Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 284- Planting Seeds

[Vol.3] Quest 284- Planting Seeds

A few days later, Cirrus returned to his adult self.

"Hmm… Sucks, I gotta do so much paperwork after getting the best sleep of my life."

His time back as a boy was like a dream that he wished would have lasted longer. Bits and pieces of it lingered, but it was hard to recall even with Hecton informing him of the whole experience in detail.

"No complaining; I had to fill in for you, and I don’t have Hecton to help me," said Ai.

"Now, now less talking, more writing," Artemis said, helping as well.

"Master, it seems Fafnir has returned," Hecton said, popping out one of his heads.

Sure enough, liquid darkness dropped from the ceiling, forming Fafnir.

"Master, I have returned!" She said it gracefully, kneeling.

"Fafnir, did you find Wu?"

"More or less, as I was looking for strong poisonous smells, I found a group who reeked of poison."


"They know where Wu is and are coming here to ask for help. I was also able to obtain the information through dialogue, but I did not pursue it any further than what you requested. Should I have gone and dealt with her?"

"It’s fine, Fafnir. You only followed my orders and no. She may have gotten a stronger poison. So until they arrive, we will wait."

"I should also when I was talking with them. I came across a powerful Dark Elf, a level 8."

"!!!" exclaimed Cirrus, as did Ai and Artemis.

Cirrus suddenly stands up.

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure. She has the same level of intimidation as you do, Master. Especially when her bow is drawn."

"Her bow… What color was it?"

"It was as white as snow, elegant in design."

"… It’s her." Cirrus sat back down. "Do you know where she is going? or a name?"

"She is coming to Orario. She said her name was Malion Dökk Nida."

Cirrus’s expression softened.

"… Thank you for the information. You can rest now, Fafnir."

She nods and walks over to Cirrus, blending into his shadow.

"Cirrus, do you know who she is?" asked Ai.

"… Possibly yes. I need to talk with the Guild about it first."

"Is it that serious?" asked Artemis.


"Who is she?" Ai asked with some concern on her face.

"Malion Dökk Nida, a High Dark Elf and the vice-captain of the Hera Familia."


Room of Prayer.

"So Galatea is returning." Said Fels. "Last I heard, she was confirmed to have died during, well, you know."

"I didn’t really pay it much mind at first, but Hera said she was somewhere in the frontier looking for the perfect white," said Cirrus.

"Hera must have told her of Nox." Said Ouranos. "But it is concerning that she went to get her child and send her to the city; she hasn’t taken a foot in 15 years."

"Lord Ouranos, it must be the Primordial Flame of Heaven." Said Fels.

"Hm? Why did you bring that up?" said Cirrus.

"We planned on keeping it to ourselves given that the city in which it is housed has long been scrubbed from any maps. Seeing as Hera found her last child, this shows a lot. She must have gone and found Olympia and had confirmation of her worry."

"Olympia!?" said Cirrus. "I thought that place was, you know, lost to time or destroyed."

"No, it was hidden away when humanity began to spread across the land. People still live there and hide it away from everyone else with the help of the very first god to walk the land of Gekai, Prometheus." Ouranos said.

"T-the god who broke the rules of heaven for our ancestors! They still walk the land!"

"Yes, and no. No one but Zeus has seen them. Not even a sliver of information on them is known."

"Wow… So what’s this about the Flame of Heaven?"

"It has remained in Gekai for far too long, and now its corruption has reached a point where it can no longer remain in the world. A Ripple already occurred, and it went through the world like a stone dropping into a clear body of water. It opened a Rift to another world where people came through by accident."

"Sucks I wasn’t myself then... but I see the danger. Letting it remain will cause more Rifts to open to other worlds, yes?"

"Correct. It is a threat level that requires you to take action as immediately as you can. We do not know what lies behind them. It has the potential to become a world-threatening problem."

"T-then that means!"

"Yes. You are to complete this task without hesitation, according to your labor. But is one labor of your Cirrus that I can assure you is highly lethal even for you."

A sense of dread fell on Cirrus’s shoulders. The tone with which Ouranos spoke worried him even more than the last time he sent him to fight Fafnir.

"Is… is there anything to help me? It is the Primordial Flame of Heaven. I doubt it's something I can easily do without a god's help?"

"You are very right. Hestia. She was the keeper of the flame before Prometheus stole it and threw it down into Gekai."

"Then I’ll go get her and be back lickety-split!"

"As much as I would agree with you. There is… another variable in this problem."

"And that is?"

"Hestia, in purifying the flame, she will return to Heaven."

Cirrus didn’t like that. Hestia, in the few interactions he had with her, was a very nice and supportive goddess to Bell. Cirrus thought that if Hestia left, Freya would quickly swoop in, but... that doesn’t sit well with Cirrus. Hestia was Bell’s first goddess.


"Is there another way? Hestia is too benevolent to sacrifice herself."

"It was her failure that led to this."

"And it was the god's fault that Prometheus was even able to throw it to Gekai."

Ouranos and Cirrus stare intensely at one another.

"Lord Ouranos." Fels spoke up. "You mentioned Nox can purify the flame."

"Nox can do it!?"

'I wouldn't have to throw Hestia to the wolves!' Cirrus was delighted.

"Hmm…" Ouranos frowned a bit. "Yes. Her magic when drawing it from you should be enough to begin the purification. Whether they can complete it is determined by how corrupted the flame is and given. The flame is a form of Demi-Arcanum. It will be a steep uphill challenge if even that much fortune is afforded to you. Cirrus, I will not lie to you. Purifying the flame without sacrificing Hestia will almost certainly kill you."

"Then using Hestia won’t?"

"That is correct," Fels said.

Cirrus took a deep breath and thought about his choices.

‘… Shit.’

He can go the easy route and just bring Hestia and sacrifice her to return the flame back to Heaven along with her. The hard way, he goes with Nox and uses all of his magic to purify the flame that way, risking death.

Few people were willing to make the choices of a hero if given the chance.

‘… A promise made to my wife... fuck.’

Cirrus, after thinking it through and steeling himself, knows he cannot sacrifice Hestia. Hestia means as much to Bell as Artemis does to him.

‘The choices of a hero do always suck.’

He took a deep breath, and he made his choice. He was not turning back on it.

"… I will inform Artemis and Ai that I will be going. Dealing with Wu is second to the Flame of Heaven."

"So you chose the hard way." Ouranos leans back on his throne. "The road of a hero. Have you finally accepted your title?"

"Heh! No. I do not want the world to call me that. Only my wives can call me that."

Ouranos makes a sly smile.

"Very well."

Cirrus smiles as well, with a resolute face.

"I’m ready to face my labor. I have survived many dangerous things and have lived. I will return. I promised Artemis and Ai that I would be the first hero to be happy after all. I’ll need to get ready."

He bowed and left the room.

"… Fels I want—"

"He will come back, Lord Ouranos. I have faith in him. Should I go, I will fear the worst, and even more if my magic should… I feel I would break." Fels said.

"Is it with that faith that you informed him of the second choice?"

"Yes. Cirrus is a smart man. He would eventually learn of the second choice, and he would feel guilty for throwing another into danger when he could have done it."

"Hmm…" Ouranos closes his eyes and thinks for a moment. "It is odd for our roles to have been switched, Fels."

"We certainly have changed. Lord Ouranos."

Moonlight Tower.

Cirrus is making his way to his room.

"Nox, I need you to get ready to leave."

‘Hm? What for? Did you get a job from Ouranos? I felt something give you some emotional damage?’

"I did, and it’s highly important."

‘How important?’

"It has to do with the Flame of Heaven."

‘Are you fucking serious!! I thought the gods took it back already!’

"No, it’s still in Gekai, and its corruption has affected the world. Ouranos has tasked us with purifying the flame."

‘Shit… Cirrus, this is really huge. We might not make it back alive. Even during my time, the flame was a big fucking deal.’

"You know what they say, bright things fade the quickest."

‘Heh… I guess you always were a little fuckin' insane. When do we leave?’

"When Malion comes to the city. Once she does, we will move quickly."

‘Understood… Are you going to tell Artemis and Ai? Have you told Circe yet?’

"… I will. I’m sure Artemis will know the gravity of it, but Ai? I’m sure she will stop us. As for Circe, I won’t be telling her. I want her to remain in the city."

‘I want her here should my wish come true.’

‘Then what are you going to do?’

"Tell me Nox, are your and Circe’s contracts the same?"

‘… Cirrus, what are you planning?"

"I’m planting seeds in a garden. Hopefully, I get to see them."

Cirrus made it to his room to find Artemis.

"Art, where is Ai?"

"She went to get some food, Cirrus. What did Ouranos say?"

"It’s the Flame of Heaven. Me and Nox are going to purify the flame as per my labor."

Artemis’s eyes quickly widen, and an anxious look washes over her.

"Y-you can’t be serious!! That is a responsibility we gods should handle! Wait here. I’ll go get Hestia and then—"

"I know, but it is my labor. Should anything world-threatening happen, I will answer the call. After all, I am a hero now, and I won’t let Hestia throw her life away so easily."

Artemis stood still.

"S-she is a god!! She will—"

"Stop. These are not your words."


"…" Artemis's face scrunched up. She realized what she was saying was not something she would have ever said about her friend.


"I can see why you didn’t wish to be a hero. A hero always picks the greater good." Artemis hangs her head low. She turns and walks him to Cirrus and hugs him tightly. "Can you please forget my words? My promise?" She spoke softly.

"I’m doing it. I don’t like to break promises. Especially one you were so sincere about."

"Cirrus, you can’t—"

Cirrus lifted her chin to meet her watery eyes.


He held conviction in his tone of voice and eyes.

Artemis enjoyed it as much as she regrets their purpose.


"I will do this. Do not ask again."

She hated the words that sprang from her lips that night. All she wanted was for the one she loved so much to resurrect that long-forgotten dream. Now those words she made Cirrus agree to are rearing the truth he was trying to warn her of.

"For me then. I know what I am asking you. But I’m asking for me."

Cirrus closes his eyes and lightly puts his forehead to hers.

"… Anything else? Anything. But not this."

She caressed his face as she moved her hands up his body.

"If you love me—"

"No." Cirrus wraps his arms around Artemis's waist. "Don’t you dare say that."

Artemis lowers her head and wraps her arms around his waist. Burying her face into his chest.

"… I’m sorry." She whispers softly into his chest. "I’m sorry. I know this was not an easy decision for you. I won’t try to stop you even if my heart does not wish it."

Cirrus rubs her back and kisses the top of her head.

"Art. Do you remember our conversation from long ago? When Aomi spoke to us about…"

A bit later.

"There you guys are!" Ai said, entering the room. "The food is in the office!"

She looks to see Cirrus and Artemis looking out the window.

"Oh, you're back," Cirrus said, glancing back.

He and Artemis turned to face Ai.

"Yup! Say what is with all the glum faces? Was it that bad?"

"Yes," Artemis said, walking to her side. "Sit."

"Um…" Ai was not liking how this was going. "What’s happening?"

Cirrus kneels before her and holds her hand. Cirrus could feel her nervousness and tension.

"… It’s the labor Lord Ouranos gave me as punishment."

"!!" Ai’s eyes widen. She knew the day he had to do that will be the day Cirrus will face death directly. But she didn’t think another would come so soon. "Is—"

"It’s not the Black Dragon," Artemis said. "It is… the Flame of Heaven."

"T-the Flame of Heaven? As in Prometheus kind of Flame of Heaven!? The fire that gave humanity the strength to fight back!? That flame!?"

"The very same."

Ai turned to Cirrus.

"Y-you can survive that, right!?"

"… I am not sure." He kept looking into her eyes, despite wishing she could avert his gaze.

Ai knows that look in his eyes. They held the same steadfastness after the fight between Alfia and Zald.

"Ai… I want a child."

"!" Her ears perked up. "Cirrus… You know we… we promised we will have them when we're twenty-five. Don’t say that to me as if you are—"

"I want to leave something behind that isn’t death and violence. I want to leave behind a legacy… Something that is made of my love for you."

Ai turns to face him with tears and anger in her voice.

"DON’T YOU SAY THAT!!! SAYING IT AS IF YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE!!" She moved his hands and grabbed him by his collar. Rising him up to her eye level. More tears streamed down. "D-do you just expect me and Artemis to raise our child? A constant reminder of…" she said solemnly, holding back tears. "Didn’t you say you wanted to raise them together?" Try as she could, some tears slipped through.

"You know I do. But this!" He gently wipes away her tears as he stands on his own two feet. "If I don’t do this, the world will eventually be threatened. More of those Rifts to other worlds will open upbringing. Who knows what?" He held her hand gently and put them down, away from his collar. "Ai, I promised you and Art that I would be the first hero who was happy. I intend to fully honor the promise."

"… You fucking asshole." She avoided his gaze. "If you actually wanted to keep your promise, you wouldn’t have even asked me to have your kids. Saying that implies you don’t have faith in your chances."

"You are right." His hands shook. "I am scared. I am scared I will leave you alone. Scared I would make you cry even worse than this. I'm scared I wouldn’t be able to have a big family with you and Artemis…. Scared I would fail you both."

"… Promise me." She looked into Cirrus’s watery eyes. "Promise me you will fucking win and come back to help raise them."

"I promise." He said it sternly, with eyes brimming with confidence in his own words.

She pulled him in and kissed him passionately.

He wrapped his arms around her and picked Ai up. He took her to bed while they were still kissing passionately. The two of them quickly removed their clothes.

Artemis watched as they got more and more intense. She felt a bit embarrassed seeing them go at it this intensely. Granted, she has been with both of them, but this felt more intimate, special knowing what they are aiming for was something she couldn’t do.

"I should give you two some—"

"Huff!! Huff!! Art where are you going?" Ai looked at Artemis with a flustered look. "Huff!! Huff!! You are going to help as well."

"But Cirrus should—"

"I want this," Ai said. "I love you. So give me your love."

"B-but this is for—"

"Are you not gonna make sure she gets pregnant?" Cirrus said. "Besides, this child will be a product of all of our love."

"Then shall I get the coffee?"

"Very much so, yes. I will—"

"Stop talking and put a baby in me!" Ai shouted.

"I will need the energy!" Cirrus shouted as he gave Ai the attention.

For the next few days, the three went through another honeymoon period. They thoroughly spoiled Ai and Cirrus made sure Artemis was not left out.

 A few days later.

"So this is Orario!" said Talvi.

"It was a pleasure to travel with you, Miss Nida." Said Uskari.

"Not at all, farewell." Malion takes her to leave as both she and the rest of the group go in different directions.

'It's been a long time.'

She looks to find the city in a peaceful state.

'Loki and Freya appear to have completed their mission...Now, where are you, Cirrus?’

She went around looking for a while when she overheard the Artemis Familia’s home.

"Ooh… impressive." She said this while walking towards the entrance, looking up at it.

"What is your business?" asked the guard.

"I am here to meet your captain, Cirrus Zephyr."


"Malion Dökk Nida."

"Hold on a—"


Bree jumped down.

"Malion? Are you a dark elf?" she said as she looked up.

"I am a High Dark Elf, but yes." She removed her hood to show her beauty.

"Oooh… Y-you can come in! I’ll show you the way!"

"Bree is she—"

"She is the one the captain asked to keep an eye out for."

She looked at Malion and stepped aside.

"Very well. Bree will inform Cirrus."

They led her to the first floor of the first tower, where Bree went on ahead and got on the elevator. The guard told Malion to wait until they arrived before returning to her post.

"It’s nice…" Malion said, looking around.

After a while, the elevator came down with Cirrus, Ai, and Artemis.

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