Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 95 Whitebeard Pirates Sailing. The beginning of Oden's journey!

Chapter 95 Whitebeard Pirates Sailing. The beginning of Oden's journey!

Creating Manga Of One Piece On Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)

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Rob's yacht continued its fast voyage across the waters of the New World, Rob had Oden's life card, so the trip to Wano across the sea wasn't a problem.

Throughout the trip, Rob had a great time with Toki. They got to know each other better, and they became more compatible and open to each other.

For the first time, he saw a real smile on her beautiful face. They laughed together, ate together, and basked in the sun together.

They seemed like two good friends enjoying their time together.

Rob noticed that Oden's vivre card was approaching them faster, so he got a little confused.

"Hmm! Is this a life card? Looks like its owner is on a ship moving in our direction."

Rob agreed with Toki's words, he had a slight hunch about the matter.


On the other hand, on Moby Dick, which has already come out of the turbulent sea of Wano.

"I'm so glad you're joining us, Oden, may we have a drink together?"


Oden smiled and exchanged a drink with her, this blue-haired beauty was constantly flirting with him. So he wouldn't be a man if he didn't push her down soon.

"Oden sama! It's not fair, why don't you share your drink with us too."

Suddenly, Oden heard three familiar voices which made his face tremble.

"You!! Why are you here?"

"Izou? Nekomamushi? Inuwarashi?"

"Huh? We sent by the others unanimously, Oden sama can't be left sailing unattended, so Kin'emon and the rest decided to send us to take care of you."

Izou slowly said whatever was going on in his head while the little two minks nodded.

"As for us, one day on your journey you may need to stop at Zou, so our attendance is essential."

This time it was Nekomamushi who spoke up.

"You guys... I really appreciate it, thank you."

When the drama of Oden and his servants ended, Whitey Bay dragged Oden to her room, drinking in an open space wasn't a good idea, so why don't we make it indoors?

Maybe, she'll get results with this guy today.

Whitebeard closed his eyes to his daughter's nefarious actions, might she have reached that stage? Who knows? But since Oden was also his chosen son, he wouldn't really mind if they met each other.

Just let the kids have fun.


Thus began Oden's journey aboard Whitebeard's ship, Whitebeard wasn't as opposed to Oden's joining as it had originally been, but rather was more accepting.

Having someone like Rob who truly would protect Wano and earn the trust and recognition of both Whitebeard and Oden contributed to Whitebeard's decision to accept Oden on his ship without Oden resorting to strict action.

Of course, the servants of Oden were dismissive of this issue, but their rejection was not as strong as the original, the presence of the art store contributed to this as well.

When Kin'emon and the others realized that it was impossible to convince Oden not to leave Wano, they came down to the negotiating table with him, they decided to secretly send Izou, Neko, and Inu to accompany Oden, while they agreed with Oden on a maximum of 5 years of travel, which he cannot pass and he must return to Wano to take over the country.

Oden agreed unconditionally. Before taking the trip of a lifetime, he had met his father and made sure he was very healthy and living a good life. The same goes for Yasuie. He visited him and chatted with him a bit as he gave them many manga volumes that made them addictive, Kuri would always be in a fuss about the art store, so he wouldn't worry about the prosperity of his district, she'd bypass the capital for sure.

This made him leave the country with a satisfied and relaxed heart, unlike the original.

Just having someone like Rob made him completely at ease, Oden had thought that his friend was stronger than him so there was no problem in protecting Wano.

His father and Yasuie already knew about Rob's existence, so Rob is already getting a good reputation with the Wano rulers.


A wonderful scene happened at the moment.

The Whitebeard Pirates were cramped to the left side of the ship to see a luxurious-looking metallic ship passing by their ship.


Rob and Toki stood next to each other, dressed in summer clothes and sunglasses, throughout their trip, Rob continued to invade Toki with his contemporary ideas about the necessity of enjoying life, so Toki was slightly touched by his words which reflected on her cute appearance.

She is no longer wearing a pink kimono (Japanese traditional dress) but rather a modern suite consisting of skinny shorts and a more feminine T-shirt, looking like a model, or a cosplay actress.

Even Rob was very impressed with her cute looks.

But at this moment, when Rob was intending to propose the idea of swimming together and getting an extra step to win the heart of this time fairy.

Rob and Toki suddenly saw a large white ship coming in their direction.

At lightning speed, Rob went to the cockpit to change the course of the yacht, so as not to crash into the ship in their path.

The two ships approached until they were completely equidistant from each other.

Finally, the passengers of both ships were able to get to know each other.

"Gurarara! What a nice coincidence, Kuzo."

"Rob dono, are you done with your works, looks like you're going back to Wano!"

"Yes, I am already going back to Wano, looks like you have decided to leave already, Oden."

"Yes, my friend, I am grateful for you bringing the world into my hands, that was really fun, but it wasn't enough to quench my thirst that had been thirsty for so many years. This is my destiny, my friend. I feel this world needs me to go out and explore... But who is this beautiful lady next to you?"

At first, he was talking seriously but when he saw Toki he felt a twinge in his heart, this woman was very beautiful.

"I understand, someone like you can't stay in one place, that's impossible, oh, this is my friend Toki."

Toki bent down to greet Rob's friends with a slight bow.

"Gurarara, now I know why you rejected my previous offer, you have a beautiful woman around you, what do you need with random people, you are a lucky boy.

Toki was so embarrassed when she heard that her cheeks flushed, how good would it be if she was his wife?

Will Olvia accept her as a younger sister? Her thoughts throughout this trip with Rob have become very chaotic.

She was very novice on matters of the heart, she was switching from time to time all the time, so she didn't have time to get to know a man and live happily married life, but her time with Rob was the longest time she had with a man before, no, she had no she's never been with men before, Rob was the first.

Not only did he save her, but he gladly accepted her wish, heard her incredible story, and extended an olive branch to her, ready to accept her into his family, as was Olvia more willing.

All the while her ideas turned from mere ideas to reality.

Rob was the first man she felt attracted to.

Unfortunately, Oden didn't get such an opportunity, because Rob unknowingly took it.

"See, Whitebeard, I told you that Oden will board your ship, whether you like it or not..."

After the chance encounter with Rob and the Whitebeard Pirates, the two ships continued on their way thereafter.

"Ooy! Rob dono! Take care of Wano Kuni! I'm going to pay this debt back in the future!"

With a smile Rob nodded at him, so not to worry, it was the least he could do for this man right now.

Rob looked at the turbulent sea into which the yacht had entered and felt that their ship's voyage ended here.

"Toki chan, I think we will continue the trip by another way."

"Another way? Which way?"

Leaves formed into wings on Rob's back, and his look like a mixed Lunarian and Sunshian person reappeared in the full shape in front of Toki.

"Hmm, why do you look surprised?"

"Ah? Nothing, just your wings of different colors are so beautiful, can I touch them?"

"Of course, no problem."

Toki shyly stepped forward and touched Rob's wings, what Toki didn't know was that they were just paper wings, but who could blame her? It looked so real after all.

"Are you satisfied now?"

Rob's face showed a meaningful smile, he was enjoying the actions of this time fairy as he secretly liked to call it.

"Ah, yes… Do you know anything about the Moon and Sun Race?"


Rob was really surprised by her question, because of course, he knew about Lunarian, but he had never heard of Sunshian before. Maybe she talking about Shandian!

"Yes, I've heard of the Lunarian race, those who look like fallen angels with black wings and can control flames, right? But I've never heard of Sunshian before."



Rob was surprised by the bewildered look on Toki's face, for a moment her face overlapped with a reaction similar to Hiyori from the anime version he had seen in his past life.

They both had the same face after all.

"Ah, sorry… I wasn't expecting you to really know about the Lunarian, that startled me."

"Oh, I understand, there is only one person alive from the Lunarian race at the moment, so your reaction is understandable, very, very few people know about this race because it is already extinct, the so-called gods in the past. "

"So, there are still remains… Really...!"

When Toki remembered that she was going to slip and reveal something, she stopped speaking.

"It reminds me, you told me you came from 800 years ago, that… I believe you."

"You... Believe me?"

"Okay, let's not talk about it anymore, come here, let's continue our trip?"

Rob opened his embrace because there was no other way, he had to fly while holding her.

When Toki understood the matter, she was as ashamed as she had never felt before, but she nevertheless strengthened her resolve and slipped into Rob's arms.

Her thin body was very light in his arms, so there was no problem.

He stored the yacht in inventory and flapped his wings easily.

This was the second time he had flown with a woman, the first time, Olvia of course.

Toki enjoyed the trip and grew closer to Rob again, beginning to feel happy around him.

A short time later, a man and a woman disembarked in Wano Kuni.

He fulfilled his promise to Toki and finally delivered her to Wano.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)







Chapter 96: Meeting Trafalgar D. Water Chris!

Chapter 97: Arrancar Arc(Part 1) The New Bleach Arc! The emergence of Bleach techniques in the pirates' world!

Chapter 98: Navy Fleet Knocking on the Doors of Little Garden!

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