Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 144: Was it a bad decision to leave her with them?

Ch 144: Was it a bad decision to leave her with them?

[Emilia] [Priestess Lvl 17] [Saint Lvl 5] [Adventurer Lvl 13] [Believer Lvl 17] [Lancer Lvl 16]

[Emilia has 4 free points]

Before changing her status points, I will change her name. Just by looking carefully at the place where her name is located, a new window opened in it. I entered the word [Delia], and then I saved the changes.

The next moment, her name is back to normal.

'Well, now the next thing is to re-enter the Saint class as the primary class and add the free points to her status.'

[Delia] [Saint Lvl 5] [Adventurer Lvl 13] [Believer Lvl 17] [Lancer Lvl 16] [Priestess Lvl 17]

HP=13 || MP=22

Agility=20 || Strength=20

Intelligence=20 || Luck=5


Physical=1 || Magic=0

Poison=0 || Curse=0

I added 3 points to HP to avoid unbalancing her status, while I entered the leftover point to Agility to match it with the 20 points possessed by the other attributes.

I would like to increase her Luck attribute more, but I feel that her innate luck should already be quite high, being a Saint. For now, I will concentrate on HP and Physical resistance. After increasing her points a bit more, I will dedicate the new points to the main attributes again.

After closing the user interface windows, my surroundings returned to partial darkness. Even though it's morning, the sun still doesn't fully illuminate the room.

"Delia, we are going to be late if you keep resting."

Delia: "!!!!"

With my words, she immediately opened her eyes. From her look, I can tell how worried she feels about this. While stroking her head, I speak again.

"Don't worry so much; you are someone important. No matter how many times you're late, they'll forgive you anyway."

"Still... I don't want to abuse that privilege, even more so when lives are at stake."

Now that she is committed to healing the wounded from the war, she wants to do everything she can to carry out her task. Hence her concern about being late.

Since we got enough rest, we got up and headed for the bathroom.

As the Emir family custom dictates, I rubbed the soap on my hands and then cleaned Delia's body with a clean hand, caressing every part of her body and making the suds stick to her body. Something similar happened at the time of washing her hair and her three tails.

The latter, as they felt the shampoo rubbing through their fur, calmly let me touch them. Cleaning the triplets is an important part of the bath. They mustn't lose their fluffiness!

After I finished, it was Delia's turn to clean me.

Generating lather in her beautiful breasts, she comes up to me and rubs them all over my body. Being able to feel her warmth, softness, and elasticity massaging every part of me caused my stress bar to drop to zero.

Not only that, but with each of her touches, I feel the energy return to me, and my desire to start round two increases with every second... But I mustn't. I have to stand my ground here.

Then, she carefully washes my hair, massaging me with her fingers and preventing the shampoo from getting into my eyes. This is so relaxing. For several seconds, I closed my eyes for comfort.

Without realizing it, the bath ended.

"Emir...could you let me watch my class?"

Having breakfast at the table, suddenly Delia asks that question. 

'Could it be that she's still doubting about-...?'

"Ah, don't get me wrong. It's just that I've had a feeling since this morning," she said, interrupting my thoughts.

'- Since I managed to find the good taste in it, will I have advanced on my path as a Saint?'

Emir: "..."

'I don't know why, but I feel like I'm twisting Delia from her path more than I seem to be.'

I casually remove the Identifier Tablet from my inventory and hand it to Delia. She sighs with a bit of nervousness, and then resolutely places her hand on the magical object.

[Delia] [Saint Lvl 5]

Delia: "!!!!"

Delia: "M- My class leveled up!"

Just like when her legendary class returned, now her feelings are just as complex. She is joyful because the level increase means her healing will be more effective, and perhaps a little sad because her pilgrimage trip to the Solitary Temple should have increased her level instead of making her lose her class.

I can tell all this from her expression. Delia is a sincere woman who doesn't hide her thoughts, so it's very easy to read her face.

Once she managed to get over all these feelings, she returned the Identifier Tablet to me.

'- Not only did my class come back, but my level went up... It's my destiny to be by Emir's side!'

'Mn, by the way she's looking at me, I'm sure… Delia has no turning back.'

Once breakfast is over, I change her name back to Emilia and return the classes to their previous positions, leaving the [Priestess] class as primary.

"Delia, I may not be back for a few days..."

I don't know how long the war against the Red Flag guild will last, so it's very likely that she won't be able to use my Space Travel magic for some time. But the tent she owns in the rear army is quite comfortable. Plus, with Victor as her bodyguard, sleeping shouldn't be a problem.

Of course, if Delia doesn't agree, there is still the option of sneaking out and using my magic without being seen by anyone.

"... Mn, it's fine to live there for a few days. It will be a good experience, and besides... I've been training with the spear every day! I'm stronger than I look!" She said, raising her arms to highlight her muscles.

Seeing her in such an adorable pose made my body move on its own. Holding her in my arms, I twirled her in the air.


Her smile just served as fuel for me to keep spinning her around.

Once I stopped, I caressed her cheek and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome"

Being so close to each other, we just moved forward a bit and kissed.

After we parted, I activated the Space Travel magic by narrating the spell in full. She would start to get suspicious if I activated the magic without any spell, especially since I just recently took the class.


Saying goodbye with a light kiss, she walks through the illusory door, pulling by the reins the silly horse. I positioned the door very close to the entrance of their tent, so the horse shouldn't disturb her.

'Besides, if we left it here, being as dumb as it is, it might starve to death... Haa. Well, now it's Alessia's turn.'


"Isn't it dangerous?" said Alessia with a worried tone.

Just like with Delia, I told her that I wouldn't be able to come back for a few days, and gave her two options. To live in this peaceful town, or go to war and live with the three annoying beauties while I'm gone.

"Don't worry. I can handle it."

"I see... Then... I'll be with Zia and the others. I'm worried about them too."

It is very strange for the information delivered by a mission to be wrong. Alessia must have noticed this, and that's why she decided to stand by their side while the situation is clarified.

I was about to answer when I managed to see the ring on her right ring finger. This is the gift I left her before I left, which is both a storage ring and a token of our relationship.

Smiling in front of her eyes, I remove from my inventory a storage ring and insert it on my right ring finger.

"Master..." she mutters, her eyes slightly moist.

"Remember this: no one will know that you are a slave because I hid that option from your status. And also... I told Erick that I freed you from your slavery."

"Huh?! Why did you do that?"

I simply smiled and said, "I want you to live your life without worries."

Almost at the same time I said those words, Alessia hugged me tightly as if fearing that I would pull away from her.

I continued to caress her head until she pulled away from me. But her face was noticeably blushing.

"L- Let's go to Zia's before we're late and they take on another mission."

'Ahh, she is desperately trying to change the subject. It's quite obvious because of the blush on her cheeks and because she can't look me straight in the eyes.'

"All right, let's go."

After casting the Space Travel magic, she quickly walked through the door to get away from me. My hand itches to tease her, but I'll restrain myself. I'll let this romantic atmosphere last for a while longer.

Behind the illusory door, we appeared in a thick forest, from which it took us a few minutes to emerge and be able to enter the rear army without attracting attention.

"The three annoy-.... Your friends are in that direction, Alessia," I said, pointing with my hand.

Alessia: "..."

'- I'm getting more and more sure that master has a strange nickname in his mind to refer to my friends...'

'Ugh, that look with her narrowed eyes... You can't blame me; they're too annoying. If I don't have a strange nickname for them, I won't be able to sleep peacefully at night!'

"Go to them. If they accept you, give me a signal. Only then I'll stay away."

"I'm sure they'll accept me; it's not necessary... But I'll do it anyway, so you won't worry."

With a smile on her face, Alessia went to where the three annoying beauties were and explained the situation. Seconds later, all 4 women looked at me and gave me a thumbs up at the same time, all very coordinated as if they had been training all their lives for this moment.

Emir: "..."

'Was it a bad decision to leave her with them?'

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