Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 159 – Kinky~ and Apology

Chapter 159 – Kinky~ and Apology

Aiko was happy that her Beauty dropped so sharply. She would finally be more invisible to the others and attract less unwanted attention.

"You look ugl-" The Blood Fox almost choked Umbra Fox for her rude comment.

Aiko was startled. "Do I look that bad?" It's true that she went from millions to around a million... b-but it shouldn't make that much of a difference!

Then Aiko was enlightened. She stored away the special Recognition Inhibition Bracelet from Mei.

"How about now?" Aiko asked.

"It's much better." The Blood Fox nodded. "A bit worse than how you looked previously, but good enough as long as you don't wear that bracelet." The Blood Fox smiled and then she realised she was still choking the Umbra Fox. "Sorry..."

*Cough Cough*

"It's fine." The Umbra Fox realised what she had almost done and she was grateful to the Blood Fox for this kind of help.

Aiko stared at them for a bit. "I will go and apologise to them."

The team was shocked and it was fully displayed on their faces.

"That... hurts, you know?" Aiko made a hurt expression and the duo coughed awkwardly.

"We will wait till you return." The Umbra Fox said, but she didn't meet Aiko's eyes.

Aiko softly glared at the Umbra Fox, but there was no reaction from her.

Aiko walked out of the room, leaving the two behind...

"She is slowly developing into a proper Mistress." The Umbra Fox suddenly murmured.

"Since she will be forbidden to do most things, she will learn etiquette quite often..." The Blood Fox was concerned.

"True... Maybe in the future we can be placed on a shiny pedestal without worrying about Aiko causing trouble." The Umbra Fox didn't share the same concern as the Blood Fox.

The Blood Fox was worried that Aiko's refined attitude would attract... unwanted attention.

Meanwhile, the Umbra Fox was concerned that she would have to fight endless waves of enemies trying to belittle her Mistress for her conduct if she didn’t improve...


Aiko walked down the hallway, it was slightly tilted, which puzzled her, but she didn't ask about it.

She approached Lady Liu's room, but it was already slightly open.

Aiko silently entered, but was shocked by what she saw.

Lady Liu was currently pushing down on Chen Shi with an intoxicated expression.

"C'mon, just one more glass." She ground her body against his body, trying to reach the bottle of wine that he was holding.

"Ugh." This was truly torture for him as he was trying his best to keep his reason and not push her down. At the same time, he had to be careful so she wouldn't snatch the bottle out of his hand.

"Liu Zhi." He breathed heavily. "Stop this at once."

"Hmpf." Liu Zhi snorted and tried to grab that flask from him, in the process she burrowed his head in her bosom.


The floor under Aiko made noise and they both snapped towards her.

Aiko gulped awkwardly. "My apologies for disturbing your... uhhh... happy time?" She was slowly backing away, trying to run away.

Liu Zhi blinked a few times, her drunken stupor was washed away when she saw that the hazy Aiko didn't disappear.

"Oh... Uh..." Her mind was in turmoil. "It's not how it looks." She tried to defend herself.

"It's alright." Aiko shook her head. "I shouldn't have entered without knocking." Aiko admitted her fault and was still backing away.

"It really isn't how it looks!" She blushed red like a tomato.

Aiko gazed at her. Lady Liu had flushed cheeks and parts of her dress were drenched with sweat.

She then looked at Chen Shi. He was panting heavily, likewise with flushed cheeks. His face showed signs of being sent into heaven by two heavenly peaks and his little brother was pitching a... significantly large tent for him...

Lady Liu followed her gaze. He was in bad shape, but she was incredibly embarrassed when she saw his raging volcano about to erupt.

"T-this..." She was now completely red from the ears to the base of her neck. "Isn't really how it looks." Lady Liu denied it weakly, but she was not very convincing considering her... disposition.

"It's alright, I will just close this door, so please take your time." Aiko elegantly whirled like she was taught by Lady Liu, closing the door behind her, leaving them alone.

Aiko sighed in relief that the Inscription Saint was not in his right mind, or he might really cause a fuss about this...


Back in the room, the duo calmed down.

"Please move..." Chen boy begged with a hoarse voice.

That voice tickled the already warm Lady Liu's ears and some of her intoxication returned. She really wanted to tease him more, but remembering that Aiko was just behind the door, she reluctantly got down.

She coughed awkwardly and sat down. The Chen boy handed her half a glass of wine and left the room to cool down.

Liu Zhi was... not in the mood to taste the wine again, but the smell was simply too intoxicating and she drank all of it.

"This wine is truly a sin..." She shook her head. "I will have to teach the girls not to drink this." She vowed to do that the next time they were having their little class.


Aiko returned with a slight blush. The others stared at her with suspicion.

Aiko coughed. "It's better that we don't… disturb them for the time being..." Aiko trailed her words, but the meaning was obvious.

The Umbra Fox wanted to sneak away and watch the show, but she was stopped by the Blood Fox.

"How are you feeling?" She asked Aiko.

"I feel alright, but I'm upset that I used Souls for more tails, but I was unable to get one!" Aiko pouted angrily.

"Do you hear any voice or are you feeling bothered?" Blood Fox continued her questions.

"I hear you." Aiko tilted her head. "But I'm upset that I evolved when I didn't want to!" She pouted again.

The duo's lips twitched. They would do anything if they could evolve like Aiko did.

"Come here." The Blood Fox beckoned Aiko.

Aiko came close and in the meanwhile, the Blood Fox sat down and placed Aiko on her lap.

"Your tail is much fluffier." She gently caressed through Aiko's tail.

Although the creation of a second tail was a failure and almost endangered their lives, the outcome still came with some... benefits.

Aiko's tail felt like it was alive and masterfully coiled around the Blood Fox's hand, startling her.

"Hehe~" Aiko giggled at that reaction. "Apparently my tail is a lot easier to control now~" Aiko hummed happily, teasing Blood Fox's palm with the tip of her tail.

The Blood Fox tried to catch that tail, but Aiko skilfully avoided her grasp.

Aiko giggled, she was happy by the fact that her arsenal of mischief had expanded.

The Blood Fox felt a bit upset at the fact that Aiko was able to easily avoid her, so she squished her with her embrace.

Aiko giggled and wriggled away from Blood Fox.

They played like this for a while until the Inscription Saint came.

"While I'm still upset at everything you have caused. I'm also grateful for your rescue at that time." The Inscription Saint bowed gently. He was grateful to Aiko that she stopped them before he pounced on her like a hungry lion.

Aiko giggled. "It's fine. I previously came to apologise due to my... unstable nature." Aiko likewise elegantly bowed, surprising everyone.

"What?" Aiko pouted. "It's not like I don't learn anything from Lady Liu." Aiko looked away.

Her team laughed while the Inscription Saint felt a bit, a tiny bit better...

"Anyway. Rest for today, we will explore the surroundings tomorrow. Cook a few Beasts and lift off." The Inscription Saint said his plan.

Since they crashed, he might as well use this situation to explore the surroundings. One never knows what they might find...


Aiko laid down. She was a bit tired from seeing them like that, but also... her new tail was so god-damn heavy!

Aiko wanted to cry, since this stinky system caused all of this!

The Blood Fox shifted close to Aiko and grasped her new tail.

Even when she was not as beautiful, her tail still looked heavenly and she really wanted to properly groom it so it wouldn't get tangled and become unsightly.

She gently combed Aiko's tail, enjoying the softness.

Meanwhile, the Umbra Fox was curiously looking at them. She wondered if that tail was truly that soft...

The curiosity got the best of her and she, like the Blood Fox, groomed the other tail.

It was not as soft as the new tail, but it was good enough for her.

She sometimes wondered if Aiko slept on their tails because they were so soft? It felt incredibly nice to the touch, so she could somewhat understand why Aiko would pursue soft and beautiful tails.

The team was lost in their own thoughts and a day slowly passed by.

Aiko yawned as she woke up, but she couldn't move.

Her tails were captured by the Blood Fox.

Aiko felt strange as she stared at the Blood Fox. This kind of feeling was just weird and this made Aiko think...

'Is this how they feel when I use their tails as bedding...?' Aiko tilted her head, this feeling was... she couldn't properly describe it in words, but it was nothing good.

Aiko sighed gently and petted the Blood Fox. She knew that she was at fault for always hunting her tails, but it was just too nice of a bedding that allowed her to sleep, making it hard to ignore.

She already tried to sleep on the beds on this flying ship and she was able to sleep, but when she combined both the bed and Blood Fox's tails she slept much, much better! Aiko couldn't avoid the fact that she wanted to sleep on both of them.

The Blood Fox stirred awake and yawned cutely, her ears were low and her tail lay motionlessly behind her.

She blinked a few times, but soon she closed her eyes and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Wait a god-damn moment!" Aiko was shocked that her inner thoughts leaked through her mouth.

The Blood Fox was startled and blinked a few times. Under her was an unfamiliar tail and when she looked to where it was connected...

"I'm sorry..." The Blood Fox blushed, but that tail was just too good to pass on.

"Did you sleep well?" Aiko's lips twitched at this cute behaviour.

The Blood Fox sheepishly nodded her head.

Aiko sighed, shaking her head. "At least tell me when you want to sleep on my tail..." Aiko was startled when she couldn't move her tail.

"But you did the same thing to me..." The Blood Fox murmured.

Aiko flinched slightly and she coughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry, I will try to tell you before I jump on your tails..." Aiko avoided the Blood Fox's gentle gaze. It was truly burdensome...

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