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Chapter 61: reward

  Chapter 61 Harvest

  Xu Shiyan has always believed that these dogs are at most wild boars that broke in by mistake in the field, and it is impossible for them to have experience in entering the mountains.

  Old Li is in his sixties, and his physical strength is not enough. How could he take his dog all over the mountains to hunt?

  But when the yellow dog uttered his voice just now, Xu Shiyan felt that he seemed to have made a mistake in his judgment. The dog didn't seem to be inexperienced.

   When the three dogs cooperated tacitly to surround the wild boar, Xu Shiyan knew that he really underestimated Old Li before.

   Regardless of his age, he is still an expert in hunting, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

   These male dogs are big in size, they were trained fiercely and ruthlessly by Mr. Li, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly. They are definitely the best hunting dogs.

   This is really a big surprise, Xu Shiyan is very happy.

  Two shots killed the wild boar by headshot. The moment the wild boar fell, the three dogs jumped on it and bit it.

  Xu Shiyan whistled, and the three dogs stopped, tilting their heads and looking at Xu Shiyan.

  Xu Shiyan stood the gun aside, and drew the knife from his leg.

   This knife is longer than the butcher's knife, slightly narrower, sharpened extremely sharply, and glows coldly in the sun.

  Xu Shiyan walked up to the wild boar, raised a front leg of the wild boar with one hand, pressed the back leg of the wild boar with his right leg, and then raised the knife with his hand and cut open the wild boar cleanly.

  The pig intestines were directly hung on the nearby branches to worship the mountain god.

   In fact, it is to leave some food for some carnivores such as wolves, tigers, leopards, etc., to prevent them from chasing after the **** smell.

  Pick off the pig's heart, cut it open with a knife, and give the biggest piece to the big yellow dog.

   This big yellow dog is an excellent head dog, with a good smell and a ruthless mouth.

  If there is no big yellow dog today, it would be very difficult to surround the wild boar with just the blue dog and the flower dog.

  If you are a dog, you must be treated like a dog, and the pig's heart will be divided by more than half. This is a reward for the dog.

  Xu Shiyan held a pig heart in his hand and handed it to the big yellow dog.

   Panting heavily, the yellow dog carefully took the pig's heart from Xu Shiyan's hand, and went to the side to eat it.

  The remaining pig hearts were divided into two and given to Huagou and Qinggou.

  The two dogs did the same. They gently took away the pig's heart and went to the side to eat it.

   After eating the pig heart, there are also pig livers and lungs, etc., and the three dogs ate all of them until their bellies bulged.

  When you bring a hunting dog into the mountain, you must let the hunting dog open to eat. This is the best reward for the hunting dog.

  The hounds fought desperately with the wild beasts, and they must be rewarded for the big ones.

   This running basket is not small, nearly four hundred catties, even if the internal organs are removed, there will still be more than three hundred catties left.

   For such a big guy, it would take a lot of trouble to transport it back, but Xu Shiyan couldn't be bothered.

   While the dog was eating, Xu Shiyan went to the woods to chop some sticks.

   Two of the bottoms are flattened, then **** with bark, etc., and tied with ropes to make a simple sledge.

  After the sledge was finished, he used a stick to pry the wild boar carcass and got it on the sledge. Then Xu Shiyan pulled the sledge and walked back slowly.

   The three dogs did not run around when they were full, but followed Xu Shiyan in front of and behind him.

  The big yellow dog looked at Xu Shiyan struggling to drag the sledge, seemed to want to help but had nowhere to go, and barked anxiously.

  Xu Shiyan reached out and rubbed Rhubarb's head, "Don't worry, wait until I get back. I'll make a special dog sledge, and then I'll go hunting in the mountains. You guys will help pull the prey."

  Today it was just an impromptu idea to take the dog out for a walk. I really didn’t expect that once I entered the mountain, I would gain something. I miscalculated.

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan struggled to pull the sledge, stopped and stopped countless times along the way, and finally returned to the venue.

   "Daughter-in-law, open the door and see what I got back?"

  The gate to the venue was closed tightly, with a lock on the inside, so Xu Shiyan could only shout loudly outside.

  Seeing that Shen Xiaofang is not far from the gate, besides, Su Anying has always been worried about Xu Shiyan, so she would come out to have a look from time to time.

  So when Xu Shiyan yelled outside, Su Anying heard it immediately, and came out with the key to open the door.

   "Ah, did you get a big wild boar?

   What a big guy, so much pork, can we finish it? "Su Anying looked at the big guy on the sledge and exclaimed.

   "What are you afraid of? When it's cold, the meat can be kept, so let's keep it and eat slowly." Xu Shiyan smiled, and dragged the sledge into the gate.

   "When I have time, I will send some back to our mother.

  In the future, I will take the dog into the mountains, and I will fight whatever I meet. If I save too much, one day the management team will borrow a horse to sledge, and I will take you back to the camp, and send some to my father-in-law. "

  Since returning home, she has been busy, and has no chance to accompany Su Anying back to her mother's house. She didn't even inform Su's family of the news of Su Anying's pregnancy.

  Xu Shiyan has been thinking about it in his heart, but there is no way, he is too busy.

   Now that the couple lives on the mountain again, they will definitely not be able to go down the mountain until the twelfth lunar month, so they can only wait.

  Xu Shiyan knew that the daughter-in-law was thinking about her natal family, but she didn't talk about it, so today he took the opportunity to bring it up first.

   Sure enough, hearing what Xu Shiyan said, Su Anying immediately became happy, her eyes brightened.

   "No wonder Dad praised you, saying that he found a good son-in-law, which is really good, and he also knows that he misses the old man.

  It doesn’t matter if you bring something or not, as long as you have the heart, my dad will be happier if he knows how much we eat. "

  Su Anying came forward and helped her husband pull the sledge, and the two dragged the sledge to the front of the house.

   "That is, my father married me the daughter I have raised for more than 20 years, so how can I not think about my father-in-law?

   It’s just that we can’t get away now, we really have no choice but to wait to go down the mountain, I’ll take you back to live for a few days. "

  As Xu Shiyan spoke, he took out a knife, and on the sledge, he peeled and divided the wild boar.

  Wild boars have thick skins. Generally, no one eats them. They are all skinned.

  The peeled pigskin is nailed upside down on the wall to dry, and it can be used for other purposes.

  The rest of the meat was divided, the fat ones were still cut off for Su Anying to refine the oil, and the thin ones were placed on wooden boards and directly poured with water.

  Xu Shiyan went hunting in the mountains in the morning. Although he left early, the return journey was too much work, and it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon when he arrived home.

  The temperature on the mountain is low. If you pour some cold water on the pork, it will be frozen hard at night. At that time, put it in a wooden barrel and cover it with a layer of snow. It can be stored for a long time.

  In winter in Northeast China, there is a large natural refrigerator outside, and everything can be frozen outside.

   Freezing some meat is definitely a piece of cake.

  It was past three o'clock when Xu Shiyan finished packing up the wild pork.

  It gets dark early in winter in the Northeast, and there is no electricity on the mountain, only kerosene lamps or candles are used for lighting, so we have to start making dinner early.

   "I haven't eaten the sauerkraut brought by my mother yet. Let's stew sauerkraut with wild boar to eat at night. You've been tired all day. It's delicious." Su Anying suggested.

   "It just so happens that I first refine the oil and wipe the sauerkraut."

   "Well, okay, you can do it as you see it. The wild boar is a running basket, and the meat is quite tender. It's best to soak it in water first, and add more seasoning."

  Wild pork is not as delicious as domestic pig meat, it is too woody and has a smell of mutton.

   If the little wild boar or sow is okay, this kind of running basket has a foul smell.

  Xu Shiyan was afraid that Su Anying wouldn't understand this, so he specially reminded her.

  (end of this chapter)

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