravel stuck to the back and shoulders, which cannot be penetrated by ordinary knives, let alone dogs, which cannot be bitten at all.

   But the place where the front elbow is below is equivalent to a creaking nest of a human being. No matter how much armor is attached to this place, it will not be able to hang it.

  The wild boar is in pain, so it doesn't care to turn around and stick to the rhubarb dog.

   This is a boar. The locals call it a running basket. Boars are generally larger in size, three to four hundred catties are common, and big running baskets are also five to six hundred catties.

  The boar in front of me probably weighed nearly 400 catties. It was big and strong, and was bitten by the green dog, so he threw it out with a strong shake.

  Qinggou fell out, but was not injured, and got up again after rolling skillfully.

  The boar got angry, and rushed towards the green dog, bowed his head with long fangs in his long mouth, if the fangs were closed, the sharp fangs would be able to open the green dog's stomach.

   Fortunately, the rhubarb dog came up at this time and took another bite, still in the same place.

   The big bulging bag on the back of the boar was directly held in the mouth by the big yellow dog, and it was all at once.

   This time, it was a heart-wrenching pain, and you could hear how tragic the big boar's cry was.

  The boar's eyes were red from the pain, and he turned madly and rushed towards the big yellow dog.

   At this time, the flower dog, who hadn't stepped forward, rushed over and bit the wild boar's ear.

   On the other side, Qinggou also came up and bit the wild boar again under the front elbow.

  The wild boar couldn't care less about picking the big yellow dog at this time, so he threw the green dog and the flower dog away with all his might, desperately trying to run away.

  The three dogs grew up together since they were young. Although they have never gone hunting in the mountains before, they have a good understanding and cooperate very well.

  The three dogs were not willing to let the wild boar run away. They surrounded the wild boar and took turns to bite.

  The wild boar was really miserable, it was bitten by the three dogs and it hurt all over.

  Of course, the three dogs didn’t get any good. They were injured several times by pigs, but fortunately they were all minor injuries.

  These three dogs are fierce enough, even though they are wounded, they still fight with wild boars endlessly.

  Three dogs and one pig fought and walked, descended from the hillside to the hill, and went down again.

  Xu Shiyan followed closely all the time, but the dog and the pig were always fighting together, and he couldn't find a chance to shoot.

  The big yellow dog looked for an opportunity to dig out the back of the wild boar again, and the two packs were torn so that only a little skin remained, and the blood was dripping on the back.

  The wild boar finally couldn't bear it anymore, and there happened to be a big tree in front of it, and the pig sat directly under the big tree.

   Leaning against the tree behind, blocking the back, panting heavily, with red eyes, staring at the three dogs in front.

  The big yellow dog was useless, and the blue dog and the flower dog pounced on them again, one left and one right, one biting their ears and the other their ribs.

  The wild boar shook his head from side to side, trying to shake off the two dogs.

   At this time, Xu Shiyan put the gun in the face and pulled the trigger, only to hear two shots, and the wild boar's head was pierced.

  (end of this chapter)

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