Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 94 Rob requests a service from Kureha! Taking Toki to Wano...

Chapter 94 Rob requests a service from Kureha! Taking Toki to Wano...

Creating Manga Of One Piece On Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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Rob bought 15 recovery beds with modern equipment from the system shop, and carefully placed the injured women on them under the stunned looks of the other women.

Soon, Toki and some nice women came to support him in this.

"Enough put them on the beds, don't touch anything else, you'd cause the trouble in their modern equipment."

"Yes, Rob sama!"

After a while, he finished observing the condition of the injured women and decided which of them needed urgent medical attention.

With the help of his photographic memory, he was able to bring back some memories about medicine and healthcare so he could do that, but that's where his experience ends, he now has to seek help from a real expert.

He quickly contacted Olvia and her group, who were not late when they found out about the matter.

Olvia came out of the art store, her swollen belly was a clear indication of her pregnancy, she was overflowing with the maturity of motherhood, Rob missed her so much, so when they met they hugged and kissed without paying attention to the others who watched it all with double amazement.

Soon, Olvia, Sora, Rouge, and the rest of the waitresses move into the group of female survivors after Rob tells them everything about them.

In order to console them and help them overcome their psychological situation first, and also to check on their health.

They felt pity for them so they were happy to help.

Rob touched the dead bodies and placed them in his inventory to provide a decent burial for them later.

He then proceeded through the art store towards the Kingdom of Drum, after reassuring the group of women that he would be back quickly.

The moment he arrived, finding the art store full as usual, he greeted the excited locals with a smiley face, before searching for Doctor Kureha.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find her in his store, so he had to go out and visit her at her house.

After wandering the snowy grounds for some time, Rob arrives at Doctor Kureha's house, which is set among the white pine trees.

It was good that he found her resting outside since it was neither windy nor troublesome air today, but it was still a little snowy.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see someone take a snow bath, I thought the person could just sunbathe! The pirate world really is a little different from the common sense in my world."

The moment he arrived and saw Doctor Kureha resting on her chair and half asleep, he made a strange statement to describe the strange situation.

"What do you know about logic, kid? What you call a snow bath has a lot of health benefits if one gets used to it."

"Maybe your world has a strange logic, cold is a cure for the disease... Oh, is that you?"

Kureha took off her sunglasses(maybe snow glasses) and recognized Rob, feeling a little surprised.

"Thanks for the valuable advice, Doctor Kureha."

Rob smiled humbly, it was great to take advice from someone who could extend his lifespan and keep himself healthy.

"You're most welcome, I suppose you came to visit me?"

"Yes, do you have some time to hear my request?"

Kureha got up from her seat and put on her coat before opening the door of the house.

"Sure, please come in."



Minutes later, they both came out again, Kureha was holding her medical equipment in one hand.

As expected, after Rob told her the situation in detail, he was able to convince her to help him treat the injured.

Above all, Doctor Kureha had a good heart, and Rob's brilliant reputation on Drum Island also contributed to her inability to refuse.

But Rob promised her to pay all the patients' expenses out of his pocket so there was no reason for Kureha to refuse.

Soon, both of them arrived at the art store, previously, he had modified a large infirmary-shaped room in his personal section. He left Kureha waiting for him and returned to fetch the patients.

Rob returned to Ring Hell Island and finds that everyone has entered the art store as he requested.

From there everyone (survivors, patients, and waitresses) was taken to the art store in the Kingdom of Drum, where Doctor Kureha was waiting, of course, without their knowledge.

When Doctor Kureha saw a large group of women entering the comfort room in the infirmary, she was surprised, but she didn't ask about it.

All she cared about were the 15 women on the recovery beds.

After praising the quality of his medical equipment for some time, Doctor Kureha asked Rob to help her get all of them into the treatment room quickly so she could start her work.

Rob didn't hesitate and simply snapped his finger, the 15 recovery beds disappeared and reappeared within the treatment room to everyone's shock.

Rob then gestures for Olvia to follow him out of the hall.

"Wife, I'm going to take one of the unlucky women to her destination, I want you to take care of the rest and see where they want to go so we can take them home later, okay?"

Olvia nodded with a gentle smile, before hugging Rob excitedly.

"You don't have to worry about this matter, most importantly, I'm glad to have you, my hero, once again you saved so many people and won so many hearts, they used to revere you like a god, bft… hahahaha, when they knew that God is married and soon he will be had a child, they couldn't handle this."

Rob clicked Olvia's forehead gently.

"Now you know how great your husband is, huh?"


"Rob sama, thank you for accepting my selfish request so quickly."

Toki slowly bent over to Rob, showing her gratitude for him, but Rob stopped her.

"No need to do this, Miss Toki, it's my duty, since I saved your life, I'm responsible for it until the end."

"Until the end...?"

Toki's face suddenly turned red as she thought of something.

They were both outside the Ring Hell art store now.

Nobody among the women who were former slaves knew that they had moved through space from the New World to Paradice because they didn't feel anything strange, in their eyes they were still inside the art store.

But Rob wanted this, after all, they were strangers, teleporting between the art store was his greatest secret, known only to a few of his acquaintances and loved ones.

Therefore, despite using it, it will make it secret to strangers.

For Sora, Rouge, Matriarch, and her family, firstly, they are no longer strangers, secondly, he used a magical contract with the power of system on them, they couldn't divulge the store's secrets even if they wanted to, including the children, Doflamingo and Rosinante.

"Why do you want to go to Wano? Didn't you tell me that you don't have a family and you don't have anyone, don't forget my offer to work with me is still valid?"

The more Rob looked at Toki the more he felt a little greed bigger and bigger in his heart to make her his own, the same strange greed that had gripped him when he saw Sora for the first time.

"I really want to see Wano first, I also don't know why, you may laugh at me, but my heart tells me to go to Wano even if it's a short visit, Rob sama, I didn't turn down your offer you know, if it still stands after my Wano visit I'll be happy to working with you."

Rob thought for a while, maybe this visit to Wano will make the lovers of fate meet, and thus he will lose any chance with this beauty of being his partner at that time.

After some thought, he decided to do what she wanted, well, even if that happened and she became Oden's wife despite all he had done, he wouldn't regret it then, if he still had Olvia, as long as he had Olvia he wouldn't regret it about anyone else.

"Okay, I'll take you to Wano."

"Thank you, thank you very much, I really don't know how to repay all your kindness to me."

"You don't have to give me anything back."

Soon the two of them reached shore, Rob took out his wonderful yacht whose looks astonished Toki again, she didn't count how many times this man had surprised her.

even his ship is wonderful...

Rob climbed up the yacht's stairs and reached out to grab Toki's tender hand and pulled her into the yacht.

When he took her hand, Toki felt a light thunderbolt that gave her goosebumps, and especially when she entered his embrace the moment he pulled her, his hand was filled with a warmth that she had not felt for a long, very long time, but his embrace was much warmer, she began to feel the desire to try his warmth again.

She hid her blushing cheek and sat on a comfortable couch by the pool.

The yacht was so luxurious that it left Toki's mind blank for a few moments.

She didn't wake up until Rob brought two big glasses of fruit juice and two bottles of vodka.

The yacht had already set off on its trip, so there was no harm in drinking with a beautiful miss.

For the first time Toki felt embarrassed, she was only drinking with a man alone.

Isn't this more like a date?

But he is a married man.

So what if he was married?

Toki didn't care whether Rob was married or not, she lived in a culture where harems were very ordinary.

But she didn't think that there would come a day she would think this way.

Perhaps the strange and good effect of wine affected her so wonderfully.

Or that this divine man had already conquered her?


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)







Chapter 95: Whitebeard Pirates Sailing. The beginning of Oden's journey!

Chapter 96: Meeting Trafalgar D. Water Chris!

Chapter 97: Arrancar Arc(Part 1) The New Bleach Arc! The emergence of Bleach techniques in the pirates' world!

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