Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.3] Quest 285- Off To Olympia

[Vol.3] Quest 285- Off To Olympia

Malion could see the resemblance between Hera and Nephele when she looked at Cirrus. She could tell Ai was powerful and skilled by the way she walked to maximize energy and her readiness to draw her sword on a dime.

‘Refined. That is the only word for her. But Cirrus…’

She couldn't figure out why he seemed so untouchable. He walked with his hands in his pockets, and yet he was even more ready than Ai.

‘Hm. I guess this was expected from you, boy. But… where is Nox?’

She looked around for Nox. From what Hera had said, she could be the picture's definition of white.

"So you are Malion?" said Cirrus.

‘Ah. I was lost in thought.’

"My apologies, I am Malion Dökk Nida." She bowed her head slightly. "Former vice-captain of the Hera Familia, known as Galatea."

"So I guess that would make you my... aunt, I guess? If the Hera Familia remained in power?"

"That would be correct. It amazes me how much you look like them." She looks at his face, examining it to see how closely he resembles his mother.

"I get that a lot."

"Hm… I’m glad you inherited neither of their prides. It seems the one who raised you did a good job putting a fine head on you." She gave a slight smile. "Unfortunately, I came for—"

"I already know. The Guild informed me already."

She could see the look on Artemis and Ai’s faces. Both knew full well what their loved one was going to do.

"… Shall we leave?" Cirrus said. "I had to postpone an expedition."

"Lets. It is far away. But in all honesty, I wish it could wait so I could fix my sword." She tapped her sword, Basíleia."

"Ah, I can go fix it really quick," Cirrus said.

"It is heavily damaged." She removed her sword and held it out.

Cirrus grabs and draws it.

"Ah. It is pretty damaged." He examines it thoroughly. "But nothing I can’t fix. Shouldn’t take a few minutes."

"Is your profession that of a blacksmith? I don’t know any smith who can fix a sword so easily?"

"I am a bit special in that case." He gives a faint smile. "I’ll go get my stuff; I’ll be back in a second." Cirrus went back up the elevator to grab some of the last remaining stuff (Nox).

"So your Malion huh!" Ai said a bit proudly. "I heard you’re an archer."

"I am. May I know who you are? I have been in the frontier for a long time, and Hera didn’t mention anyone of your caliber."

"Didn’t Hera tell you who I am!" Her cheeks puffed up a bit. "Fine then! I am Ai Zephyr! Vice-captain of the Artemis Familia! Also known as the Red Crown!"

"Oh, I see… Zephyr? Then you are his wife?"

"I am!"

"Ooh… He has good taste; I have heard men tend to fall for women who are like their mothers… You have similarities to Nephele in her youth before Hera started to really indoctrinate her."

"R-really!?" Her eyes widen. "How long have you known Nephele?"

"I have known her since I joined the Hera Familia, by then Nephele was 15. No 16? Hm. It has been a long time since I remember those days."

Artemis and Ai could see a gloomy and dark expression grow on Malion. It seems those memories contained some things she would rather not remember.

"So tell me, how are Hera and Aphrodite?" asked Artemis.

Artemis’ question brought Malion out of that little funk.

"They are doing well, Lady Artemis; I have heard from Lady Aphrodite that he claimed a virgin goddess, but it seems he has a type for strong women."

‘Interesting. Hera’s ploys and words make sense now in retrospect.’

Malion could see Hera’s words were no lie. Both Ai and Artemis were strong and fierce women in her eyes.

"Fufu thank you. I hope Aphrodite said nothing she shouldn’t." A sharpness goes through Malion. It was sharper than Hera’s gaze.

Malion didn’t think someone could have a sharper gaze than Hera.

‘Her gaze is what I expected from the famed Hunting Goddess.’

"Can I see how strong you are?" asked Ai. "I can tell you’re a strong archer from that heavy bow, and I want to make sure my husband has reliable backup."

'As expected, sharp eyes.'

"I am level 8, but I fear my skill with the bow is not as polished as it used to be. On my way here, I came across a being with odd, rotating eyes of many different colors. She evaded my sight and aim quickly. I was hoping to find her before leaving."

"Ah… Well, there is no need to worry! I can handle it if they cause any problems!"

"Is that so—Draw!!"

It was a single motion. Malion drew her bow and notched it, much to her surprise.


A katana was at the tip of her arrow, and she was being watched by a pair of beastly eyes.

"See! No problem at all!"

Malion was surprised. Ai drew her blade faster than she could prepare her bow.

"Very skilled. I’m glad there are still adventures like yours around." She puts down her bow and arrow, and Ai sheathes her sword.

"Could I see your bow?" asked Artemis.

"Of course, it would be my honor." She hands Artemis her bow and an arrow.

She examines it and strums the string.

"… You have recently cared for your bow, correct?"

"I have. I had left it with Hera, but when she found me, she gave it back."

"Hmm… It’s not bad." She holds it down, and before Malion knew it, Artemis already had the bow ready to shoot.


It was a speed that Malion couldn’t help but envy. Her form was perfect as well, with her back straight and her eyes on the target.

"It’s not as heavy as the bow I used, but it’s good enough."

Artemis hands the bow and arrow back.

"I can see how Ai could get so skilled. You must have been her trainer."

"By training, you mean trying not to get shot, then yes?" said Ai, thinking of the training when she caught strong scent that made her a bit nauseous. "Ugh, did someone bring garlic?"

"You don’t like garlic?"

"I do, but recently I just can’t stand the smell. Hey!! Who brought garlic!!" Ai shouted.

"Sorry!!" said a Familia member. "I’ll be sure to wrap it up properly!!"

‘Could she be—‘

"Alright, let's go," Cirrus spoke behind Malion.

"!!" She quickly turned to see him. "Oh, you surprised me; I had thought you would come from the elevator?"

"Well, I took the faster way down. So let’s get going."

"Very well, but where is… Nox? Hera told me she was a beautiful shade of white?"

"She is right here."

From his back popped Nox’s owl head.

When Malion sees the pure white owl, her eyes widen.

"So. Cute. Swish!!!" She quickly grabbed Nox—


‘Gak!? Cirrus!! Help!! She's got my neck!!’

—And tightly hugged her.

A warm and excited expression graced Malion’s face.

"So white and lovely, with feathers as soft as clouds and as new as fallen snow," Malion stroked Nox's feathers gently.

‘Cirrus!!! Help me!!! Help—actually, it’s pretty nice! But help me!!’

"Yeah, (Nox) isn’t a fan of so much adoration."

Nox vanished from Malion's hug and appeared back on Cirrus.

"Ooh, you can summon her! How convenient!" she said with a starry look in her eyes.

"Well, um, shall we go? I would rather get back quickly. Oh, and here." He returns her sword to her.

She takes the sword back and draws it to see if it is even better than before. It had a white sheen to it, and it even felt lighter.

"Oooh." They impressed her.

"Um… Malion?"

"Y-yes ahem!" She snapped out of it. "Let's."

They set out on their quest, with Nox always standing opposite of Malion.

Moonlight Tower later at night.


"What’s wrong, Ai?" said Artemis.

"I’ve been feeling exhausted and bloated all day… I think—!" Ai’s ears perk up, and she smiles ear to ear. "Art, do you think I’m finally pregnant!? We went at it lots of times, and he never pulled—"

"Let’s go tomorrow, alright? Maybe talk with Circe? We don’t want news of it to reach anyone else before Cirrus."


"Good. Take a bath and I’ll make things comfortable alright."

While camping under the stars, Cirrus and Malion sit around the campfire with Nox on Cirrus’s shoulder.

Malion’s gaze was strong. It lingers on Nox and Cirrus’s faces.

"If you have questions, ask away," Cirrus said, gazing into the flame.

Malion combs her hair with her fingers and rests her head on her arm.

"Nox. Where did you find her?"

"The Kaios Desert."

"Her favorite food?"

"Cake with chamomile tea mixed with silver-blue Darjeeling. It’s as expensive as it is an atrocity."

‘Aw, you remember!’

"Cake and tea?" Malion looked at Nox. "I didn’t think owls could eat cake? or drink tea? Can they?" She tilted her head a bit in thought.

"I do spoil her a bit."

"Does she not eat mice or bird seeds?"

"No, I spoiled her enough to where she won’t eat them anymore."

"How interesting. She must be a different species of—She is part of your magic! Is she!!" Her eyes widen as she suddenly stands up.

A look of excitement filled her eyes.

"Something along those lines. She is very special to me." Cirrus pats Nox’s head.

Malion could see the look Cirrus had for Nox. The look shared by those with close bonds.

"… You have your mother's smile."

"Hm?" Cirrus raised an eyebrow. "I have my mom’s smile?"

‘Does she know more than Hera? She is the Vice-Captain, so… maybe?’

"You do. Her smile was like the first rays of light after a cold, rainy night. They always made my heart warm…" She then remembered more of Nephele. "Ah." Her eyes drooped, and a sour expression grew. "Nephele…"

"Why are you sad? Did you—"

"My apologies Cirrus. Sniff! Ahem!" She turned around and wiped her face. "Remembering your mother brought back some warm memories and some cold ones."

Malion remembers seeing Nephele by the window. Each time she would see someone walk out, her face would light up before darkening.

"I’m sorry. We can talk about this later if you want?"

Cirrus’s words cut her reminiscing off.

"… Maybe." She replied. "Sorry, but when I think of your mother, I remember those last few years before we… were…"

Cirrus could feel how hard it is for Malion to keep talking about this.

"You don’t have to force yourself to think about that day."

"No. I have suffered enough from that day." Her voice grew more panicky in tone. "It broke me from terror; my sisters and brothers... died, and you lost your mother." She was holding back tears. "I—Ahem!" She turned around, trying to regain her composure.

Her fists were clenched tightly. Her shoulders were shaking in anger and grief.

After 15 years of working on herself, building the Dark High Elf known as Malion back up from the ground, the One-Eyed Black Dragon broke so easily. She still couldn’t escape its massive shadow of dismay.

Cirrus could tell she was still going through PTSD from that fight. Hera mentioned her children were broken; hollow shells worse off than the Pallums.

‘I guess she meant mentally and spiritually broken.’

Cirrus turned to face Nox.

‘Nox, can you spend the night with her? It’ll make her feel better.’

‘If you say so, but tell her not to squeeze me or else I’ll peck her dull golden eyes!’

Cirrus smiles lightly.

‘Thank you.’

His eyes return to Malion’s back.

"Malion. Would you like to keep Nox in your tent for the night?"

"!!" Malion quickly turned to Cirrus. "T-truly!"

Tears still stain her face. She has a smile and bright, teary eyes.

"Yeah. Just don’t squeeze her too tight. She’ll poke your eyes out."

"T-t-thank you!"

As Hera has said, Malion was the luckiest of all of her children.

That night, Malion had the best sleep in ages with Nox in her embrace.

‘… Maybe I also work as a Therapy Owl?’ Nox thought while Malion hugged her.

Cirrus’s stats after updating.

Cirrus Zephyr

Lv. 8

Cirrus Zephyr

Lv. 8

Strength: B761→ 769     Endurance: C699→ B746

Dexterity: D513→515     Agility: A800→ 802

Magic: A880→ 881        Mage: A

Immunity: B                    Martial Arts: E

Crush: E                           Blacksmith: F

Chain Attack: H              Luck: G

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